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Politics & Government - 19 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

We incorporate the Draft,so all (18-35) be given the chance to indulge in the true spirit of bravery,

2006-11-19 04:55:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

even if it was a few times (Marijuana), over ten years ago?

2006-11-19 04:54:48 · 14 answers · asked by Gardenfoot 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-11-19 04:52:52 · 2 answers · asked by jset1989 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

I just love that "Candid Camera" approach.

2006-11-19 04:52:19 · 3 answers · asked by Gardenfoot 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

My father died a couple of years ago and in his will left his house to me and my sister on the condition that his wife (my stepmother) could live there until she died.

What is our legal position :

1. does she have to have a tenancy agreement? (even though she doesn't pay rent)

2. Who is responsible for major repairs? (like replacing the roof)

3. who is responsible for day-to-day repairs and general upkeep? (like mowing the grass, painting etc)

4. do her family have any rights when she dies?

I would really appreciate any help with this

2006-11-19 04:49:12 · 22 answers · asked by Gunship 1 in Law & Ethics

the answer is obviously yes but i need some examples of it please :D

2006-11-19 04:49:08 · 26 answers · asked by ciaran_m_o 2 in Politics

2006-11-19 04:48:37 · 1 answers · asked by jshashi 1 in Immigration

I need to know for a school project what the most powerful, destructable, explosive types of nukes there are out there. what are the best, modernist types of nuclear bombs? please help!

2006-11-19 04:48:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous 1 in Military

back nov11th(last year) I left the military on a chap10? I dont have the paperwork....but it was because of some stupid fire in the barracks. no other problems. basic training certificate, AIT, I even have some certificates(like Combat Medic) that I got at my duty station.
I've always wanted to go back in, and I tried back in August but I totally f- it up. I went in, and they thought I never been in. I went with it, and when they found out they totally didnt give a hoot.
I didn't mean to lie, it just happened, and I dont mind going back through basic or AIT, really I dont care, I just dont want to be where I am now.
When I go in to see a recruiter, what should I say? I know what to bring, but I just want to know why are they being so evil to me when it wasnt even my fault.

2006-11-19 04:44:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

write a biography about the president what would the title be?

2006-11-19 04:41:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

do anything to beggers

2006-11-19 04:41:31 · 7 answers · asked by vishal b 1 in Law & Ethics

Do they get to keep the money, regardless?

2006-11-19 04:40:39 · 7 answers · asked by dar 3 in Elections

except something illegal?

2006-11-19 04:38:23 · 33 answers · asked by gidget lil bit 4 in Immigration

What are my legal rights as a minor?
I am sixteen years old and a full time college student in Minnesota. My non-custodial parent has filed to have more visitation, which I am strongly opposed to. I have been denied entry into every hearing regarding similar issues, including the last custody hearing at which point I was fifteen years old. I was also denied the chance to voice my own opinion. What are my rights as a minor to be allowed in the room when the hearing is taking place and to voice my opinion on the matter? Also, what can I do to prevent the motion for more parenting time to be granted?

Things I have already tried:
-Having a guardian at. litem speak on my behalf
-speaking to the judge; the judge refused to speak with me
-contacting social services

2006-11-19 04:34:01 · 7 answers · asked by C from USA 1 in Law & Ethics

need to arest em can any one help with some advice

2006-11-19 04:33:37 · 5 answers · asked by forceem tones 1 in Embassies & Consulates

...really believe in the saying "If you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to hide." I'm law abiding, don't work in the black economy, am born and bred in the UK, have no subversive political affiliations, and have no dark secrets in my past that I want to hide. I just don't want the government to know where I'm going,what I'm doing, why, when, and who with. I want them to respect my right to privacy. Is there anything wrong with that?

2006-11-19 04:32:16 · 14 answers · asked by Mark J 2 in Other - Politics & Government

My friend is planning a visit to Canada in Christmas (for 10 days) and he is an indian passport holder presently in UK as an international student. he still has 2 years left on his student visa, and one more year for his studies to complete. His uncle (who is a permanent residence in Canada) would be sponsoring him for all his living and staying costs. My question is, what are the chances of him getting the visit visa as he is an international student in UK, if he shows all the necessary documents to the immigration officer ? Its like do they give Canadian visit visa to international students studying in UK ? Any similar real life experience is appreciated. THANKS!!!

2006-11-19 04:30:51 · 1 answers · asked by Khush Z 1 in Immigration

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061119/ap_on_re_mi_ea/britain_iraq_kissinger Kissinger presented a bleak vision of Iraq, saying the U.S. government must enter into dialogue with Iraq's regional neighbors — including Iran — if progress is to be made in the region.

"If you mean by 'military victory' an Iraqi government that can be established and whose writ runs across the whole country, that gets the civil war under control and sectarian violence under control in a time period that the political processes of the democracies will support, I don't believe that is possible," he told the British Broadcasting Corp."

I think if we had any chance of a victory by military means, it had to be right after we invaded and occupied Iraq. Not years later.
This is what happens when unqualified ideologues are running things. ... I used Mr Kissinger's quote since he is advising the Bush Admin. I don't think he had that much credibility after Vietnam however. Still, an interesting assessment.

2006-11-19 04:29:10 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military



2006-11-19 04:27:36 · 10 answers · asked by 43 3 in Politics

I warn you now this LONG. So long in fact I had to type it up in word and cut and paste so that I didn’t have to keep going back and adding details. I know this is probably against the rules, but I’m sorry, really sorry…Hope you can suffer though this and read it, I really need the help. Thanks in advance.
Last year I was working at Hobby Lobby. Well while on the job I hurt my back. I kept telling the boss and the assistant manager that my back hurt and I needed to go home. They kept telling me that I would be ok and that I needed to stay until closing time. Well I somehow made it through the day. Well that night I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t stand and I couldn’t set for more than a minute or two at a time. It was horrible. Well come morning I call the manager and told him that my back hurt and I wouldn’t be able to come to work. He told me that if my back hurt that I would have to go to the Chiropractor and get a work release before I could even come back to work. I however was tight on funds, so my mom’s best friend (also co-manager of Hobby Lobby) told me that she would pay for my first visit. I thought that was so nice of her and then made an appointment with her chiropractor.
Well I went in to see him; the car ride there was HORRIBLE… They gave me a form to fill out and since I have never done anything like that before, and having no idea what to write and not wanting to get Hobby Lobby in trouble I say that I hurt my back else where, other than work- stupid mistake, I know. Well he x-rayed me (didn’t expect that, never had been before) and then he told me I had a pinched nerve in my lower back –well duh! He then laid me on that weird table and put his hands on my lower back and popped it, he did that three times and told me to come back the next day. So then my friend, my mom’s friends (same friend as before) daughter had taken me so she said she would pay if I wanted to go out to the car. So I did, I had already made an appointment for the next day and got a note saying I couldn’t work yet. Well this went on for two weeks, 6 chiropractor visits at $40 a pop that got pricy. At this point, my back hurts extremely bad, but good thing I can actually set or stand for a little while longer, if I do it just right, and I have this huge bruise from my mid back down to my butt and it hurts to even look at it. I had another visit with the Dr. the next day so I called into my boss and told him about it. That very same night my mom got a phone call from her friend telling her that if I didn’t come back to work the next day I would be fired.
So the next day I tell the Dr, I need a release form so that I can go back to work. He doesn’t say no, but he said that I shouldn’t be going back because I still hurt. I was glad to be gone of him though, he had hurt my back so bad, he was and is a QUACK. Well I go back to work. A week passed and that’s when I was moving an hour away to live with my then Fiancé. I still wanted to keep my job, so I was going to make the hour drive to and then back every day I worked.
Well the day that we move I bust my radiator. And besides my Fiancés car, which he needed for work. I had no means to get to work. But the car was going to the shop the next day and would be back in 3 days at the most. So I call my boss up and tell him about the problem and that I would call him in the morning if I needed that day off too. Later that night I gets a call from my mom saying that the co-manager, her friend, called and said that if I called into work the next day and said I couldn’t make it, I was going to be fired on the spot, since I had been missing so many days.
The next morning I found out the car was still ‘sick’ so I had no choice but to quit or I was going to get fired. And I don’t understand this. How could I be fired for missing so many days when the only days I had missed were ones that were cause by Hobby Lobby themselves and ones I wasn’t allowed to work because I didn’t have a release form. This happened a year ago. Then about 2 month ago I get a thing in the mail from a Debt collection agency saying that the Chiropractor wants his $170 for the X-rays. Which I though my moms friend was paying for, but that’s not the issue here. The issue is Hobby lobby ****** me over. I was never told I could go home, I was never asked to fill out forms, which I found out about when I called my moms friend about the x-rays, for work-mans comp and so on. I was never told about these and then I had to rush to get back to work or I would lose my job. Which by the way wasn’t worth it, I still have horrible pack pains and loss of sensation in my left leg. It will get horrible pains in it, where I swear someone is taking the mussel and ripping it off. So I have to get out of bed or up out of a chair and walk around for awhile. This however is better than how it was, there was a time that after I laid down or set down for anything over 5 minutes that when I got back up I had to limp around for a good half hour, because my leg hurt to bad to put any pressure on it. Which SUCKS.. And then after all that, to have a real accident with the car and then have my job threaded again, so much as to having to quit. Which wasn’t right since I would come in on my days off to help and I would stay over and to extra stuff all of the time, just to make them happy.
Then here a month ago the manager got pulled out of the store because he was caught stealing money and merchandise. That he was fixing the books and stealing great deals of money from them and was an all around bad guy.
So here in lies my question… Is there anything that I can do about this? I mean with the company, since I was treated horribly by this man who later turns out to be a thief? Do you have any comments on this?
Again I’m sorry this is so long and I know I shouldn’t have use word, but I didn’t want to have to keep going back to add details. SORRY!
Thanks to those of you who read it.
Sorry if this is in the wrong section.

2006-11-19 04:27:18 · 8 answers · asked by Brenda C 1 in Law & Ethics

2006-11-19 04:26:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I was in USA on H4 visa for last one year and now it expired. My spouse filed divorce case in USA. I am in India. Can I apply for tourist visa on the ground of attending court and meeting with my attorney/lawyer.

Will this ground put my visa application up ?

2006-11-19 04:25:45 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I am not talking about banana republiques, where every child with a stick and a stone can win. And in the last 100 years, so not against NDE regimes like spain.

2006-11-19 04:24:59 · 15 answers · asked by paradise islander 2 in Military

or is it just limited to thumbs and violation warfare on yahoo questions

2006-11-19 04:23:26 · 10 answers · asked by paulisfree2004 6 in Other - Politics & Government

basically i have been in my job for 2 years and this i worked from april to november this year and left the job november and they had recieved the pay rise within november am i entitled to claim the pay rise. the position i held was 19K and has now gone to 201/2K due to the pay because i worked within this period can i claim it back. please help.

2006-11-19 04:23:19 · 2 answers · asked by James A 1 in Law & Ethics

It's really starting to get on my nerves. On Y!A and even in "real life" I see people daily who claim to have been over there. Why on earth would someone feel the need to lie about such a thing?

It also beats me why people (who have been over there) go around thinking they don’t need to do anything or should be treated like a king. Does anyone else know?

My husband has been over there once and will be going back in a month. He is humble and grateful for what he has done but in no means wants people to treat him like some sort of king or any differently then another person they meet. My father is the same way and he was in Desert Storm and my grandfather who was in Vietnam. Isn’t the whole point of being a great solider to do your duty, be humble, and grateful but not to expect such shock? I don't know why but I get offended when people use this as an excuse or lie about it--it's almost like they take the honor out of serving the country.

2006-11-19 04:23:03 · 17 answers · asked by .vato. 6 in Military

1. Drugs
2. Viagra in the Caribbeans with a 14 year old boy
3. Wife beating

To me, Rush Limbaugh is pretty much the 21 Century John the Baptist.

2006-11-19 04:22:32 · 9 answers · asked by Taco 3 in Civic Participation

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