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I do not care if a retarded blond polack was running for president, if he was pro life and his opponent was pro death/ democrat, I would vote for the retard. How can you people dismiss baby murder as insignificant? What is wrong with you people, seriously, all BS aside, what, is, wrong, with, you, people? I wish I could think like you people for just one day, just one, I bet it is nice being an absolute dunce.

2006-10-12 16:27:54 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

The issue is black and white. Stop with the incest rape bull squat. Abortion clinics are not filled with molested rape victims, give it a got darn rest.

2006-10-12 16:33:38 · update #1

I agree with that one guy, the republicans have done nothing so they suck azz too. I wish someone would just come along and outlaw the barbaric practice.

2006-10-12 16:35:07 · update #2

I did not see an age for that Yahoo user bottles. You can guess at a persons age all you want, it don't mean you are right. I can guess you are 30, or I can assume you are a monkey but your typing skills are not that good so perhaps ameba would be more apt.

2006-10-12 16:46:49 · update #3

Brian, think about what you just said. I am going to burn in hell because I do not support abortion. Say that again, and think about it. You get to go to heaven because you think killing babies is ok and I have to go to hell because I think every human should be given a chance to live. Are you picturing the conversation with God? God says, "Cordova, you support life, off to hell you go. Brian, you think killing children is good, please enter heaven you wonderful person." I dont think so.

2006-10-12 16:53:18 · update #4

21 answers

Well, if you weren't an absolute ______ (pick your noun= to ignorance) you would realize that most Liberals such as myself are pro-life. We just don't think government should have absolute control over abortion, there are many variables to consider. I vehemently oppose birth control abortion, however the republican majority offers no other alternative. For example, sex education and birth control in schools. Or more funding for programs that educate young teens on the consequences of pre-marital sex. That is where the majority of the problem is, we can't continue to ignore the source of the problem without taking action at the very basic levels. This is a problem that needs to be tackled at all ends, not just those that we feel are politically correct. We need to provide young teens with education and prevention, otherwise this will continue to be a problem.

2006-10-12 16:37:17 · answer #1 · answered by ? 3 · 7 2

Your problem is you don't understand the biology, or even the politics behind the issue. Abortions are only legal during the first trimester (1st three months) of pregnancy. It's not even referred to as a "fetus" until the very last week of this phase, when it's usually too late to abort. Even in the last weeks of the 1st trimester, the organs, brain, etc., are not fully formed, and it's no bigger than a lima bean. It doesn't look like a human, think like a human, or feel like a human. It has no consciousness: it is not aware that it exists. It can't contemplate death, or wonder about it's life (this is obvious because it's brain is not formed.) So...how is it human? It's not viable outside the mother's womb, if the mother dies, it dies, and at this stage, the mother could miscarry and could possibly never even know she was pregnant in the first place, it could reabsorbed by the woman's body and give no indication that it had ever been there if she had missed the signs. How is it human? It's not. It's the POTENTIAL for human life, it COULD become a human, but it's not yet. Yes, it's life, but it's not HUMAN life. Not yet. Again, it can't think, feel, or react. I've always felt, especially for non-religious pro-lifers, that the real issue was that they lacked a complete understanding of basic human biology, they don't understand the science. If I had not had an education, I may feel the way you do. Luckily, I've been to school.

2006-10-15 19:58:51 · answer #2 · answered by wendy g 7 · 0 0

Well, if it was "alive" it could be removed from a woman's body and grown in a test tube, right? Perhaps they can do that, or YOU can be a vessel for all the unborn babies of the world. How about frozen embryo's that people who are undergoing invetro fertilization abandon? Do you think that those people are "pieces of crap" too? Their unborn babies are in a freezer and may never be "grown", what do you think about them? You are alive, can we freeze you? How can you freeze a "baby" and then unfreeze it? Are you sure it's alive already?

I suppose you also think people should ONLY have sex when they are trying to concieve? Personally I view abortion as a responsible thing to do when you have not planned to have a child and become pregnant. If you cannot support a child, how is it better to keep it? Or how about the fact that the world's population is ruining the environment? What kind of a world is going to be left if EVERYONE who gets pregnant has the baby? Who will take care of all these babies?

Do you also think that taking birth control is a form of murder? Those eggs cannot be fertilized, they have had their right to life removed, so birth control should be abolished, shouldn't it? And condoms prevent the sperm from reaching the egg, taking away another right to life...

If you could think like me for just one day, just one, you would be a much more enlightened and informed person, instead of a close-minded idiot.

2006-10-13 03:58:55 · answer #3 · answered by jeshzisd 4 · 3 0

ah, i c a little insight into just how a pos like bush can get reelected. people like u that vote on ONE issue.

doesnt matter how many r sent to war to die for oil, (or as i believe, http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AtYKGOD9gJzvDjEXeVmFbNvsy6IX?qid=20061012234709AANS2GX really, whos the dunce? never mind all the moms that actually wanted their soldier sons an daughters, u want to force women that dont want kids to have them. the ONLY reason 4 electing some1? brilliant.

my views on abortion r this: im not for abortion, but who am i to tell a woman she has to let the fetus inside of her grow? u just dont get it, its in HER. in fact im against it, n when i get pregnant i wont get an abortion, but im not telling ne 1 what they HAVE to do w their bodies.

and if u believe in God, then u believe the murdered baby goes straight to heaven. n if it does, whats so bad about that. what kind of life would it have had here w a no good mom ne way? how can u just dismiss a truly hellish life as insignificant?

and last but certainly not least, let me get in a preemptive strike. dont go spoutin off about the woman having the baby n putting it up for adoption unless u already have adopted a child. all talk about what should b done for the unborn child but not liftin a finger to help the child once it is born is total hypocrisy.

so go ahead, respond to this 1. lets c some additional details on what ive said n what youve done for the orphans in the world. bet youre fos.

2006-10-12 22:41:39 · answer #4 · answered by john 2 · 1 0

there is no such thing as black and white our world exists in the shades of grey, metaphorically speaking, your extremism causes more problems than you realise, would you rather have over crowded orphanages and more children being wards of the state plunged into a system that can't do enough to support them and hence causing further problems for an overcrowded society that can barely get by as it is? the fact that you would elect your leader based on an issue that doesn't really affect you shows the kind of intelligence you don't possess

if you are really pro life as you say why don't you form a picket line around cemetaries?

2006-10-13 14:18:11 · answer #5 · answered by donniedarkside 3 · 3 0

Let me guess, you're a man? I think that it would be good for people like you to spend one day, a woman raped knowing that she was pregnant. Maybe then you'd understand. Although seeing that you get angry, instead of using a level head, I don't think you'd ever get it.

You speaking of people being a "dunce" is actually quite comical considering that the statement you made sounded like it came from an extremely unintelligent person.

2006-10-12 16:40:54 · answer #6 · answered by Magentadaisy 1 · 7 1

Have you been living under a rock? Abortion SHOULDN'T be a political issue. That doesn't mean that it isn't. And since you are male, or some semblance thereof, you shouldn't have any say in what a woman does with her body. Go back on your meds.

2006-10-16 12:07:58 · answer #7 · answered by badkitty1969 7 · 0 1

A fetus has no experiences. Without experiences, it doesn't have a "life" yet. Until upper brain functioning starts (earliest is about 20 months) there is nothing that distinguishes a human fetus from a dog fetus. I don't understand your rabid sense of outrage over something that doesn't effect you. I don't wish that I could think like you for a day. I prefer to not let my intellect be suppressed by my emotions.

From a legal stand point, the fetus is illegally trespassing and using the mother's body for life support without her consent. Its ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Life is plentiful. We don't need people who don't want kids being forced to have them anyway. That's not going to help anyone. You end up with a resentful parent and an abused or neglected child and, usually, society that has to deal with the aftermath. Only people who want kids should have kids.

2006-10-12 16:55:40 · answer #8 · answered by Chris J 6 · 6 3

Becuase for starters, abortion like prostitution, will always exist. You make abortion illegal and people will have illegal abortions. Women will die from improper procedures. i should say poor and middle class women will die. Wealthy Repub women will pay off a good doctor to lie about what the procedure was or they will fly overseas to have it done.

You want to end abortion? Try education. Try educating about use of condoms and birth control pills. The only way to end abortion is to make it unnecessary, not illegal.

2006-10-12 16:38:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Not only do I support choice - I want everyone woman to be forced into a lesbian relationship, impregnated with a turkey-baster full of a gay man's seed, and then force her to have the baby aborted in your church.

You're probably stupid enough, evil enough, heartless enough, brainless enough, ball-less enough, and tasteless enough that you probably believe that.

And you know what. It doesn't matter what you think - because people like you have no human worth and will burn in hell once this life is over. You're at much greater risk than the people you accuse of being pieces of crap.

So, maybe I'll be there - but at least I'm ready for it. I'll be laughing at you and how you're faux Christianity and belief in your own God-like arrogance will send you to a very hot destination and in a basket woven of your own weaving.

Eat it, you worthless piece of trash.


If you were literate, you'll note that I never said I was going to Heaven. I was saying that your hypocracy will send you to hell as well. Two very different points.

Once again, if you actually used your brain - instead of using your "black and white" thinking to kill your own gray matter - you might be able to realize what was being said to you. But you can't because you're so wrapped up in your own false morality and your desire to attack everyone with your holier-than-thou attitude that you can't even realize what's being said to you.

And I realize my tone is terrible, but it's no worse than yours. This topic can be discussed with respecte and dignity, but not by someone like you who dismisses and dehumanizes your fellow man outside the womb with no remorse.

2006-10-12 16:47:11 · answer #10 · answered by WBrian_28 5 · 4 3

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