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Americans objectify women. Women are led to believe their worth is based on looks, playboy covers not on character or intelligence. Anna Nicole Smith, Monroe & Brittney r revered. If your not size 6 or under, your looked down upon.
Americans wont even let a woman be President. Many women have tried to run, but y have no females won?
R u telling me that over 200 years of freedom and not 1 female was good enough to be president in this free country??

Muslim &3rd world countries have had female Presidents/Prime Ministers You'd think USA where everyone should be equal would have caught up.

Those who say Muslim men stone/abuse their women: American men don't have to abuse their women. The women are already abusing their own bodies. A false sense of freedom when they say women can choose. YET.American females starve themselves(by CHOICE?) to death and engage in self destructive, promiscuity(getting diseases) and imposing silicone and unnatural substances in their bodies to be accepted.

2007-10-26 18:41:50 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

P.S. I am American. Born and raised.

2007-10-26 18:42:19 · update #1

Dan W..Why do you care so much about Hillary's marriage?
If a surgeon can cure your cancer, would you care what he/she does with their spouse?

2007-10-26 19:10:57 · update #2

23 answers

Wow. I always find it interesting when people post their hallucinations out here.

You admit that the women "abuse their own bodies", so now it's our country's or culture's fault? America ensures the personal freedoms of ALL of its people, and if some women choose to do what you claim, that is their RIGHT!
Some American men like to dress up in baby diapers and be spanked. Does that mean that America hates men?

Male OR female, this country provides the greatest opportunity for anyone to express themselves to the utmost. It's not a fault of our country, it's a strength!

You're full of s$%t. Go away.

2007-10-26 18:56:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Very few people actually believe those things in the media.
I can enjoy looking at skinny fit women with plastic parts and still have total respect for every woman I see who doesn't fit that model, and think a majority of them are still beautiful. Saying that the media brainwashes men into not-respecting women is ridiculous and insulting.
Also, saying that girls do those things to themselves solely because of the media is naive and ignoring the real problem. In order for a girl to starve herself, or any of the other things you suggested (minus the plastic surgery, really if a woman wants to look like that just let her), the mental disposition has to be there first. She must have an unstable household, a history of mental abuse, or a lack of a good role model. All of those things can be prevented and treated. If they didn't do that they would do something else just as bad. People are messed up. Believing that making models in ads less like they are now is going to stop that is just plain wrong.
Pointing out America as the country with no woman president? No country has ever had a female leader (officially, in reality and practice yes, but not in reality). And starting in 1913 women could vote. That's 50% of the population, my dear, don't say that the problem's with men.
Women are not screwed over, people in general are screwed over. There's much bigger problems to be looked at.

2007-10-26 19:02:01 · answer #2 · answered by Jo'Dan 3 · 1 0

Where in the hell do you get this crap? Do you just make it up as you go? You seem too intelligent to be one of those people who believes your own B.S.

Anna Nicole Smith hated herself more than anyone else hated her. If she hadn't hated herself, perhaps she'd have lived to see 40. Marilyn Monroe was screwing a President and a Mafia figurehead at the same time, so she must've REALLY hated herself enough to have a death wish, and I can think of a whole hell of a number of women to revere other than Britney Spears.

There have been PLENTY of females who have been good enough to run this country. Jean Kirkpatrick and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison come to mind immediately. They were smart enough not to WANT the Presidency, though, which is unlucky for us. And I think Margaret Thatcher did just fine running England. She's a woman. One thing is for certain, and that's that Hillary is NOT the correct woman for the Presidency. She perpetuates the self-loathing, low-self-esteem stereotype by looking the other way every time her husband has his way with some little chicky. Kinda makes you think she only stays with him because of what he can do for her, which makes her look even worse, because it makes her look like she needs a man to get somewhere in life.

As far as breast implants go, I have never, ever understood what in the hell breasts have to do with the quality of the woman attached to them, and as such, I have never understood the allure of breat implants. It's women who want them; I don't know a single man in my world or existence who gives a sh!t. Not one. Sorry to shatter the myth, but WE JUST SIMPLY DON'T GIVE A SH!T.

You and your self-loathing attitude disgust me.

EDIT: I care about what Hillary does in her marriage because it goes to PROVE she's not the feminist she claims to be, and it goes to PROVE she's a pisspoor excuse for a leader. How's that for an answer?

2007-10-26 18:55:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Muslim countries love their women, that's why they stone them for affairs and for showing their faces in public and for not staying 2 feet behind the men when they're walking down the street. Remember the story from Afghanistan a few years ago when a man was caught sleeping with a woman above his rank and the punishment was his sister got to be gang-raped by the woman's relatives? Yeah, great country. They respect women soooo much more.

2007-10-26 19:01:22 · answer #4 · answered by Jay 7 · 4 0

Seems that some of the women you are complaining about are making real good money by being on the covers of those magazines and being on TV. As far as a women president, When was the last time one ran for president? As far as your last part about breast implants & starving themselves, How many women would want to be seen with a fat poor overweight slob of a man. NONE that I know of.

2007-10-27 14:35:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was gonna ask that about women in Islam. Why do they force them to wear burkas, or have to ask their husbands to go to the doctor? Why do they hold them back on their education? Why do they treat their own women like dogs?

I don't mind a female being president. I'm just not willing to hannd the keys over to a female willing to cut and run from a fight, or hand over my healthcare to someone who's already been caught in a fraud issue relating to some cocaine druggie, before the primaries. (check fox news)

2007-10-26 19:03:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Despite everything you said I'd still rather be an woman in America than a woman in a Muslim or 3rd world country

2007-10-27 00:19:20 · answer #7 · answered by xg6 7 · 1 0

Now this is weird! Really? Since when? Are you one of those women who have been known to "stereotype" on certain situations, in the site ? Which one of those people on this site have claimed Muslim men ston/abuse their women? That's a fact...it's not a lie.

2007-10-26 23:10:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The US Supreme Court legalized birth control in 1965, and American women have been pin-cushions ever since.

2007-10-26 19:15:30 · answer #9 · answered by daughter four 2 · 0 0

Put down the Women's Studies books and back away. I hate "Why do Americans....." questions because they are usually silly, rough generalizations. Do you hate women? I don't. Does Hollywood profit off of a certain objectification of women? Certainly. But Hollywood also profits off the objectification of men. Every society has gender stereotypes and difficulties. EVERY SOCIETY. Identify your cultures problems if you will, crusade against them if you must, but be reasonable about it and deal.

2007-10-26 18:54:08 · answer #10 · answered by klm78_2001 3 · 2 0

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