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Politics & Government - 26 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-03-26 04:20:58 · 15 answers · asked by Jeff F 2 in Military

My partner suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder, recently as a result of her actions our 2 children have been registered on our local child protection register. She is now pregnant again does this mean our unborn child will be automatically registered when born, and social services will have involvement regards her pregnancy??

2007-03-26 04:19:55 · 8 answers · asked by Jamie M 1 in Law & Ethics


I watched a "report" that said Japan had develpoed Nuclear Weapons and actually tested one off North Korea about the time we bombed Hiroshima. To me this is revisionist bunk, the Japanese not wanting to admit inferiority, BUT, if it is true it lays to rest any argument that we should not have used nukes to end the war. As suicidal as Japan was there is no doubt in my mind they would have used them defending thier homeland.

2007-03-26 04:19:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I've a master's degree in English and am currently teaching at a high school in Bangladesh where I belong to.Could I try for the H-1B visa in the US or SIR visa in Australia?

2007-03-26 04:16:01 · 2 answers · asked by fortune-seeker 1 in Embassies & Consulates

I think we should get rid 'asap' like now - the kid glove approach to the criminals and the above isJUST an example of what I mean.

2007-03-26 04:15:48 · 15 answers · asked by deep in thought 4 in Law & Ethics

How do you think that scenerio would be blamed on Bush?

2007-03-26 04:14:46 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-26 04:12:54 · 9 answers · asked by Winston Smith 3 in Politics

is their any type of law protecting wildland firefighters from loosing their regular 9 to 5 jobs while being activated for duty?

2007-03-26 04:12:44 · 1 answers · asked by justin p 1 in Law & Ethics

It seems un-American to have a blue light on a car used by Law enforcment.

2007-03-26 04:12:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

How many people on here who comment on the negetive's of the Iraq war have actually been in Iraq for the war. I'm just curious???

It's like Houston. I have heard of houston, I have seen pictures of Houston, I have seen Houston on the news. I have listened to people in Houston talk and comment on there city. So some people would say I know about Houston. I would disagree because I really wouldn't say I knew Houston unless I went there. Seen the sights for myself. Interacted with people who lived there. I think this would be a better experience then learning about it on the news or interenet. I know it is a crazy way to relate it but I'm trying so take it easy.

I been to Iraq and I just don't know how everyone who has never been there thinks they know way more about the war then me. Also, why the news is so negetive to it when people there are happy we are there.

Just a thought

2007-03-26 04:12:03 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

What is immigrant/alien documentation?

2007-03-26 04:10:58 · 2 answers · asked by icomeanons 2 in Immigration

It's becoming more and more obvious each day. Such gibberish from the likes of Danny Glover, Hillary, Obama, Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, the list goes on.

2007-03-26 04:09:38 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I'm doing a presentation about the military, particularly about the National Guard. Can someone tell me who heads the National Guard or the Armed Forces as a whole besides Rumesfeld and Bush?

2007-03-26 04:07:55 · 9 answers · asked by Justin K 2 in Military

I would like to give my 2 children a monetary gift each. How would the people at housing benefits view this please ? This would obviously mean I have less savings and on the face of it be entitled to more benefit.

2007-03-26 04:07:54 · 8 answers · asked by pogue 1 in Other - Politics & Government

An Armenian friend of mine is wanting to move to the USA how does he go about it?

2007-03-26 04:07:08 · 2 answers · asked by diablatraviesa4u 1 in Immigration

Is it because they prefer to hide behind momma's AOL account all day long, spamming propaganda, and don't have the guts to back up the stands they take here with action of their own?

2007-03-26 04:06:15 · 16 answers · asked by Winston Smith 3 in Politics

then why in the world is republican after republican stepping up and saying that gonzales needs to resign as well? republican senator specter claimed we needed an AG who is candid and truthful. not a single republican senator or congressmen has came to the defense of the attorney general, only the white house. of course the white house will, because he was doing their dirty work! so dont you people realize that there really was something wrong going on in the justice department and not another "witch hunt" from the Dems?


2007-03-26 04:05:51 · 11 answers · asked by 2010 CWS Champs! 3 in Politics

That people supporting the war in Iraq on Yahoo! Answers are "Armchair Warriors" and such?

Did it never occur to some that many have been to Iraq, done their time and gotten out, and they want to ask questions here on Yahoo! Answers?

Or do some people just think that anyone who's been in the Iraq war is against it?

If you're not against the war in Iraq, and you decide to move on with your life, does that really make you a "coward" or a "hypocrite"? Doesn't that make those who choose not to join the military "cowards" as well?

2007-03-26 04:05:38 · 12 answers · asked by The Cult of Personality 5 in Politics

I am employed through civil service, and I am a member of a union. About a year ago a promotional exam was given to any current employee who wanted to take it. I took it and finished in the top five. A promotion had just recently became available and usually they interview the top five employees who pass the exam, however the people I work for have been slow to get the interviews going, and whenever I requested the union to look into it, they brushed it off like it was no big deal. Our contract states that if an opening has been open for more than 90 days, then any employee may bid on it and senority will decide who gets promoted. Well now that time has passed and I found out that our union president, who told me not to worry about the interviews, has now put in a bid for the job...... (more below)

2007-03-26 04:04:52 · 2 answers · asked by jedi1josh 5 in Law & Ethics

what exactly is the job of a district attorney? is that a judge? are they the one's that tell what the criminals get (sentencing)?

2007-03-26 04:04:11 · 4 answers · asked by lilangel 1 in Law & Ethics

Or has it succeeded in proving that Bush's original critics were totally correct?

I'll let you be The Decider on that question...

2007-03-26 04:03:14 · 15 answers · asked by Winston Smith 3 in Politics

I got a couple tickets in North and South Carolina a few years ago and never heard from them. If I try to pay it now, will there be a ton of late fees? Can I get arrested if I'm driving through those states?

2007-03-26 04:02:39 · 19 answers · asked by danchan22 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

OK the US 5th fllet is parked on thier back door
There is a British attack fleet parked beside the US fleet. It is a congested water way right now .
The Iranians have chosen to "arrest" 15 British soldiers which I think plays into the hands of the US (or at least Bush) who clearly would like to start a war with them but haven't been able to figure out how as of yet.- And here Iran hands it to them with one stupid move.Now all they have to do is pressure Britian into war and then go with them
Now don't get me wrong The abduction of 15 military men from the UK is more than a good reason
I think it will be a limited tactical nuclear strike - The Pentagon has already reclassified mini nukes as "safe" and therefore can be used in the theatere of conventional war.My question is assuming a war with Iran is just a matter of time now - How many more freedoms and liberties am I going to have to part with and what will be the consequences to our socities for the next 5 yrs or there about

2007-03-26 04:01:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

reason to blow their nuclear facilities back to the stone age .Acouple of cruise missiles would do it.

2007-03-26 04:01:01 · 27 answers · asked by joseph m 4 in Military

debates--do you think people should be able to own guns?? (my friends con) so do you think they should...why or why not?? plz help... we have debates and shes trying to get some info.

2007-03-26 04:00:39 · 12 answers · asked by rootbeerrox2121 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

debates--do you think people should be able to own guns?? (my friends con) so do you think they should...why or why not?? plz help... we have debates and shes trying to get some info.

2007-03-26 04:00:38 · 3 answers · asked by rootbeerrox2121 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

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