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Politics & Government - 19 December 2006

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Christmas music is filled with joy, peace, and good will, everything a liberal wants, yet they hate the word "Christmas". Rap music is filled with hate, violence, and disgusting lyrics yet the libs say that's freedom of expression. Are libs hypocrites? Merry CHRISTmas!

2006-12-19 01:01:54 · 27 answers · asked by ? 3 in Politics

What judges the take of actors comments regarding politics? Are they welcome when the issues on the ballot concern them the most, like Michael J. Fox or the late Christopher Reeves concerning stem-cell research? Are they any more or less welcome when they decide they approve or disapprove of a certain political figure, abroad or in their own country, as Sean Penn has done recently? What about their issues concerning major political figures or events, such as the issue of Darfur being considered a "Hollywood matter", or, as I see it from so many, a meaningless issue only cared about by people with their face in the media? Finally, does how much political knowledge they have influence suppport for their views, or is it on a "you suppor what I think is the right thing, regardless of your comparative knowledge on the issue" kind of deal? Or are they just eye candy who's statements mean nothing as long as they remain in front of the camera?

2006-12-19 00:54:33 · 5 answers · asked by Huey Freeman 5 in Politics

I know the yanks are both crazy and crazy about guns but, does there actually exist a law in the American Legal system that pardons you with a gun crime if you have been found to have been eating twinkies before you shoot someone?
Please don't tell me that“Twinkies Defense”actually exists please don't....

2006-12-19 00:51:36 · 5 answers · asked by Frederic 1 in Law & Ethics

For me a Republican was always in support of the following:

1. Balanced Budgets/Fiscal Conservativism
2. States Rights/non intervention of Federal Gov.
3. America focused, non/interventionist.
4. Small Government.

It seems like the big names have all jumped ship. William F. Buckley, John McGlaughlin, George Will
Even Bob Barr the man who lead Clinton's impeachment is now a Liberatarian.

2006-12-19 00:51:24 · 9 answers · asked by Patrick B 3 in Government

A friend of mine had an incident where he went to someones house and the police were called. Once the police got there they realized that he had a warrant out for his arrest. He fled on foot, but left his car parked. They impounded his car. My understanding is that the cops took his car since he ran, and wanted to take away any other means of transportation. Is this reasonable, or were his rights violated?

2006-12-19 00:50:22 · 9 answers · asked by prettydebutante 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

...wouldn't it be more impressive if they were 'One Nation under Christ'? Every nation is 'under God'!!!

2006-12-19 00:41:21 · 17 answers · asked by mesun1408 6 in Government

2006-12-19 00:40:42 · 19 answers · asked by abbysunshine84 1 in Politics

They've have had a racist member or two,,,but what are you saying that all Democrats are racist becuase David Duke is one,,,I'm sure they don't want any racist in the org, but oit is hard to regulate 100% but they are trying
they're are less Minutemen on the Canadian border becuase they're are way less illegals coming,that simple not racist

why do people like colubia University chicano studies
spokespeople accuse him of having ties to white nationalist org,

what gives people the right to make such hurtful accusations

why dpo students at a supposed ivy league University believe this nonesense with nothing to back it up

could it be possible that they tmeselves are racists against whites,,and are victims of a racist loiberal ideolgy present at most Universities in racism,chicano studies,,African American studies

shouldn't these racist courses be limited to graduate studies only,,and be givin with a warning of subjective,,non-fatual material being taught
any commen

2006-12-19 00:39:44 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2006-12-19 00:33:40 · 10 answers · asked by ngo n 1 in Law & Ethics

I'm thinking back in time when Saddam lit up the oil fields in Kuwait and surrounding area's, hundreds of oil fields were lit. All that smoke that was sent into the atmosphere could not have been healthy. Apparently the smoke was so dense that it obliterated the sun for days on end. Aren't these same emissions being the cause for Global warming trend today?

2006-12-19 00:32:07 · 9 answers · asked by whispergently0204 3 in Politics

2006-12-19 00:31:12 · 3 answers · asked by twokidsmom8892 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

This was added during the Eisenhower Admin in the 50s. I don't have to say it that way. The original version was just fine.

2006-12-19 00:21:54 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government


2006-12-19 00:21:28 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I need examples of liberals also doing this,
The sort of thing I mean is calling the inheritance tax a death tax, call any welfare program socialist, or when talking about distribution functions( which is a mathimatical term) for income or wealth saying they are earned not distributed,

2006-12-19 00:17:40 · 11 answers · asked by meg 7 in Politics

Why or why not?

2006-12-19 00:16:16 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

doing so or felt compassion for the person being served? ( I rmeber when that one guy shot the man who molested his child in the airport,who was being brought back on charges. and thought , gee I bet the cop hated to arrest him for it!).

2006-12-19 00:15:46 · 5 answers · asked by paulisfree2004 6 in Law Enforcement & Police

The safe rooms that are being suggested by ruth kelly to be the answer to domestic violence must be very expensive. Surely we can do better than making vitims of this crime hide away. If they are in that much danger, can the police not arrest the partner responsible! I believe we should support the victim 100% but that support should be to remove the problem not treat the symptoms! What does everyone else think?

2006-12-19 00:10:44 · 22 answers · asked by davespnr 2 in Law & Ethics

2006-12-19 00:07:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

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