illegal and i have fallowed all guide lines and been 100% honest about why she came here before, what can i expect to happen next, she has been back in mexico for 1 year this coming feb -13. i have been married 6 years and just had some really bad luck, but really told them everything as it happened, will i have more trouble than i realize or do i need to plan on living in mexico again for a long time or what, would they have approved her I-130 petition if they where going to do something like bar her from coming back home to me in the USA, i really don't know how they do things so thats why i ask so many dumb questions,i'm american and can work in other countrys if i need to because of the work i do, but really don't want to work again in mexico if i don't have to,if you work around the immigration world can you give me a heads up on what my future may be, due to the problem in the past, things happen some times that we can't help, what are your views on this ,please be nice.
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