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Politics & Government - 9 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2006-11-09 08:22:51 · 4 answers · asked by imnogeniusbutt 4 in Military

I am a 3rd generation English American (from my paternal side). If anyone knows if I am eligible for dual citizenship, please let me know. My great-grandfather and grandmother were from Great Britan and were British Subjects. My grandfather had dual citizenship until the age of 18 and became a US citizen by default (but never denounced citizenship with England).


2006-11-09 08:22:34 · 3 answers · asked by Rachael B 1 in Immigration


It only took two years to convict his killers. If it had been an asian man murdered by a white man, do you think it would have taken much longer. Look at the stephan lawrence case (a black man murdered by whites), it took much longer for a conviction.

2006-11-09 08:20:36 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Gosh I've been waiting for this for so long!!!!!

NOW we get to ***** & complain..I can't wait to
whine about EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what is the EXACT date so I can be ready to
Protest and be OUTRAGED what the Dem leadership is doing!!!!

I want to make sure I'm there for the first day
of the festivities..it's DEM BASHING TIME!!!

2006-11-09 08:17:31 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Today, Bush asked Congress to pass the following legislation before they get turned out in January:

Retroactive approval of the warrantless wiretapping program.
Nuclear cooperation with India.
Making his tax cuts permanent.
Maintaining funding for the war in Iraq.

Having just lost the election, do you think the lame duck congress should be considering items that are obviously NOT supported by the people who just voted them out of office?

2006-11-09 08:16:40 · 8 answers · asked by Chredon 5 in Government

Put the following three names in history, in the order in which they appeared: Jesus, Mohammad, Moses

2006-11-09 08:14:30 · 11 answers · asked by ABC 3 in Government

2006-11-09 08:14:11 · 10 answers · asked by poorboy 2 in Politics

How would the U.S be like if we treat drug dealers like they do in say...Saudi Arabia...If you get caught with drugs no matter the ammount you get your head chopped off????...How will the U.S streets look like...

2006-11-09 08:14:06 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Brown and Rumsfeld know, that's the sound of the axe!!

2006-11-09 08:14:02 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-11-09 08:12:21 · 4 answers · asked by I am Sunshine 6 in Military

Given that the act declares any federal taxes illegal, and that the act cannot ever be changed by the canadian federal government only by a referundum, which has never taken place. How does the federal government get away with things such as federal income tax, gst and import duties?...

2006-11-09 08:11:06 · 4 answers · asked by manx4080 3 in Government

I'm talking about individuals that actually make it to and have their names on the ballots for the New Hampshire / Iowa primaries. Everyone can pretty much predict Clinton, McCain, Vilasik (the first official candidate), and probably Kerry. Who else? Who's the favored candidate for each party?

2006-11-09 08:07:28 · 17 answers · asked by HoyaHorns 2 in Politics

I was recently terminated from my position as a Mental Health Worker in a Psychiatric hospital on the juvenile unit. I was called in today and told that here had been allegations that I had verbally abused one of the clients (supposedly by telling them to get their A** back in bed). They could not tell me for sure on which date the allegations came from and did not have the file with them at the time of termination. I was told that the story was backed up by a nurse that was there. I know I did not say this to any client nor would I ever. I want to know if the facility is obligated to tell me who filed the complaint and what employee backed it up? Can I call and demand this information? Do I need to hire a Lawyer?

2006-11-09 08:06:44 · 7 answers · asked by raynelley 3 in Law & Ethics

Can the president veto the repeal?

2006-11-09 08:06:34 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

........Then why do you have so much more hate speech and Muslim violence in the UK? Why is your country
such fertile ground for terrorism?
What are you doing wrong and what are we doing right in comparison with our Muslims?
What can you learn from us when it comes to keeping your Muslim population from becoming violent?

2006-11-09 08:06:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

It seems as if the American's of Mexican roots are making a concerted effort to portray and in-your-face attitude since the anti-illegal immigration issue was raised. I see people who would normally have spoken English in public, now avoiding English as if it were the plague. Is it just me? Or have I really noticed a change in behavior?

2006-11-09 08:05:02 · 24 answers · asked by OU812 5 in Immigration

Various other reasons for withdrawing including being told what/what not to do, nonsense about criminals rights , loosing our independence as a self run country, straight cucumbers/bananas and all the other bizarre ideas that eminate from brussels.

2006-11-09 08:03:09 · 15 answers · asked by bogstandard 2 in Other - Politics & Government

give me sum details to support your answer

2006-11-09 08:03:04 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I actually have two questions re: State vs Federal law.

This one is with the Pariot Act...which some cities have decided to "opt" out of...can they do that?...or is that more of a gesture showing discontent with the law?

If it came down to it...wouldn't federal trump any state law or statute....due to the supremacy clause.

2006-11-09 07:59:16 · 4 answers · asked by kissmybum 4 in Law & Ethics

good Questioner asked:

If Republicans are so into family values, why don't they promote changes in the law that REALLY would?

strengthen marriages
1. Bring back common law marriage - people would automatically be married after they live together a certain amount of time or if they lived together and had children
2. Make divorce more difficult
3. Increase funds going to child support enforcement instead of decreasing.



1. You raise the incentive for people to live with another person outside of marriage for the purposes of eventually becoming married. This is not necessarily good public policy.
2.Making divorce more difficult is not necessarily a good thing. There are instances, abuse for example, where a quick divorce is important.
3. When was this "decreased"? Link please.

What C=JD is actually saying IS:

1- We armchair christians will decdide what to do with your tax dollars.

2- The straight divorce/gay marriag ban is NOT hypocritical because,well,quite frankly,

it's a christian BIRTHRIGHT to write the law in a way convenient for nominal christians.

3-we refuse to rationally acknowledge increasing child support because we will dammit.Now

go away!

4- We'll stay out of your personal lives allright,after we're DONE with you!!

Wouldnt America be a better place is people like C=JD would at least admit they want gay or unmarried couples to be second-class citizens itself of all the fanct dancing around the issue.As usual,the epublican base is on the WRONG side of history.

Like the American voters said Tuesday:"Enough transparent peity.I want accountability".

2006-11-09 07:58:44 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I've heard that americans can travel anywhere they want outside the states without a visa. Is that true. It sounds implausible to me. I would appreciate your help on the topic

2006-11-09 07:56:55 · 10 answers · asked by Dobbie 2 in Embassies & Consulates

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