I recently had a conversation with a high ranking gov, official, and we discussed 911 and he said our gov, is almost sure Israel was involved deeply with 911, especially when you consider all of the circumstances, they certainly had the motive, as they wanted us to get rid of Saddam, (we did) they have the capabilities, remember the( Lavon affair?) the attack on the ( U,S,S, Liberty?) the Lockebee plane brought down in scottland? no Jews were in the twin towers? the Jews that were arrested immediatly after 911 and were realeased suspiciously later,? but, he said no one will bring it up as nothing would be done about it if it is true, but, the one who brought it up would be ruined politiciallly, so what he says is Israel can attack America any time with impunity?? what is your take on this, as we did nothing before,when they killed our men etc,
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