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Politics & Government - 26 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

It's a pretty minipulitive bill to force Puerto Rico to vote for statehood, which they have avoided in the past.
They pay less taxes and get all the benifits now.
It would be the first state to largely speak Spanish.
It could provide some work force advantages.

2007-09-26 07:22:21 · 4 answers · asked by Commandant Marcos 4 in Immigration

Question: If someone were a juvenile and went trough the juvenile court process and finished counseling and everything like that, if when they are older trying to get a teacher's degree, will that affect them in any way?

2007-09-26 07:22:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Can any one explain in Circuit Court of Cook County, Civil Divison, when a case is set on forcibe status call? What does that statement mean?

2007-09-26 07:14:13 · 2 answers · asked by KAREEM A 1 in Law & Ethics

can you provide proof if not just give me good skinny,,,

2007-09-26 07:13:21 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

And it's highest? No, not Bush... the Reagan years!

2007-09-26 07:12:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do you think he is smart and funny, or an a$$? I am somewhat liberal, but his views on religeon and other topics ring true.

2007-09-26 07:11:56 · 16 answers · asked by Mike S 3 in Elections

If so, will you take a pledge to aim better next time?

This question goes out to our brave heros in the USAF.

2007-09-26 07:11:27 · 5 answers · asked by Private Deek 2 in Politics

Can cops hand out gag orders to wittnesses of a crime ?
Do they have the authority to do that ?

2007-09-26 07:09:18 · 5 answers · asked by StarGirl 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

I know there is new legislation re school food, but from what I have read it only applies to food supplied by the school. There is guidance on packed lunches but as far as I can see no statutory obligations for parents. Therefore does school have the right to remove or even question what a parent has included in their child's lunchbox ?

2007-09-26 07:08:14 · 24 answers · asked by debbie d 2 in Law & Ethics

or do they have to get permission to marry

2007-09-26 07:07:50 · 10 answers · asked by lab90210 3 in Immigration

so it is ok to make up crimes on someone and charge them with something if you dont like them?

2007-09-26 07:06:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

A disbarred lawyer convicted of helping her client communicate with terrorists was scheduled to teach at a Long Island, N.Y., law school ethics conference.

Here's the link:


2007-09-26 07:05:38 · 16 answers · asked by kimmyisahotbabe 5 in Law & Ethics

I am doing a questionaire pertaining to 9/11. Mayor Bloomberg is trying to move the city beyond 9/11 does any one agree that he is doing the right thing and please tell why.

2007-09-26 07:05:21 · 9 answers · asked by naj 1 in Politics

I have been taking care of a friend's little boy while she works for several months. Court paperwork dictates that she pay 48% and the father pay 52% of the childcare expenses. She has been paying me her portion plus part of the father's portion from the get go, as he has not ever paid a cent toward his childcare. I finally started giving him bills, and he has asked for my tax identification number, which I now know is my social security number.
I don't feel safe giving him my SSN, as he is not a trustworthy person, and I believe does things that are possibly illegal. Do I have to give him my SSN in order for him to claim childcare expenses on his taxes? Can he just give them my name and address? I already know I have to and will claim the income from this on my taxes. If I don't give him my SSN, does that mean he doesn't have to pay me for his child's childcare that I have provided?

2007-09-26 07:03:08 · 8 answers · asked by Jenn 3 in Law & Ethics



2007-09-26 07:02:41 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Did they exchange gifts?

2007-09-26 07:00:49 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The facts of the case are this, after his testimony, it was found out he was never in the service. He was a poster child for Moveon, Iran and Al Qaeda for a while. But then it was found out he was never in the service. He was convicted under "Operation Stolen Valor".

Should he have gotten off scott free or should his punishment have been more severe?

This is a link to the story


2007-09-26 06:58:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i qualified as a nurse sept 07, i went for an interview last week and was offered the job as a staff nurse, today i found out im pregnant will they still let me have the job if they find out im only 5 weeks pregnant. im worried sick

2007-09-26 06:57:19 · 9 answers · asked by SUSI O 1 in Law & Ethics

...and whatever gave his supporters the same idea?

I can just hear the conversation that ensued:

G.W.: "Dad, do you really think I could pull it off?"
Sr: "Sure you can son, you just do what you always do, play golf, take vacations & party. Dick & Karl will take care of the rest. The most you'll have to do is read some speeches from time to time & have a few press conferences. Oh, yeah...and don't forget to get Saddam for me. Piece of cake!".
...Little did they know!

2007-09-26 06:56:18 · 11 answers · asked by mstrywmn 7 in Elections

What I mean is should we allow groups or bands of people to act as vigilantes? Do you think that would curb crime rates?

For instance, a group dedicated to go after rapists or murderers...

Imagine like a 24 hour of street justice prior to being turned over to official authorities.

Would something like this work?

2007-09-26 06:56:07 · 6 answers · asked by Glen B 6 in Law Enforcement & Police

During the 150 years America was "part of the empire" It was the policy,of the English,to push the Indians and French 'out west'. The English had many Indian agents.some of their leaders even traveled to England.During our revolutionary war we told the natives "this is a family fight between us and old England,not join either side.Keep the hatched buried deep" The English excited,armed, and paid them Told them to "feast on a Bostonian and drink his blood" T Jefferson made mention of the "mercilous indian savages" in our declareation of independence.After our victory ,to the amazement of the indians,there was no mention of the American Indians in the peace treaty The English followed the same path,when we declared war on them in 1812 They used them, than said "your on your own" Can any one explain this?

2007-09-26 06:55:37 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

i was violated for my answer. the question was

do you think politicians today are feckless wimps with mo morals, 90 years ago men were shot for this.

my answer was

yes....... a big kiss for getting it right.

the funny thing is it was picked as best answer by asker

i'll never get how answers regulates, it does not make sense

2007-09-26 06:54:57 · 5 answers · asked by IHATETHEEUSKI 5 in Other - Politics & Government

I live on the boundry between two counties in Montana. There seems to be some type of war going on between a police dept and the judges of the county in the next county to where I live . It is so bad that many people who are in the surrounding counties won't even drive through that area unless they are forced to. The police are fighting with the judges and eveyone is angry. Because of where I live the two counties kind of share the responsiblity of policing here. It is causing no end of problems for us. Any suggestions. We who live here are scared that it is going to turn into some kind of turf war between this county and that one. It is very complicated. We are in the middle of it all.

2007-09-26 06:54:54 · 7 answers · asked by Praire Crone 7 in Law Enforcement & Police

This man was elected through fair democratic elections on his idea's of helping the poor. A noble ideal if i ever heard of 1. Yet still the USA still dislike this man because instead of the rich controlling the oil in his country, he has put measures in to see this wealth helping the poor. Just because rich westerners will have to pay more for their oil, the americans have vilified him as some enemy.

And lets not forget, the USA did bank-roll a coup to over-throw his democraticly elected government and after his government was over-thrown, a washington spokesman backed the coup.

What happened to the USA striving for freedom?

Maybe its time the yanks reliesed that its the people of a country who matter, not what the americans want

2007-09-26 06:54:09 · 19 answers · asked by Shanahan 4 in Politics

Why/when would a state get involved in collecting child support when the child support order is in another state (CP is in the state where the order was issued and the NCP lives in another state.)

The specified amount of child support is being withheld from a paycheck. The employer is sending it (or supposed to be sending it to the CP state collection agency). What happens if the employer isn't sending it? What responsibility does the NCP have if it is being withheld and not paid? The NCP has called to verify payments and the employer is saynig that the support is being paid in the correct amount to the correct person.

Thanks for the answers!

2007-09-26 06:53:30 · 2 answers · asked by justcatch13 1 in Law & Ethics

Oh, now I remeber because sheep would be to obvious. LOL Sorry could not resist.

2007-09-26 06:52:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

and there are three counts pending so what are my friends chances what kind of time is he/she looking at

2007-09-26 06:45:30 · 3 answers · asked by carla j 1 in Law & Ethics

Some drug dealers moved in across the street about a year ago. Yesterday on my lunch hour I went home for lunch and noticed a group of about 8 people outside smoking marijuana with two smaller children approx. age 12-13. I called police but they basically told me they would have to catch them in the act. They couldn't just go there and barge in on them. I went to police station last night furious. Basically they told me the same thing. They will patrol the area more and try to catch them in the act. I looked on public records today found the owner of the house that the drug dealers are renting. What are some effective ways you can think of for ridding drug dealers out of your neighborhood? Also, other neighbors have complained as well, but nothing seems to be getting done. However, the owner claims they will do everything in their power to get them out of the house. Any tips?

2007-09-26 06:44:26 · 18 answers · asked by missnasa2001 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

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