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Politics & Government - 9 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2006-10-09 01:05:55 · 4 answers · asked by El Pistolero Negra 5 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-10-09 01:03:22 · 9 answers · asked by Shiraz Syrah 1 in Politics

US, who has targeted hundreds of thousands of people by atomic bombs in Heroshima and Nagasaki, is super power and has already more than 5000 heavy atomic bombs, and no one even rise finger to him. But others, who only do tests, are condemned and sanctioned.....Why ?

2006-10-09 01:02:47 · 6 answers · asked by mrktk44 2 in Military

Which of the following is withheld from an employee's pay and also paid by the employer?

a. Income tax
b. Union dues
c. Vacation Pay
d. Social Security

2006-10-09 00:59:08 · 2 answers · asked by GSU 1 in Government

in the promise of bettering there way of life.....?

2006-10-09 00:57:40 · 6 answers · asked by lost&confused 5 in Politics

success....then hand it over to South Korea. or China?

2006-10-09 00:55:13 · 12 answers · asked by lost&confused 5 in Politics

Red blooded American here. Born in Little Rock AR, raised in Louisiana and Mississippi, educated (university) and hold a higher degree. What I do NOT understand why we, as Americans, are happy with an either/or government. Either you are right or you are left and those in the middle and there abouts have to either go to one extreme or the other while hoping for the best. Are there really people out there that think this is ok?! How can we get the people truly represented?? WHY ISN'T ANYONE TRYING?! I don't know where to start but someone does, so why haven't they?! This is a huge travesty and those who do not see it are both blissfully and stupidly blind. I want to hear from those who think they can defend the 'system' as is. Thank you in adv for your amens ( (I know ther there are inumerable people that agree with me but please, only answer if you have an argument for.

2006-10-09 00:52:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I can't imagine anybody being so radical right wing ever getting elected again. I think americans see how he divided us to the point of hatred around the world.

Sad thing is Hillary might do the same thing the other way......I'm a Democrat that hopes she isn't the choice by Democrats for President. Just more hatred. Bush/Hillary are one in the same...DIVIDERS!!!!

2006-10-09 00:52:42 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

You know the TV ad where one man has ? about his Soc.Sec, another about his Student Aid?

2006-10-09 00:51:59 · 2 answers · asked by Gwen K 1 in Government

He thinks he is always right, and doesn't believe in global warming. He is so wrong!

2006-10-09 00:50:44 · 23 answers · asked by thinkGREEN 3 in Civic Participation

I was under the impression that if you are deployed and your wife gives birth you are allowed to come home for a bit so you can be there with youre new family... but i just saw on the news that a deployed man got to watch the birth from iraq via webcam...

what is the military's protocol for such situations?

2006-10-09 00:49:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Althought some dictionaries include terror as a person who inspires fear , we generally think of it as the state of fear.My question is who decided to call for a war on terror. "The Decider"? Was it the media looking for a shorter headline, or a catcher one? Or something more intentional or devious?How can we fight a war an terror ? How can we win?What are we fightiing,?Does anyone remember when the phrase became common and why does all the media seem to use it?

2006-10-09 00:47:03 · 7 answers · asked by oldtreeplanter 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Here is a link to the news item:

2006-10-09 00:45:23 · 14 answers · asked by Victor C 3 in Law & Ethics

In Army, stationed in IRAQ

2006-10-09 00:44:57 · 10 answers · asked by watkinswilms@sbcglobal.net 1 in Embassies & Consulates

2006-10-09 00:44:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

An unclassified CIA report from early 2002 reported that "[North Korea] has been seeking centrifuge-related materials in large quantities to support a uranium enrichment program. It also obtained equipment suitable for use in uranium feed and withdrawal systems." Last January, U.S. Undersecretary of State John Bolton accused North Korea of continuing its nuclear weapons program, and in February members of Congress expressed concern to the president about North Korea's uranium enrichment program. According to the New Yorker Magazine, the CIA delivered a secret report to top Bush administration officials in June, which found that Pakistan had provided centrifuge technology to North Korea.Centrifuges are essential in enriching uranium. A.Q. Khan, known as the father of the Pakistani nuclear bombhas reportedly visited North Korea frequently in the last decade officially with the permission of USA's friend Musharraf.
Now Bush is abusing N.K while praising Pakistan and Musharraf

2006-10-09 00:44:25 · 5 answers · asked by Ashok Chavda 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Everybody keeps thinking terrorists will get ahold of another plane and crash it again - killing people... Sad to say, but what if 10 terrorist got ahold of 10 HUM-VEE's and mowed down people at a 4th of July parade? OR 10 terrorists strongarmed their way into a sports event and unloaded on people using automatic machine guns...Or 3 terrorists each strongarmed their way into like 20 American elementary schools killing all with machine guns.. These are terribel scenarios, and what is the government doing to protect us? Can you think of any plots?

2006-10-09 00:42:04 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation


Ad Featuring Illegal Aliens Will Air Statewide

Los Angeles, CA ­ Art Olivier¹s campaign for governor will release their first television advertisement this 2006 election year. The ad, which highlights the illegal alien marches, debuts this Friday in Bakersfield, Santa Rosa, and the Central Valley. The advertisement, which also presents a Mexican flag raised over an upside down American flag, will roll out in the Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Sacramento, Redding, Fresno, Palm Springs, San Diego, and Los Angeles markets beginning Monday October 9th.

Art Olivier, who began campaigning back in January, has virtually been unnoticed in the mainstream media. However talk radio has embraced Olivier and his concerns regarding our open borders and the illegal invasion. Thanks to the generous donations from the listeners of talk radio, Olivier is now able to enter the television airwaves.

Although Art Olivier¹s campaign contacted all the major participants and hosts of the October 7th Gubernatorial debate, Olivier was denied an invitation. Therefore the television ad titled ³Elect Art² will offer voters an alternative position regarding illegal immigration which differs from the two main party candidates.

2006-10-09 00:41:49 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Mark Foley, in the 90's proposed an amendment that would have revoked the citizenship of those born in the US, but with illegal parents.

You see, if Cong. Foly had molested THOSE kids, Mexico would have prosecuted (as the children are no longer Americans), and he would have won, because Mexican legal systems stink!

2006-10-09 00:39:47 · 3 answers · asked by Tofu Jesus 5 in Politics

If that's what you want, then vote Democrat. As a matter of fact, I will go so far as to guarantee that there will NOT be another major terrorist attack on American soil as long as Bush is in office. Yes, I know that 9 /11 took place while Bush was in office, but he only had 8 months to work on the problem while Clinton had 8 years plus atleast 3 blown ( no pun intended ) opportunities to haul in bin Laden. Big difference. If you wish to dispute me on this issue, then email me and we will arrange to make a little wager. I'll bet none of you wimpy Dems / liberals will take me up on this. Note: Don't bother emailing me unless you are willing to place a bet and then follow through on that bet, or if you have no way for me to contact you once you have emailed me.

2006-10-09 00:39:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

What are our options? We really don't have any dialogue with North Korea and economic sanctions just hurt the people that are trapped by their government. We could take him out and remove some of the pressure on our troops in Iraq. At least this time Bush would have an excuse with regard to weapons of mass destruction.

2006-10-09 00:38:48 · 9 answers · asked by tadpoleslider 2 in Military

as reported by the brighton argus.
Thats ok as long as they house he most needy in brighton first.

2006-10-09 00:38:38 · 17 answers · asked by cazmo 4 in Immigration

In the past I had heard that they could track monies in the US Mail - by way of the serial numbers. Please help! Thnx!

2006-10-09 00:33:49 · 10 answers · asked by IdaGma 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Since one of the countries in the axis of evil now has nuclear weapons, should the US without delay unleash a torrent of military destruction on that country? It appears diplomatic efforts are useless. What are your thoughts?

2006-10-09 00:30:47 · 13 answers · asked by timespiral 4 in Politics

North Korea has a hard attitude that they will do as they please not understanding that they have an obligation to the world or our planet/ The UN is hopeless and we need some type of interference from outside sources. I Hope this can have a peaceful resolution because everyones ignorance and power craze is killing our planet and no one respects anything.......

2006-10-09 00:29:39 · 6 answers · asked by nsprdwmn 3 in Politics

Is there any difference between "teleological theories" and "Consequentialism (consequential theories)" ?

The defenitions (Wikipedia):
* Teleological ethics refers to ethical propositions which are aimed at a certain "end" (telos in Greek, hence "teleology".)
* Consequentialism refers to those moral theories that hold that the consequences of a particular action [form the basis for any valid moral judgment about that action]. Thus, on a consequentialist account, a morally right action is an action which produces good consequences.

Varieties of both consequentialism & teleological theories are: utilitarianism and "ethical egoism".

I don't understand the difference between them.

2006-10-09 00:28:18 · 2 answers · asked by The Dreamer 2 in Law & Ethics

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