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Politics & Government - 21 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Today's military is much different than it was 50 years ago. Today it seems like more and more soldiers are being punished for following orders. What are your views on this?

2007-02-21 09:31:02 · 17 answers · asked by AmandaHugNKiss 4 in Military

And integrating together with such harmony and positive contributions to each other?

2007-02-21 09:30:23 · 11 answers · asked by Zoe 1 in Immigration

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his ignorance. It is an area which we call "The Twilight Zone".

2007-02-21 09:30:13 · 8 answers · asked by itsdabigbadwolf 3 in Politics

You know they are going to make that White House a brothel again.

2007-02-21 09:29:30 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

His Energy progam was a farce as well as his idea to "reform" the Medicare Program - that fizzled along with his "revamping" of the Social Security program - and finally his Farce of a War in Iraq - against a country that was not even a threat to this country which has placed more of our troops in harms way with the Iraqi Civil War there!

2007-02-21 09:26:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Is this another classic liberal hypocrisy? Telling us how to live our lives and the sky is falling, rather than minding their own business? Is the Global Warming "threat" a cash cow for his run at the White House?


Silly Libs... tricks are for kids.

2007-02-21 09:25:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


My friend says that he doesn’t see anything wrong or bad or anything negative about Communism and that it’s no worse than democracy. In fact he says he wouldn’t mind living in a Communist country. And I relised that I can’t think of anything to prove him wrong.

2007-02-21 09:25:58 · 8 answers · asked by sammyankee 2 in Politics

Please explain your answers with facts and refrain from just hating on Clinton or Bush.

2007-02-21 09:24:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

will it be a combination of the three rates insignia or what I am a retired DC (USCG) and before I joined the CG I was a HT in the Navy (73-77)

2007-02-21 09:24:04 · 2 answers · asked by Nick N 2 in Military

The Arabs can settle their own problems.
Bring the troops home tonight.
Killing is easy.
Building is hard.

2007-02-21 09:23:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have real bad hearing loss. I worked for fifty years in industry in eastern Ontario. I needed hearing aids repaired. The company said that the compension board may get me the new digital hearing aids. Well I am 70 years old and I have waited for close to 7 months. Should I just give up or keep persueing it?

2007-02-21 09:21:17 · 2 answers · asked by wayne s 3 in Law & Ethics

The Insurgents fight for free. They do not get a paycheck every two weeks. They fight for their honor where as the USA military fight only if they get paid. If the USA Government stopped the military pay the troops would quit fighting. The USA military does not care about honor. The USA military cares only about that pay check. The insurgents "honor" will carry them to victory.

2007-02-21 09:19:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

does any one know soldier songs for wifes?ex:i like the one of the "the traveling soldier"but is there one for a marine's wife?

2007-02-21 09:18:40 · 7 answers · asked by tinkerbellovesyou 1 in Military

My Grandfather passed away last night. He was a Veteran of WWII. What happens at a Military funeral for Army Veterans?

2007-02-21 09:18:31 · 7 answers · asked by ♥skiperdee1979♥ 5 in Military

I was seperated from the army under chapter 14 general with honarable conditions for failing a urinalysis. I probably would have been retained as i requested during my article 15 hearing but while on extra duty i broke restriction and left base for a night. I was subsequently court martialed for disobeying a direct order and my discharge was carried through. On my dd 214 i have a re code 3. I was also made to sign papers during my court martial ,one which said i was inelligble to reenlist for 2 years. Its been one year and i really want to rejoin. what are my options and can i ??

2007-02-21 09:18:18 · 5 answers · asked by greg k 1 in Military

I just found out the doctor I work for has been doing this for the past few weeks. Patients personal information, such as social security numbers, credit card numbers -- even debit card numbers are being sent to his native country for data entry.

It's not just business -- there are plenty of people here in Az. who need jobs...this guy is doing it to save MONEY...but people's personal information is being released....not for consulations, not for a 2nd opinion...it has NOTHING to do with medicine -- someone in another country is receiving their personal information....this might be your Dr. I'm writing about....Does that make a difference? Does it bother anyone else?

Maybe I'm being overly cautious but this just FEELS wrong!!!!

2007-02-21 09:17:42 · 4 answers · asked by necessat 1 in Law & Ethics

and they will automatically become citizens.

2007-02-21 09:17:03 · 19 answers · asked by Mary D G 1 in Immigration

Is there one good thing he has done for this country since he took office?

2007-02-21 09:16:32 · 13 answers · asked by thehardway72 1 in Other - Politics & Government

How can you have a peaceful night sleep in a country you are always bashing?
How can The Dixie Chicks want to wake up and sing when they are filled with shame and loathing for the way this country is run?
John Kerry called us pariahs...he should move so he doesn't have to be associated with us. And don't get me started on our less-than-smart-troops he says are protecting us...

2007-02-21 09:13:44 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

and when did Desert Storm end?

2007-02-21 09:12:57 · 8 answers · asked by superdoug42 2 in Military

I was followed on my motorbike the other day by a police unmarked car and it flashed to pull me over and i just bombed off down some road and it chased me for a bit but i got away in the end!! What is going to happen now?? they obviously have my registration number?? can anyone help me please??

2007-02-21 09:12:45 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

In december, I purchased something on ebay for a very large sum of money from someone located in the UK through paypal. It had a delayed shipping time for up to 4 months. Just recently, I noticed that his ebay account is not longer active. What can I do? I already filed a dispute with paypal, but it wasnt escalated to a claim, because I was still waiting for the items to arrive, and because it wasnt raised to a claim, I dont know what I can do to get any money back.
Are there any government agencies like interpol or the fbi that can help me? Since he was regestered with ebay and paypal, is there anything that those companies can do?
I would VERY much appreciate ANY advice from any lawyers or anyone that knows someone that can help me. I am only 17 and the paypal and ebay accounts are under my moms name.
I have all of the frauder's information, but I am not sure if it is legitimate. Is there anyway to cross check it with ebay or paypal, since he must have had credit cards or bank acount

2007-02-21 09:10:43 · 12 answers · asked by Brian 3 in Law & Ethics

This is an article in USA Today provided to them by the US military!!

Read it yourself!


2007-02-21 09:10:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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