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Politics & Government - 12 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

If a woman tries to hit a man during an argument, what can the man do to defend himself, that won't result in him getting assault charges? What are the limits for "self defense"?

2006-10-12 16:57:53 · 22 answers · asked by Kelly A 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-10-12 16:56:11 · 6 answers · asked by Hammy 2 in Politics

2006-10-12 16:56:10 · 14 answers · asked by Timmy Boy 1 in Immigration

Please vote now!There is only an hour left to vote!!!
They are trying to win as band of the week. If you could click this link: http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/spec...
Verify your age and then click on "select here" and choose WETUMPKA, we would appreciate it so much. Thanks!

2006-10-12 16:54:00 · 1 answers · asked by SuzieQ92 3 in Government

Persons serving in the armed forces during time of war who are not citizens or nationals of the U.S.

2006-10-12 16:53:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Is there any hope? Because if nobody has EVER matched and it has been done everywhere, then I wish the police officer would have just told me that and then there would have been no need to have them dust my brother's when they found it.

I'm kinda wishing I would have hung around someplace hidden with a camera so I'd be there when the thief came back for it. Oh well. At least it's been recovered.

Also, if there is no match to the prints, would they be entered into the database as being potentially involved in a vehicle theft in case the person is fingerprinted at a later date. Then they can go back and question or polygraph them about the stolen car, especially if they were printed due to some other theft.

I also think there should be a public tv channel dedicated to showing pictures and descriptions of stolen vehicles in the area. Many times I've heard they don't get far.

2006-10-12 16:48:46 · 8 answers · asked by JACQUELINE 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

Judging from many of the questions asked, most seem to be consulting sources that are clearly biased on one side or the other. Wouldn't it be wiser to look at the evidence, pro and con, before deciding your positions?
Can reasonable people then disagree without trying to portray the other side as the devil???

2006-10-12 16:48:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My husbands' grandparents receive Medicaid. The other day, they got a letter in the mail. Guess what? They now have to PROVE they're American citizens if they want to continue to receive it. How stupid is that? They've gotten it for awhile now, and now they have to send in IDs, birth certificates,SS cards, passports and other things. Shouldn't the people who are non-citizens have to deal with the extra paperwork? How about the government sends them some letters telling them to a) apply for citizenship or b) not try to obtain benefits illegally?

It just bugs me to see these people who have worked hard all of their lives having to prove something in order to get the help they need to be able to go to the doctor and get medicines. Sorry for the rant, but does anyone else see how wrong this is?

2006-10-12 16:48:09 · 14 answers · asked by ★Fetal☆ ★And ☆ ★Weeping☆ 7 in Government

2006-10-12 16:45:09 · 11 answers · asked by HOMER 1 in Immigration

Many people would agree that conservative Republicans have been scapegoating gay people to win recent elections. It's unfair, it's demeaning, and it stoops to a new low when you target and blame a marginalized group of people who don't aren't even allowed to enjoy full rights like everyone else (yet). Would you call this "attacking"?

2006-10-12 16:44:49 · 15 answers · asked by Who_Loves_Pizza?_I do!_I do! 2 in Politics

What an idiot !! Not only can't he park properly (over the white line, causing everyone to be out of alignment), but to have a loser bumper sticker almost 3 years later ?? Is he just a moron, or a lazy moron for not getting a razor blade, and sweating a few drops to erase his shame ???

2006-10-12 16:41:05 · 14 answers · asked by genny_gump 3 in Politics

2006-10-12 16:40:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Just who is on this here Ethics Committee? Have we identified who we can villify in case the results name Hastert and his live-in boytoy Palmer in the Foley cover-up?

We have to have our hatred band wagon ready and primed. The news isn't working for us these days but our hatred will always win out!

2006-10-12 16:37:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why can't/shouldn't immigrants who have acquired citizenship be allowed to run for U.S. president?

2006-10-12 16:37:03 · 17 answers · asked by fancy unicorn 4 in Civic Participation

Is there a school or something to help out.? Honestly, sometimes when I wake up in the morning there are often a few unguarded moments when I absolutely forget to hate. I correct that right away though...

Any more backsliders like me? What do you do to correct yourself???

2006-10-12 16:35:18 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The ppl next to my apt building have been either evicted or imprisoned for drugs or something (they always had 10-12 cars show up throughout the day for 10-15 mins), and the cops came one day and the next ppl were moving stuff out. So they're definitely out bc we haven't seen cars or the old tenants sitting on their porch.

They put a lot of stuff on the side of the road for garbage and have 2 big screen tv's on their porch w/the electrical socket cut off. My mom said that someone did that so that no one would take them bc not many ppl know how to fix it. Also, she said drug dealers wouldn't have 2 tv's in the house if they didn't work.

We did pick up a bag of clothes from Macy's that was on the side of the road.

Is it ok to take these tv's? Is this trespassing or what? I feel like a bum but I'd like to have a big screen for free.

2006-10-12 16:34:06 · 11 answers · asked by PlasticTrees 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Liberals have no set of possible circumstances where war is ever acceptable when a Republican is President.

2006-10-12 16:33:09 · 9 answers · asked by college_republicans_club 2 in Politics

after THREE years of NO contact-And it was titled "What do you think?" and invited me to click on a link in her mail...called Lovehappens. I did. And it said I had an account there, but I had to request a password. I told her what happened in another email, and I was waiting for a password from the link site she gave me. No response. So, today, I figured to heck with it, and spent around 3 to 4 minutes filling out a profile for myself...added a picture. Then I got two pages of pop-ups asking me if i wanted to be on a this or that mailing list also, I put no on both. Then, a page came up and asked if I wanted to be able to email members for free, then asked for my yahoo address, then below it, asked for my yahoo password!!! She was PHISHING ME!!!! SO, I sent her my room-mates web-site from Pre-Paid Legal, a NYSE traded firm, that handles both legal services AND IDENTITY theft protection, and emailed my ex and told her in the title, What do YOU think-then sent my roomies site?

2006-10-12 16:31:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

when you thought you were going to lose a game you were playing? Kinda like how y'all want to get out of Iraq now?

2006-10-12 16:29:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

In a normal trial, the questions will be objected to if they are not appropriate.
Does a defendant representing himself have more leeway in this regard?

2006-10-12 16:29:21 · 7 answers · asked by jack b 3 in Law & Ethics

I do not care if a retarded blond polack was running for president, if he was pro life and his opponent was pro death/ democrat, I would vote for the retard. How can you people dismiss baby murder as insignificant? What is wrong with you people, seriously, all BS aside, what, is, wrong, with, you, people? I wish I could think like you people for just one day, just one, I bet it is nice being an absolute dunce.

2006-10-12 16:27:54 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

WASHINGTON – A year ago, on Oct. 1, one of the most important documents in U.S. history was published and couriered over to the White House.

The 90-page, top-secret report, drafted by the National Intelligence Council at Langley, included an executive summary for President Bush known as the "key judgments." It summed up the findings of the U.S. intelligence community regarding the threat posed by Iraq, findings the president says formed the foundation for his decision to preemptively invade Iraq without provocation. The report "was good, sound intelligence," Bush has remarked.

Most of it deals with alleged weapons of mass destruction.

But page 4 of the report, called the National Intelligence Estimate, deals with terrorism, and draws conclusions that would come as a shock to most Americans, judging from recent polls on Iraq. The CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and the other U.S. spy agencies unanimously agreed that Baghdad:

had not sponsored past terrorist attacks By telling Americans that Saddam could "on any given day" slip unconventional weapons to al-Qaida if America didn't disarm him, the president misrepresented the conclusions of his own secret intelligence report, which warned that Saddam wouldn't even try to reach out to al-Qaida unless he were attacked and had nothing to lose – and might even find that hard to do since he had no history of conducting joint terrorist operations with al-Qaida, and certainly none against the U.S.

If that's not lying, I don't know what is.

2006-10-12 16:27:26 · 11 answers · asked by dstr 6 in Politics

2006-10-12 16:25:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

why must we enforce the immigration laws? must be facts... person who can give me the most facts gets the ten pts.

2006-10-12 16:25:21 · 11 answers · asked by SofaKingBored23 2 in Immigration

mexican men have a bad day they drink a cerbeza and sleep it off..

while white men have a bad day and the world comes crashing down..for ex..they lose thier job and kill thier wife and kids..why is this

2006-10-12 16:24:16 · 13 answers · asked by Private Caller. 1 in Immigration

I live in California. My ex-boyfriend recently moved back in with his ex-wife. While they were apart I stayed with him and used his computer. My mistake, I accidently saved my password on his computer. This was a couple of months ago. I never actually signed out. As of yesterday, I found out she has been going through my emails finding out very personal information about me and telling him, in which half of the things she says aren't even accurate. However, she works for SBC/AT&T and I need to find out if she's been doing this at work, which then I know I could get her fired or if she's only been checking my email at home. I have gmail, when you use the option to save your password to the computer, YOU MUST SIGN OUT, if you do not sign out, it will automatically sign you out after 2 weeks of inactivity...I haven't been on his computer in months, he told me yesterday my email was still active on his computer. Is there any action I can take against this 40 year old woman?

2006-10-12 16:23:16 · 3 answers · asked by ula.minajc 1 in Law & Ethics

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