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Politics & Government - 11 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

What a price to pay for no weapons of mass destruction.

2006-10-11 00:49:42 · 21 answers · asked by super stud 4 in Military

IRS ,CIA,and FBI, and other agents r trying there best to stop those ppl takin our money for our life and family and its not working there getting worst on there job helping us,how can we tell them and not think we're thrating them?

2006-10-11 00:48:38 · 1 answers · asked by bob b 1 in Government

2006-10-11 00:42:31 · 10 answers · asked by stillokin4hur 1 in Military

Gay Marriage, Homosexual Marriage, Same Sex Marriage, they all have Marriage in it. Just replace Marriage with Union. Gay Union, Homosexual Union, Same Sex Union, now it doesn't have a religious epitome and the religious psychos shouldn't go crazy. Problem solved.

2006-10-11 00:42:11 · 14 answers · asked by Enterrador 4 in Politics

I need open a PAN card. I did not exact procedure how to apply this. I am individually apply this card with out anybody help?

2006-10-11 00:41:20 · 4 answers · asked by veeru 1 in Government

I want to thank all of you intelligent people whose answers were opened minded and thought out but yet again there are a few that continue to prove my point. No scubadive, my husband is not illy clean, I call that boring and not willing to live a little but that does not mean he is into drugs, he has never been arrested, he has nothing "to learn" this time has a great job as a corporate officer even after his arrest because of his education and work ethic and yes if you call not even being in the state at the time of his so called manufacturing a techicality, then yes I guess that is why he got off, lord knows according to you it can't be because he is innocent. People like you are the first to judge and the first to whine when things don't go your way or you get a taste of your own medicine. Not being able to spell like a dictionary does not make you uneducated, but thinking someone is just because of that makes you appear ignorant, I can use a dictionary to improve what can you use

2006-10-11 00:40:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I have a patient that does not have any health insurance. He does not have the money for home oxygen. He will remain in the hospital until there is a plan for him to receive home oxygen. Does anyone out there think that it would be more cost effective to work out a payment plan for the home oxygen (which costs a lot less), than to have the patient remain in the hospital for thousands of dollars? It's no wonder why so many hospitals are being shut down. I am all for the patient,but also for saving the patient money. Especially when the outcome is the same for a lot less. Has anyone else out there witnessed something simliar?

2006-10-11 00:40:10 · 5 answers · asked by Beth V 1 in Government

I need open a PAN card. I did not exact procedure how to apply this. I am individually apply this card with out anybody help?

2006-10-11 00:39:04 · 7 answers · asked by veeru 1 in Government

2006-10-11 00:37:27 · 12 answers · asked by David M 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Guess what. They want to cut production of oil by 1milloin barrles. I think I can offically call these guys bastards. We all know. Its there product of that emergency meeting they had about falling gas prices.

2006-10-11 00:32:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

To get him indefinate leave to remain he is from Jamaica and it really is hurting our marriage because of this situation and stressing us out.

2006-10-11 00:29:03 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

sorry but u r the most nation in the world which make wars > afghanstan >iraq >vitnam >somalia >>korea >>>.who is next ???

2006-10-11 00:27:07 · 15 answers · asked by Adel 1 in Military

After the last two presidential elections Bush vs. Gore, Bush vs. Kerry. How could anybody ever come to expect anyone a real legitamate outcome.

2006-10-11 00:24:10 · 7 answers · asked by DeeeezNuts 1 in Elections

..............................of america?
a wonderful cook
ar ealy very good leader

2006-10-11 00:19:27 · 23 answers · asked by ankur v 1 in Politics

I think this money could be better used in providing health care for our own working poor. Illegal immigration is so unfair to our own people. Who is looking out for our interests?

2006-10-11 00:17:49 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Translate in this link.

2006-10-11 00:16:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

When I studied politics at school, I was led to believe that a democracy is essentially majority-rule.

If this is the case (which imo it isn't) then why is it we are told that we have to accept things like homosexuality and Islam without question, whilst at the same time being told that we are not allowed to express majority views, which are often misinterpreted as racist, sexist, xenophobic etc.

It seems to me that the modern democracy upholds views of minorities, whilst majority views are labelled as discrimination.

Is this fair?

2006-10-11 00:14:14 · 8 answers · asked by shoby_shoby2003 5 in Law & Ethics

How horrific can things get? Wendy's hires a bunch of illegals, neglects to file their papers on time and fires them because they would have been breaking the law to keep them on. Hadn't Wendy's broken the law by hiring them in the first place? Wow! What a country! Go there illegally. Get a job with fake i.d. Then apply to be legal with employers help? Employer fires you for being illegal and then you can sue them?


Oh say can you see a country going to he** in a handbasket?

I can guarantee I will never darken the door of Wendy's ever again. How about you? Like it the way some fella said, they should have worked for Burger King - Then they (illegals) could have had it Their Way!

2006-10-11 00:12:44 · 7 answers · asked by auld mom 4 in Immigration


KenHall on the net says that in the UK speech promoting Osama Bin Laden is illegal. He considers this to be an unjust law. I disagree. Here is my rebuttal:


What are your thoughts on limits to the first amendment?

There are already limits, by the way, and if you don't know this, then don't post a comment. Get educated, then talk to me.

You cannot perjure, slander, or sell government secrets, or look at child porn, the list goes on but there's a sample.

What is the limit? No limit cannot possibly be a just law (or lack of one)... therefore, what is the proper limit to freedom of speech?

I say the natural law dictates "you should not make aggression on one another, lie, or trespass" should indicate where to set the limit.

Do any of you disagree, if so, why?
Do any of you agree, if so, why?

2006-10-11 00:03:27 · 6 answers · asked by askthepizzaguy 4 in Law & Ethics

The way the UK carried out arrests, labelled people terrorists, gave it the kinda media coverage, smell of a US designed, UK flavoured plot to keep the anti muslim fears alive, just to gain some credibility for all thier foreign policy blunders in so far.

2006-10-11 00:02:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

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