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Politics & Government - 27 March 2007

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He went there thinking he would make all them Iraqi insurgents whimp and fall to their knees but he was gravely mistaken. We all know it was not friendly fire cause the Gov't does not want to show that one of the country's heros had fallen to the enemy.

2007-03-27 02:15:18 · 5 answers · asked by Armchair Warrior 2 in Politics

Is it true in the military you can somehow go in as a PFC. or what I mean is when you finish basic you will be a PFC because its in your contract.

2007-03-27 02:14:24 · 11 answers · asked by Oorah 1 in Military

I guess this one got past me all this time . I really don't know the answer .

When you answer, please also include whether you looked it up or you already knew !!
Thank you .

2007-03-27 02:14:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

should this little island become a state in america? Simply yes or no and if so why

2007-03-27 02:13:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Can you say yes to these statements?

I believe there are rich, evil people in the world.

I believe they will do things outside the law to keep their power and wealth.

Sometimes they will need to work with another rich, evil person to 'get the job done'.

Okay then. Do you believe there are powerful conspiracies at work?

(Side note.. the question is NOT about whether conspiracies can happen, the above proves they can and must, the question is WHICH ONES have convincing evidence. )

2007-03-27 02:12:13 · 14 answers · asked by kent j 3 in Other - Politics & Government

What do you think about President George W. Bush, finally, finally, (finally) getting fired up? It sounds like he's finally gotten mad and he's calling Democrats by name. He's not saying my opponents, my respected good friend opponents. He's calling the Democrats. He's calling them on the carpet

THE PRESIDENT: 3/23/2007
" Instead, Democrats in the House, in an act of political theater, voted to substitute their judgment for that of our military commanders on the ground in Iraq."

"Yet to score political points, the Democratic majority in the House has shown it is willing to undermine the gains our troops are making on the ground. Democrats want to make clear that they oppose the war in Iraq. They made their point. For some, that is not enough."

I hope this is not the last time the President exposes to the public, who the democrats really are.

2007-03-27 02:10:57 · 19 answers · asked by Wizard of Ahhs 3 in Other - Politics & Government

An aide to Dem Senator Webb of Virginia got caught taking a gun into the Senate . Not only is that highly illegal, handguns are illegal in the entire DC area . He'll be arraigned this morning and bond will be set . Webb has already offered the excuse that the aide(a long-time friend) forgot it was in his bag , but he would've had to forget for a long time, seeing as how he entered and traversed the entire district with it .

What's your opinions on the subject ?

2007-03-27 02:10:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

US lied about the WMD...just to get into another war.

PEACE is the last thing the USA wants...because there is no MONEY in peace.

Pat Tillman got the Silver Star based on a LIE...our whole nation exists on a LIE.

The lie is , that the USA is a good nation...we are not.

We are a HAS BEEN nation....we are our own worst enemy.

We cannot afford this war, we cannot afford our gold plated military, we are $ 8.7 TRILLION in debt and are arrogant enough to think we are rich.

The USA is weak in spirit , weak in heart and will defeat ITSELF. No high tech wizardry will save us from ourselves.

The only thing this country can do to save itself is to recognize its own ARROGANCE and EVIL and change...but I fear we are to stubborn for that

2007-03-27 02:08:17 · 11 answers · asked by Razor11 2 in Military

Not talking about "revenge" , talking about TERRORISM in the name of DEFENSE.

2007-03-27 02:04:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

went on with the firings of the 8 US Attorneys?

2007-03-27 02:04:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


What do you think about this?

2007-03-27 02:01:27 · 12 answers · asked by Leroy Studying Law 1 in Law & Ethics

I spread some on spring rolls before putting them in the oven, and it was pretty good... any other ideas?

2007-03-27 01:59:46 · 6 answers · asked by Buzzard 7 in Military

One of their names is Miguel, but I do not know the other guy. I am so confused. What should I do?

2007-03-27 01:59:01 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

There are 180 countries, 7 Billion people (1,6 Billion islamic) on this earth, half of them don't know, how to survive the next day. What makes anybody think, that terror, as outlet for frustration, could be contained by a couple of guns and tanks. Never, not once in all of human history, has a military solution lasted in any conflict, if the heart of the people wasn't in it. So, where does the Pentagon get the intelligence, that their big budget actions improve anything? From Korea, Vietnam, Angola, Nigeria, Somalia, liberia, Palestinia, Balkans, Afghanistan, Haiti to Iraq and many more, has any of this conflicts really been solved by the military or despite the military?

2007-03-27 01:57:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

My fiancee had her visa interview yesterday and they granted it to her and her first son, but our baby together while waiting on the visa they said she needs to get is U.S. citizenship. i have the forms but i'm not certain about best way to get dna, i've found some local labs online that say they work with immigration cases, and can test me here in U.S. and the baby there in Philippines. but what should i be aware of, also i plan to have notarized copies of my passport and birth certificate as proof of my citizenship, and proof of our time together during conception. and proof of her pregnancy. what other things can i do to insure a speedy acceptance and issuance of his U.S. citizenship status and then is U.S. passport so that he may travel with my fiancee and her son?

2007-03-27 01:55:18 · 5 answers · asked by sivracious 4 in Embassies & Consulates

PS: I'm not from US.

2007-03-27 01:55:04 · 3 answers · asked by Jersey 1 in Government

I have so far waited 33 days for paypal to review a dispute, I provided them with tracking details and then they ruled in favour of the buyer, I then appealed against this, I had an email admitting they could trace the parcel on the DHL website and they would appeal it for me, and that was 33 days ago...... it's not the money (it was about £20) its the principle. I've heard of small claims court but don't know much about it, do you think I could do it ? any advice would be appreciated - I am sick of waiting!!!

2007-03-27 01:52:45 · 12 answers · asked by julieh88 3 in Law & Ethics

Harry Reid Thinks so.

2007-03-27 01:52:36 · 7 answers · asked by ? 6 in Politics

Will the police go to the suspects house or will they wait for the suspect to be reported again?

2007-03-27 01:50:55 · 5 answers · asked by Scorp1227 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

i was caught speeding (7mph over) and got caught by camera that was only just put there due to road works and there was no signs warning me.

anyway i need a website for cheshire constabury ticket office for speeding fines. i need to contact them as ive moved address and i am still waiting to hear from them, so i need to contact them but dont know their address nore number.

can anyone give me a website to go to, to find out about my fine or even that i can get in touch with them.


2007-03-27 01:46:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

if the liberals will just protest you and all that you are doing, no matter what?

2007-03-27 01:45:11 · 11 answers · asked by Hahaha! 1 in Politics

With all the terrorists inside? Problem solved

2007-03-27 01:44:04 · 9 answers · asked by Hahaha! 1 in Politics

Arizona Lawmakers Bar Human Egg Sales
PHOENIX - State representatives voted Monday to make it illegal for a woman to sell her eggs, but refused to impose similar restrictions on men selling their sperm.

The House of Representatives said that a woman who sells her eggs could be sent to prison for up to a year and fined up to $150,000. The same penalty would apply to any organization or doctor who made the purchase.

Lawmakers also gave preliminary approval to a companion measure requiring that before women even donate their eggs, they be informed of medical risks. Here, too, legislators refused to warn men of the potential legal and ethical risks of donating sperm, including the possibility that a child born from the donation could seek them out and demand support.

Rep. Bob Stump, R-Peoria, said both measures are necessary to protect the health of women. But several female legislators reacted angrily, saying this is really a question of whether lawmakers are going to treat men and women the same.

"I don't understand why a man could go out and sell part of his reproductive body ... that a man can go and make money, but I as a woman cannot do it," complained Rep. Linda Lopez, D-Tucson, about the measure criminalizing the sale of human eggs.

Women could make a fair amount of money from selling their eggs. One classified ad in a Phoenix-area publication offered up to $24,000.
Stump said the disparate treatment is justified. And, he said, it has "nothing to do with gender politics." He said there is a medical risk from the procedure of donating eggs, from both the hormones injected into women to produce multiple mature eggs and the harvesting procedure. "I would wager there's not one recorded instance of someone dying from donating or selling sperm," Stump declared during the House floor debate. "In fact, it's more dangerous for a man to cross the street than to donate sperm."

Stump conceded that the medical risk remains the same whether the eggs are donated or sold. And nothing in his legislation makes donation illegal.

But Stump said there is one difference. Human eggs can be used not only for in vitro fertilization to help a childless couple conceive - like sperm - but also can be used "for the express purpose of destroying cloned human embryos" for medical research.

Stump, in his two years at the Capitol, has waged a campaign to create legal impediments to cloning. Besides these two measures, last year he pushed through a ban on the use of state funds or facilities.
Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Phoenix, said there is no reason to have one set of laws for men and another for women.

Lopez, who raised the issue of "informed consent" for sperm donors, did not argue that there are no medical risks from the procedure. But she said there are other potential risks to men, including financial risk if a court were to determine that the biological father - if he could be traced - had some financial obligation to the child.
Final roll-call votes on both issues, expected later this week, will send them to the Senate.

By Howard Fischer
Capitol Media Services

2007-03-27 01:41:17 · 3 answers · asked by 女性ウルバリン 4 in Law & Ethics

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