I was pulled over, put in the rear of squad car in cuffs. AFTER searching my car (to be towed for expired tags) the officer has me clean out my vehicle. After thats finished he begins to read me my Miranda rights prior to my signing the paper in front of me while he spoke. I asked him if i was being arrested (since he was reading me my rights) then he replied "you already were arrested when I put you in the back of the car". So why was I not read my rights between that moment, the 20 minutes he searched my car and found "cannabis", the 15 minutes It took for me to collect my car's valuables, and the next moment when the ticket signing was due? If he clearly stated I was arrested 45-60 minutes prior, why did he not read my rights until the ABSOLUTE last moment? After I signed off he sent me on my way walking home. He also listed my SILVER/GREY trans am as "tan", listed me as Hispanic (im white) posted me as speeding without direction or device use, and misplaced the date and time of day
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Law Enforcement & Police