Jane went to Vietnam and came home in a plane, so did my cousin she rode first class, he rode in a coffin, How many of you will show outrage at rich busines owners supporting this clown ? I want them to convene a grand jury on her conduct. 1.did she give our troops posotions to the enemy ? 2. Did she turn over pow info to the vc ? 3. Did she knowinglly provide aid and comfort to the enemy ?
look at this http://www.marcuscenter.org/from_the_heart.html
boston store , time warner, our tax dollars at the uw universiy system, supporting this. even some cruds at a local bank
http://www.talk.biz/site/news.php?aid=8881 see this taxpayers money funding this ! http://www.marcuscenter.org/documents/MarqueeJan-Mar07.pdf
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