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Politics & Government - 26 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I'm just curious. Personally, I think marijuana should be legal rather than alcohol. From personal experience from both (not anymore though) the effects of marijuana are WAY less severe than alchohol. Please only answer if you actually know what you are talking about - that means personal experience.

2007-01-26 02:38:53 · 11 answers · asked by boz4425 4 in Law & Ethics

I have read The Fair Tax Book by Congressman Linder and Neal Boortz and I find it makes great sense. Does anyone have an educated opinion on the matter?

2007-01-26 02:38:39 · 3 answers · asked by Rox 3 in Elections

I've seen this quite offensive statement made in answers to several questions. Well, you're about 1/2 correct. If you libs would PLEASE complete the statement so it would in fact reflect the correct reality? The complete sentence is: MOST republcians would not vote for a black or woman candidate UNLESS they were the BEST candidate for the job. If you'd do me that favor, I will stop replying that LIBS will vote for ANY candidate that is a woman or black based soley on race or gender regardless of their qualifications.

Do we have a deal?

2007-01-26 02:37:21 · 6 answers · asked by Cherie 6 in Politics

Over and over again we have seen and heard our national officials and citizens debate, propose and make laws based on religious ideology, specifically Christianty. For example, anti gay marraige laws. These laws are based purely on religious ideology. Many of these laws were voted on and approved by our nations citizens.

Ideally our nation is set up on the belief of seperation of church and state. Thomas Jefferson wrote, "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between Church and State".

This thought protects both the freedom to practice religion and protects our government from being over run by religious fanatics.

Even though a law was voted into existence by a majority vote by our peers, does that make it ok and fair for the minority gay population?

2007-01-26 02:36:48 · 11 answers · asked by ? 2 in Law & Ethics

obviously intoxicated person even more, and that person goes out to drive and kill someone?
As far as civil liability, shouldn't part of the reasonable person standard be asking whether the person is driving, and if an affirmative answer is received, to serve under no circumstances?

2007-01-26 02:35:35 · 12 answers · asked by Philip Kiriakis 5 in Law & Ethics

Lots of people say christians are hypocrites. Maybe, sometimes, but I think of christians as being like sick people trying to get well. If an ill or injured person looks & says, "Hey, you're looking a little ill, yourself, and you feel like you've got a fever," don't you think that could be more like caring about you ... or for others ?
My personal experience is that, the more I try to really get close to God, the more I see my faults --- perhaps even ones I've never noticed before. There will probably always be religious people, but real christians are usually pretty caring, although that doesn't mean they want wrong behavior to ruin our nation. They know that God has, & will, judge people and nations who purposely turn themselves over to evil ways, and the truly caring christian wants to prevent that from happening to his/her loved ones & others, as well. My apologies for any christians' failure to do perfectly concerning any of you : we are all still in training & imperfect

2007-01-26 02:34:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

For all you who think we are losing the war on terror, have you heard about this?

Al Qaeda Cannibalizing?

A native Iraqi and Middle East expert says the Iraqi insurgency independent of Al Qaeda is being slowly and surely defeated. Nibras Kazimi has worked with the Iraqi National Congress and the country's de-Baathification Commission. He writes in the New York Sun that U.S. and Iraqi military pressure has left insurgents feeling "demoralized, disillusioned and hunted."

He says Al Qaeda is cannibalizing smaller groups and continues to grow. But he says, "Al Qaeda is getting a serious beating as the Americans improve in intelligence gathering and partner with more reliable Iraqi forces." He calls the recent trend a "major accomplishment."

But Kazimi cautions that Al Qaeda terror will continue for many years because the group "will remain oblivious to all evidence of the insurgency's eventual defeat." And he has advice for presumptive new multi-national forces commander David Petraeus

2007-01-26 02:33:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Congressman Tancredo wants to clean up Congress and secure our Borders will anyone get behind him?

2007-01-26 02:32:58 · 6 answers · asked by Sicko 1 in Politics

I want to know if theres ANY support for this outrageous idea. I spanked my child from about 2-5, and only when i felt it really necessary, and now she is 6 and i never have to punish her at all because she knows to listen. I personally think the idea of making spanking illegal is not only wrong, but will only increase problems with children listening and possibly crime. We all sit around thinking "whats happened to the children today" and i feel it is exactly THAT. When we were young, not only did our parents spank us but so did our teachers, principals, ect. Now children feel they can get away with anything because they dont understand the idea of being disciplined like we did. So what is the new idea....to make spanking, slapping, and pinching completely illegal. I personally feel it is completely stupid and will not follow this law, if i get in trouble i get in trouble, but my kids dont end up all screwed up in the head. What do you think?

2007-01-26 02:32:33 · 2 answers · asked by raztis 3 in Law & Ethics

i asked a question awhile back, im going to ask it again, case scenario, this is a question for police officers only, if you were a police officer in the city of san diego, and you happen to be looking thru the fence at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, and you witness a drill instructor kicking a recruit in the butt or even choking him, i know u wouldnt have jurisdiction on a military base but would you either take the time to report it to the military police or, like most of the answers i recieved last time i asked this question, you would just simply smile and turn away? what is the difference between a street fight, which you being an officer will stop it, and how is it different from a marine recruit getting physically abused which is a totally illegal act that can bring serious charges on the drill instructor. please answer the questions first then give your opinions afterwards, thats the only way you will have a chance for a best answer

2007-01-26 02:30:53 · 6 answers · asked by Beaujock 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Our dog ran out from the backyard onto the street and my grandmother was bringing him back when a cop passed by and gave her a Sanitation Dept. ticket for having an unleashed dog.

She gave them her alien registration/green card at the time and they wrote down her #, but her name on the ticket is mispelled ("Giu" instead of "Guo"). On a recent notice that said we still haven't paid the fine, it's still mispelled. Can we try to dismiss the ticket based on that, or is it impossible?

She's also concerned that this will pop up when she tries to take her naturalization test to become a citizen because they have her alien registration #, is that true?

2007-01-26 02:28:15 · 4 answers · asked by Ken G 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-01-26 02:28:03 · 7 answers · asked by jackie q 1 in Politics

Isn't that what we are supposed to be doing in Iraq?

Spreading Democracy?

If not why does this come out of Bush's mouth every third time he speaks?


2007-01-26 02:26:55 · 11 answers · asked by Brotherhood 7 in Other - Politics & Government

When a person looks at the devastation caused by illegal drugs, coming through our pourous borders, should we not demand border security from anyone running for President?

2007-01-26 02:26:15 · 10 answers · asked by Sicko 1 in Politics

The last president to submit a balanced budget to congress was the last Democratic president, Bill Clinton. Before him, you have to go back to Jimmy Carter to find another balanced budget being submitted by the president.

Bush II, Bush I, and Reagan never once submitted a balanced budget.

Is it just a myth that conservatives are fiscally responsible? If so, where did it come from?

http://zfacts.com/p/480.html (% of debt we owe to various presidents)

http://zfacts.com/p/318.html (history of debt as % of GDP)

2007-01-26 02:25:49 · 14 answers · asked by Steve 6 in Politics

..(.a "Communist country" )is "GOOD"?????????? Come on...REAL answers, please....Is Communism "bad" only when it can be used as a slur of someone's political stance?

2007-01-26 02:24:32 · 11 answers · asked by Joey's Back 6 in Politics

I mean seriously, what idiot came up with sending more troops. He doesn't listen to the American people, neither to congress and heck some republicans he doesn't list to either. So far he has been making wrong choice after wrong choice, in Iraq, does he second guess himself? or is he just mentally retarded? People are screaming "NO" to his policy, but yet he wants to do his own thing, what kind of leader doesn't listen to his people?The way he's taking advice from "who knows?" , he's going to make thing a whole lot worse, and go down in history as one of the worst or maybe the wosrt president so far.

2007-01-26 02:23:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Depending on the poll, 70-80% of all Americans are against illegal immigration.

Do you think that the ACLU's support of illegal immigration is showing Americans what they are really all about?

2007-01-26 02:23:01 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

be arrested for distributing propaganda?

2007-01-26 02:21:17 · 18 answers · asked by paul 5 in Politics

2007-01-26 02:21:09 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Let's take a hypothetically real scenario where you see a cop on a side street and he looks at you in a way that makes you think that he might want to pull you over. You pass him and signal to the far right lane. As you turn onto the side street, you notice the flashers on the cop's vehicle (far behind you) and a very aggressive acceleration in your direction. You stop about 30 ft into a side street out of the traffic flow on a residential road, turn the car off, and wait; all the while thinking that you have not violated the law.

So with a cop's flashers on and moving in your direction, you pull onto a side street and turn the car off about 30 ft from the intersection. Is this illegal? If the cop was after you, would this not be a safer place for the cop to give you a ticket because of the much lighter and slower traffic on the road?

2007-01-26 02:20:20 · 3 answers · asked by Andy 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-01-26 02:19:02 · 5 answers · asked by unfinished 2 in Law & Ethics

I know of a man who was been charged with 2 counts of sexual assualt against a child and the sad thing is that he has never appeared in court to ansewer for then even after the judge has ordered him to appear and now I find out he is moving from the province of Alberta to Saskatchewan and I want to get the word out to everyone about this guy

2007-01-26 02:17:34 · 4 answers · asked by Ken N 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Im not talking about specific candidates but do you think that most men feel deep down a little uncomfortable about having a woman run this country? I mean its been a male thing for so long that it might be hard for most men to accept a change. Do you agree or Disagree?

2007-01-26 02:16:44 · 18 answers · asked by Sarah D 3 in Politics

I just applied for U.S. Passport for the first time. I fill that U.S. Passport form in the Post Office yesterday and I gave right away to the Post Office person who was working.So my question is: In that Passport form they asked some questions: Which is my parents name and birth date. And I wrote my parents name correct, but Im not sure if I wrote their birth date year correct.I asked my mother today and she told me the correct birth date year of both, but a already send that Passport form yesterday. I would like to make sure if I wrote their right birth date year. So I stopped at Post Office today to see if they still have my Passport form wich i wrote, but they said its gone. And I dont know what to do now. How can I be in contact with Passport person and asked then to make sure I got their correct birth date years? I think I could try to call then but I dont known if they going to give me a hard time or I will have a problem or will be ok. What do you think I should do?

2007-01-26 02:16:37 · 3 answers · asked by nick 1 in Law & Ethics

...or isn't there one?

I couldn't believe that senate minority leader Harry Reid said before the state of the union address that it's not relevant to ask this because it hasn't happened yet....WHAT????

How can you not have a plan if the troop surge doesn't work? Isn't this just like the Bush Admin to start a battle with no plan of afterthought?

2007-01-26 02:16:16 · 21 answers · asked by Rosebee 4 in Military

What percentage of a persons net income would be a fair allotment for child support. Remember that this person also has to provide a home for the children during visitation feed and clothe them as well

2007-01-26 02:15:17 · 4 answers · asked by pretender59321 6 in Law & Ethics

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