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Politics & Government - 20 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Darned if I know which category is best for this question.

I'm Québecoise but many American AM talk radio stations come in strong here and I listen if only to be amused and know the enemy. I have been struck that all of the right wing show hosts, ever bombastic for "traditional" morality among other things, seem to run a commercial by something called Triple Advantage which apparently is a credit monitoring service. The gist of this commercial, which runs frequently, is that a guy's having a better credit rating enables him to buy more stuff and have a wealthier lifestyle which in turn will enable him to attract more women. Buying their charms so to speak. Am I the only one who notes the irony of these right wingers to run this commercial which embraces the stereotype and fantasy that women are primarily interested in guys' money and thereby can be bought off, all prostitutes in a way?. And why haven't American feminists voiced objection to this commercial?

2007-01-20 07:51:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

With only 30% of Americans still falling for the crap that is spewed out on conservative talk radio, the Yahoo message boards were the #1 place for the Fox News watchers to get the REAL scoop on what Americans know about the Bush administration. And it had to be stopped. I call for Yahoo to bring back the discussion boards and take a stand for the Freedom of Speech in America! Who is with me?

2007-01-20 07:50:55 · 24 answers · asked by Dennis H 4 in Politics

I just heard Hillary Clinton has entered the race for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. Who decides who gets the nomination. Do we (the people) vote or what?

2007-01-20 07:47:52 · 4 answers · asked by Help Me! 3 in Elections

but what happened to the Immigration Service that screwed them up so badly that they allow anyone to immmigrate without declaring allegence to America?

2007-01-20 07:46:08 · 3 answers · asked by uncle_derk 3 in Government

They told this person that, after the 3rd attempt, if he cannot do it correctly they will take him to juvie*this is for underage*.

But for any age, can they arrest you just because you cannot do it correctly?

I mean what if you never did one before. You should be arrested because you don't know what you are doing.

2007-01-20 07:45:10 · 11 answers · asked by ♥Brown Eyed Girl ♥ 5 in Law Enforcement & Police

our judicial system, needs to be redressed, this is the way we need to met out our sentences, no mercy, sod human rights for the criminals, but it is bad they got the kid in court. but she seems to be a strong kid, she'll make it

2007-01-20 07:44:20 · 2 answers · asked by valda54 5 in Law & Ethics

That's what a 60-year-old black man told me yesterday. He ranked it ahead of slavery and segregation.

2007-01-20 07:44:15 · 8 answers · asked by tridentoftime 3 in Politics

2007-01-20 07:43:49 · 6 answers · asked by loveroffreedom 3 in Law & Ethics

For the House of Representatives and the Senate

2007-01-20 07:43:24 · 3 answers · asked by 6 in Elections

2007-01-20 07:43:08 · 7 answers · asked by loveroffreedom 3 in Law & Ethics

Elections seem to focus on negative aspects of the candidates, but the critical issues remain the same. What are the qualities you would like to see in an elected official, and how would you get the message across to the voters?

2007-01-20 07:42:33 · 6 answers · asked by Kat 2 in Elections

What happened? First, in a classic example of ruling-class overreach, Bush tried to parlay his relatively narrow victory over Kerry into highly unpopular initiatives--like the attempt to privatize Social Security. Second, the unexpected eruption of major events, like Hurricane Katrina and the mass immigrant rights movement, put Bush and the right wing on the defensive.

And throughout it all was the growing realization among broad reaches of the American population of the increasing disaster in Iraq. In fact, Bush’s popularity dropped below 50 percent for good in August 2005--when Cindy Sheehan’s vigil outside Bush’s ranch galvanized antiwar sentiment.

All of these factors provide an illustration of what socialists mean when they describe bourgeois elections as the “lowest form of politics.” Bourgeois elections tend to reduce conflicting public attitudes to a simple choice of Party A or B. And they actively prevent the electorate from considering other options.

2007-01-20 07:40:41 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-01-20 07:39:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Over the last decade or so I think that politics and the media have become far to involved on this topic... It's a personal choice and I don't think I, or anyone else should have any say in what a woman chooses to do with an unwanted child, escpeially with all the advances in stem cell research. Often, if a woman is forced not to terminate a baby even though she wants abort it, the child will be underpriveliged, or the mother's life will change drastically in an unfair, negative way.

Does anyone else think that Bush and any other religious protesters should just suck it up?

Especially now that Geroge W has gone and murdered hundreds in the 'War on Terror'...What a hypocrite!!

2007-01-20 07:36:02 · 14 answers · asked by innit_x 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-01-20 07:35:58 · 1 answers · asked by david UK 4 in Elections

It just seems like everytime someone brings up the possibility of a conspiricy taking place, that there is that one person who always trys to belittle the question by saying Not Another Conspiricy Theory. Why don't they ever explain their reasons for this, or is it possible that they may be conspiring with others to protect their agenda.

2007-01-20 07:35:43 · 8 answers · asked by bruce2014@sbcglobal.net 1 in Politics

Previous generations always fought for some type of change and revolted. What should we fight for?

2007-01-20 07:34:21 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm trying to find out someones criminal history is there a way to do that for free? and if so where? Please help thank you

2007-01-20 07:33:55 · 7 answers · asked by missy mae 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-01-20 07:33:52 · 6 answers · asked by gmstim 1 in Military

The pharmaceutical industry, for example, hired a slew of Democratic lobbyists in the run-up to November, so that if the Democrats won, they would have more influence in trying to block legislation to drive down drug prices for Medicare recipients.

In early December, even as some Democrats were promising ethics reform and an end to the “culture of corruption” in Washington, hordes of lobbyists--including a large number of former members of Congress who now make large sums as lobbyists--were attending three or four fundraisers per evening for Democrats both newly elected or facing upcoming reelection.
According to the Web site OpenSecrets.org, which tracks politicians’ money, during the 2005-2006 election cycle, new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) received her largest group of contributions--$17,000 in all--from PACs and individuals associated with Occidental Petroleum. Other big donations for the liberal who is supposed to “clean up the House” came from AT&T and the American Bankers Association.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer got his largest contributions--$28,500--from banking giant JP Morgan Chase. Coming in second and third on his list were defense contractors Northrop Grumman and Mantech International.

Meanwhile, Rep. John Murtha--who was backed by Pelosi and others as the “antiwar” choice for House majority leader, before losing to Hoyer--received more than $232,650 from over a dozen defense contractors during the 2005-2006 election cycle.

Many of Murtha’s biggest contributors in the defense industry were actually pleased that he lost the race for majority leader--because his position as the head of the defense appropriations subcommittee means he has even more direct influence to satisfy the industry’s wish list. And Murtha is supposed to be a voice for the antiwar movement in Congress?

2007-01-20 07:33:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-01-20 07:32:46 · 8 answers · asked by ghayas 1 in Politics

*this happend last night to my brother* They didn't call about noise or anything...just that they thought that there was underage drinking going on....the neighbor didn't like the people that lived there.....so thats probably why they did it also...

2007-01-20 07:31:33 · 19 answers · asked by ♥Brown Eyed Girl ♥ 5 in Law & Ethics

You just survived a vampire outbreak and you find a German Army weapon cache from the second world war,well would those weapons work in a vampire infested world,time is running out and you know the Human Vampire Virus is spreading from human to human which causes them to hunt for blood within 24 hours?

more info from http://www.fvza.org/science1.html

2007-01-20 07:31:32 · 7 answers · asked by alex_von_ho 2 in Military

Alright so my parents are education orienated (sp). They made me take advanced classes through high school that I would pull a C+ or B- in, I was always a year or sometimes even 2 years ahead of everybody class wise. Im not the smartest guy around though, and I cant even imagine another 4 years of school after high school.

Ive talked to my counselar at school (ex-Marine), an Army Recruiter, and a Marine Recruiter. I WANT to enlist in the Marines and get an associates degree in Criminal Justice (I already have 12 of the 60 credits I need) while Im enlisted, but have no idea how to break it to my parents.

Im in good shape and can easily do the IST at the recruiting office and have good ASVAB scores, I want to enlist as Machine Gunner. Im sure you know the kind of parents Im talking about; all pro-college and my mom is totally anti-me going to the Military but my dad always supported ROTC or the Academies. But I WANT to enlist and get an associates degree from there, REALISICALLY,

2007-01-20 07:30:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

" We have our peace movements, and all we want is peace - abroad and at home. But if by peace we mean appeasing tyranny, compromising with gangsters, and being silent because we haven't the moral fortitude to speak out against injustice, then this is not real peace. It is a false peace. It is a farce and a hoax."

2007-01-20 07:30:23 · 3 answers · asked by davidosterberg1 6 in Politics

While the major force to defeat the U.S. was the Vietnamese resistance struggle itself, the American antiwar movement--one of the most successful in history--played a major role in ending the war.

The Vietnam War was not stopped by any single protest, but by eight years of actions taken by students, workers and soldiers--which eventually made the warmakers afraid, in the words of author Fred Halstead, of “losing more than the war.”

2007-01-20 07:30:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

It reeks and is permiating the air outside.

2007-01-20 07:29:31 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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