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Many people would agree that conservative Republicans have been scapegoating gay people to win recent elections. It's unfair, it's demeaning, and it stoops to a new low when you target and blame a marginalized group of people who don't aren't even allowed to enjoy full rights like everyone else (yet). Would you call this "attacking"?

2006-10-12 16:44:49 · 15 answers · asked by Who_Loves_Pizza?_I do!_I do! 2 in Politics & Government Politics

I didn't realize I would get so many negative responses. It really is a discriminatory world out there, directly or indirectly, and I'd say most people who responded to this question don't even know it.

This confirmed my suspicion that there are people ahead of our time but sadly most people are stuck in old stereotypes that gay people are bad.

I hold out hope though that people with these ignorant beliefs can change.

But thank you all for your answers, and for taking the time to express what was on your minds.

To all the gay people out there, don't let some of the answers here get you down. Keep your dignity. Show the world you are good people...if only people would allow themselves to see that.

2006-10-19 18:33:14 · update #1

15 answers

Have you not been paying attention to the news?

The Democrats are circulating a letter with all the names of Gay people working for the Republicans. Nothing like the party of the little guy attacking those big mean Gay staffers that just want a job.

Kinda reminds me of the days when the Democrats kept the Black people in chains to work their fields. They still do that in some respect save it is to get their vote with empty promises of hand outs.

2006-10-12 16:48:42 · answer #1 · answered by jirwin7211 2 · 5 2

jonjon ... I would like to say this with all of the respect I have for you, so please take it in that light. For every highly visible, vocal, up-in-arms opponent of gay marriage who is now motivated by the California court ruling to say some pretty ugly things in reaction to it, there are hundreds more who may not be on their heels but are definitely wondering just what on earth we're supposed to do now. Seriously. If we say anything -- and I mean anything -- that isn't 100% supportive of this, we are immediately shouted down (and not just by gays) as bigots, hayseeds, scumbags, hypocrites, you name it. (Not singling out the terms you used, jonjon, but they're flying around quite a lot now.) And the "hate speech" card is getting tossed down rather often, as well. Reasoned dialogue and attempts at understanding, on both sides, get chucked right out the window. Is this what you really want? Everyone who doesn't think legalizing homosexual marriage is the most wonderful breakthrough in civil rights history can just shut up and deal? When everybody on both sides grows up a bit, puts down the pitchforks and tomatoes they lob at each other, and actually allows this discussion to run its course -- because, after all, this is a rather radical change for folks to take in -- then perhaps you won't see as much knee-jerk reactionary demand to fight this tooth and nail. But to just lay it on us and say "deal with it" serves only to push most of the opposition into silence ... though not necessarily inaction. Personally, I'd much rather see opposition and argument in the light of day than suppressed, smoldering resentment; that's the sort of situation from which many ugly things can crawl. Many Christians -- and other people of faith, for that matter -- probably won't ever come to full acceptance of this; what I pray that we do eventually come around to, legalized marriage or not, is calling a halt to the vilification of gays as if they are lepers, and that can start with an indefinite moratorium on that overused hedge of "love the sinner, hate the sin" behind which some true bigotry often hides. Beyond that, I don't pretend to have all the answers. But I'm pretty sure that ramping up the name-calling on both sides isn't one.

2016-03-28 07:06:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Stop waving a red flag in front of a bull. I know gays are just in it for the bennies of marriage. I'm single & don't see why you should get extra bennies at my expense! I have to live with strait getting the bennies they were grandfathered in before I was born.

2006-10-19 15:30:32 · answer #3 · answered by viablerenewables 7 · 0 1

Sadly, the Republican party is allowing itself to be held hostage
by the far right religous extremists. They can't seem to understand that there are enough of us in the middle who like
thier ideas about fiscal responsability, yet hate thier intrusive
meddling in our personal lives to keep them in power FOREVER.
If they would just leave Religion out of Politics.

2006-10-12 17:14:27 · answer #4 · answered by Farnham the Freeholder 3 · 1 2

Only the ones who are Gay, straight people would never attack a gay person.

2006-10-20 15:16:19 · answer #5 · answered by daydoom 5 · 0 1

These days and all the other days. But it's not their fault. God said that being gay is wrong therefore it is their responsibility to persecute the evil gays.

2006-10-17 09:45:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yes, they're equating all gays with lowlife pedophiles and they're saying that Democrats hang out with pedophiles too. Send the Republicans back to junior high school to get the juvenile behavior out of their systems..

2006-10-12 17:02:45 · answer #7 · answered by Reba K 6 · 2 2

The war is over. Time to come out of your cave.

2006-10-17 06:50:48 · answer #8 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 1

Better than the Democrats "attacking" babies. Oh wait unborn babies can't protest so that's the only reason Democrats go after them. Truly pathetic!

2006-10-12 16:59:13 · answer #9 · answered by Luekas 4 · 3 2

Seems that its the Demoralcraps leading the charge to me !!

2006-10-12 16:57:59 · answer #10 · answered by genny_gump 3 · 1 1

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