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The public is not interested in the truth, or facts, or things they can potentially change(because all of it requires either some form of work, or a new way of looking at something, such as assimilating new data, and let's face it, we as Americans DON'T think. We just react to everything, including our gross consumerism).

People are lining up to be even more disconnected from reality, with their PODs, and phones, American Idol, "reality" TV, Jerry Springer, Country Bumpkin racin', etc, etc. This is a society from disenaged from reality, and logic and reason is not on the menu.

2007-06-29 18:18:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

10 answers

Workers in USA rather pay Uncle Sam, IRS, Health Insurance, Car Insurance, taxes, and other expenses...

They rather have the hard way, cause they learn the hard way... they don't think at all....

No, they rather wait til they get over 65 for the government to take care of them with Social Security, oh forget the children.

Million of us young people don't have health insurance.

The Government in Canada, UK, France, and Cuba,
even Australia pay people's hospital bills.

People there can walk out hospital happier and healthier.

Doctors get million of dollars from the Government, anyway.

But USA... noooo.... we got Health Insurance that won't
cover all of our hospital bills... we gotta pay some or most, out of our own pockets. Not fair.
I see why CEOs of Health Insurance companies are
on the list as the world richest people....
I think they are the biggest con artist in the world...

2007-07-03 08:58:33 · answer #1 · answered by Jagger Otto 7 · 0 0

LMAO! The very fact that you believe you are getting actual "facts" from Michael Moore is a hoot. Do we need to improve access to medical care? Yes. Does that mean we have to have socialist medicine? No. What really needs to happen is to take a look at the business practices of insurance companies who keep raising rates for health care when they are logging in record profits each year. It is against the law for a hospital, clinic or doctor to deny needed care based on a persons abiltiy to pay. If you look around your doctor's office, there should be a sign there that states the law and who to contact if you are denied care. They are everywhere here.

EDIT: Kelly, below me, the woman who died in the Emergency Room was a case of the quality of care in that hospital. She was not turned away so it does not relate to the issue being discussed. Emergency Care IS a patient consideration, it is illegal to turn anyone away. The hospital was already a mess. And it was almost 2 months ago.

But it had been plagued by patient deaths blamed on sloppy nursing care, among other things. The county attempted over the last few years to correct the problems with a multimillion dollar rescue effort, disciplining workers, reorganizing management, closing the trauma unit and reducing the number of beds from 200 to 48.

In February, a brain tumor patient languished in the emergency room for four days before his family drove him to another hospital for emergency surgery. A pregnant woman who complained of bleeding was given a pregnancy test and left, only to return three days later and have a miscarriage after waiting more than four hours to see a doctor.

2007-06-30 01:29:39 · answer #2 · answered by kitty_cat_claws_99 5 · 1 0

Could it also be that those of us who have an education (you may as well, in which case I am confused about why you pursue this) know that the news is about the strange, the unusual, the weird.

They don't post ex-cons who commit crimes. They don't show good deeds in the neighborhoods.

They show police officers who do crimes because IT IS RARE! The same with representatives.

Many of us don't confuse news with reality. You and Michael Moore do.

The number of elected representatives that commit crimes compared to all the elected representatives in the country is tiny vs. the number of everyday criminals compared with the general population. Our representatives come out looking like saints, but because it's rare, it's news and people forget how rare it is because THAT'S ALL THEY SEE!

Spoon fed. You're right, but you have no idea how right you are.

2007-06-30 01:25:42 · answer #3 · answered by mckenziecalhoun 7 · 1 0

Seems some people have this way of thinking that if you illuminate problems it is worse than the fact that they exist!

Sort of like ......yes we all know this exists ....but in polite society we don't talk about it in public!

Not me!

I am more of a "Hey people we have sh!t that needs fixin" ....kind of woman!

People react so angrily towards Moore because he tells uncomfortable truths!!

EDIT: Laughing above me.....That really helped that woman who died in the Emergency Room a few days ago!
Although I agree that I am not sure Socialized medicine is the answer....but should emergency care....."EMERGENCY CARE"......be a profit OR patient consideration?
Maybe we should privatize Fire departments and the Police? They can debate which emergencies are profitable and which would cost to much to deal with!?
Does that thought startle you? It should!
I don't just mean you ...to this last question ..I mean anyone reading this!

2007-06-30 01:29:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The silliness of Moore’s oeuvre is so self-evident that being able to spot it is not liberal or conservative either; it’s a basic intelligence test, like the ability to match square peg with square hole. (I'll be writing more on Moore on my blog, kylesmithonline.com).

Even Moore does not believe what he says, and his films don’t bring about change-—union membership did not skyrocket nor corporate downsizing trickle off after "Roger and Me," there was no movement towards banning guns after "Bowling for Columbine," and John Kerry did not have to fill out any change of address forms in 2004. Moore's documentaries are mere political slapstick that could have been made by a third Farrelly brother or an eighth Stooge. I will pay him the honor of treating him with his own meds. How else can I deal with a film that calls Hillary Clinton "sexy"?

Not everyone can have everything they want because there is not an unlimited supply of anything (except maybe air); that’s why Canada and Britain have lotteries to determine who gets treatment. Deciding who gets what and when involves rationing, either by price or by waiting or some combination of the two. If the Mets announced that World Series tickets were free to anyone lining up in front of the Shea Stadium box office, you’d have to go get in line now. Medicare, which isn’t an unlimited benefit, is by itself projected to eat up a third of federal tax revenues by 2030[see Gratzer, p. 7]. There isn’t enough money in the U.S. to pay for free, wait-free top-quality universal health care. The law of supply and demand can no more be repealed than the law that all documentary films must be left-wing. Gratzer's book suggests a real-world solution: decentralization that gives patients more choice: "both failed options [HMOs and Medicare/Medicaid] share one fatal feature. They remove choices from patients and give them to government or corporate bureaucrats. Restricting patient choices in this way, flouting the laws of basic economics, has been a mistake. It's the reason why, while pocket calculators have declined in price from $500 to $5, the price of pacemakers keeps rising."

2007-06-30 01:22:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

True enough, but considering that the average IQ is about 100 it's not difficult for 'smart' corporations, mega-church 'leaders' and slick right wing talk show hosts to create 'ideas' and markets that a substancial number of people will accept, incorporate into their world view or spend their hard earned money on. These folks know their audiences and how to manipulate them. That's not to say a lot of 'smart' people don't get sucked in as well..they do. We all live in an artificial world now, so its no wonder that we surround ourselves with artificials objects and believe goofy ideas..what have we to balance that against? My advice...try not to become one of the 'pod' people!

2007-06-30 01:31:08 · answer #6 · answered by Noah H 7 · 0 2

You make some valid points, but if you truly want reality -

Michael Moore is a socialist, propaganda spewing, self-promoting, rich, ego maniac.

He is very good at what he does - but make no mistake - what he does are NOT documentaries.

2007-06-30 01:33:45 · answer #7 · answered by LeAnne 7 · 1 0

All politicians are crooks, realize that first off. Second, yes its true that most of the time americans tend to not think, but sometimes you just have to learn to deal with it. The sad truth is when people finally grow up its to late, so start a trend, grow up now

2007-06-30 01:22:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Since when is "Sicko" the truth? The regular people in Cuba don't get healthcare like that, they're lucky if they get it all.

2007-06-30 01:28:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

ok what basis in fact are you coming from little commie socialist dude?

2007-06-30 01:21:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

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