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Politics & Government - 4 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2006-10-04 08:42:03 · 13 answers · asked by TheBoy 1 in Other - Politics & Government

which one do you like the best

2006-10-04 08:42:00 · 14 answers · asked by the duke 1 in Immigration

Cracking down

A nationwide campaign this year against business operators who employ undocumented immigrants has led to a number of targeted raids, including ones in:

Houston, where seven managers of IFCO Systems North America Inc., a palletmaker, are charged with conspiracy to harbor illegal aliens. Agents raid 40 plants nationwide.

El Paso, where Soto Rock Hauling owners are charged with harboring 26 undocumented immigrants.

Cincinnati, where four supervisors from Fischer Homes, a residential construction firm, are indicted and 76 immigrant workers are detained.

Fairfield, Ohio, where agents arrested Bee's Buffet owner in the importation of undocumented workers from Asia and housing them in his basement.

New York state, where ICE raids leave a shortage of workers to pick strawberries at Coulter Farms.

Jackson, Miss., where agents investigating the Country Club of Jackson find 18 undocumented workers.

Stillmore, Ga., where a chicken processing plant is raided and 120 immigrants suspected of being illegal are detained.

Source: ICE and newspaper reports

2006-10-04 08:41:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2006-10-04 08:41:25 · 6 answers · asked by carl z 1 in Law & Ethics

i am from delhi india. i have written some very useful material and i have recorded some audio and video material also. i want to get all this material copyrighted. what is the easiest and best way?

2006-10-04 08:41:05 · 5 answers · asked by sufiesidhi 1 in Law & Ethics

Would you vote for them?

Who would YOU like to see be President?

2006-10-04 08:37:14 · 19 answers · asked by koifox_104 2 in Other - Politics & Government

soldiers who were killed just this week been released yet?

My brother-in-law went on an 8 hour mission yesterday morning & we havent heard from him & neither him or his friends have logged onto myspace which is very unusual.

When someone is killed they are not allowed to use the internet or phones until the families have been notified. Some of his friends have internet in their rooms & sneak on, but they havent been on either.

We are kind of worried, so help is appreciated.



2006-10-04 08:37:09 · 8 answers · asked by MANDEE 3 in Military

2006-10-04 08:36:25 · 24 answers · asked by paulina 1 in Government

Two weeks ago I came home drunk. Needless to say my mother wasn't happy. She was convinced that I was doing drugs because of this, which isn't true. I even had a drug test done, nothing was there. I have a job and she took the around $1000 that was in my checking account and put in some other account. She also didn't want me to hang out with those kids anymore. She likes when I hang out with my other friends, who I play golf with. So this morning I wanted a check for Ski Club at school, I have more than enough money for it but my mom was giving me a hard time about giving me the check for it, when she finally did she said all this stuff I couldn't do, and just kept yelling, so I locked myself in my room. I had already missed my bus. Then she called the police. Then while she was doing her hair I went to my car to leave for school, but she stood behind my car so I couldnt leave. Then the police came. This is where it really starts but I need more room....

2006-10-04 08:35:13 · 21 answers · asked by Brian R 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Roley has been "Gay" with his pages for over a decade. Why now, except the upcoming election? Unless? It's way past high time that former Rep. Condit's past "Disposal Service" come to light, and I know he HATED homosexuals. Have some of their bodies, known dates of Foley's, been found in the same manner as Chandra, Laci, and so many others? You can visit my website, if Yahoo! or the NSA will let you, at www.rickhyatt.freeservers.com. (This is not a commercial ad)

2006-10-04 08:35:02 · 3 answers · asked by ? 2 in Law & Ethics

2006-10-04 08:33:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Yes. They are illegal. Many Women work as prostitutes or hosekeepers for Middle-up class Mexicans.
Men work in all sort of jobs, some get good jobs thanks Fidel tought 'em how to write and read in Spanish.
Some ohers cross illegaly to the uSA from the Mexican nothern border. Cuban Exiles in south FL hate Mexicans.
So if they hate undocumented immigrants and mexican Americans, should Mexico deport illegal Cubans in Mexico too?

Alberto: Responde con cualquiera de tus clones... anda huerco!

2006-10-04 08:32:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2006-10-04 08:31:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Also who leaked it and how long has it been since Foley sent it? Was it being held for just the right political moment?

2006-10-04 08:31:24 · 7 answers · asked by Ned 3 in Politics

Go ahead, Republicans, with all your oh so original and creative replies about us not working..

if we, the 50% of Ameriica who are liberal really were not working, you'd have top pay George's skyrocking deficits yourself and since you love your money, that will be hard on you.

To the nice people on here, where are you when I need you? Are you usually on here at a certain time. Also, do you ind that republicans on here are really vicious in personal and group attacks on here compared to liberals?

2006-10-04 08:31:05 · 7 answers · asked by shaney j 2 in Other - Politics & Government

please read this article


2006-10-04 08:30:30 · 8 answers · asked by saul_herandez 3 in Immigration

You won't have anything to eat except junk food and you will get even fatter than you are now.


2006-10-04 08:30:12 · 22 answers · asked by Anti-illegals are out to get me 2 in Immigration

What should I send in care packages to Iraq.

2006-10-04 08:28:13 · 17 answers · asked by EMW 2 in Military

I am not asking to incite hatred but I am curious as to know why the massacre of Nanking isn't acknowledged on the same scales as the Holocaust in Germany. In Europe it's a criminal offence to deny the Holocaust happened. Many victims and their families have received apologies, reparations and compensation not only from Germany but also from the companies who profited from slave labour at the time. But many victims of Nanking haven't received anything. I read somewhere that this particular part of history isn't even mentioned in some of the history books in Japan. Is that the case? Also what does today’s generation of Far East Asians think about the situation?

2006-10-04 08:28:02 · 20 answers · asked by eboni 3 in Other - Politics & Government

I saw in the news today that President Bush announced he signed a bill to spend 1.2 Billion on fence between U.S. and taco land. Is anyone else glad he finally pulled his out of his rear and is doing something to curb all the illegals and easy access to the country?

2006-10-04 08:25:51 · 14 answers · asked by mcskillins 2 in Immigration

I dont think so, I think it will only help a little because US gave them permission to become legal here instead of telling them to go back

2006-10-04 08:25:44 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2006-10-04 08:25:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

What about the Rev.Phelps ?He is the leader of that church that was going to protest the Amish funeral for the little girls. They also protest our solders' funerals.He is a registered democrat.

2006-10-04 08:23:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Democrats are more cnservative than Republicans... Did you noticed it?

2006-10-04 08:21:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

i'm tired of making fun of republicans, the democrats need to come back to power so i can start making fun democrats ;)

2006-10-04 08:21:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The US government recently began siezing prescription drugs being shipped in from Canada and now they are backpedaling and allowing US citizens to import up to 90 days worth at a time. This is the best decision they have made in a while, even if they only made it because of public outcry. Is there anyone who thinks the drug companies should be allowed to make all their money from US citizens while charging Canadians and other countries much less?

2006-10-04 08:21:16 · 12 answers · asked by wwbrad90 3 in Law & Ethics

Feds to target Ariz. employers of undocumented workers

Dennis Wagner and Daniel Gonzalez
The Arizona Republic
Oct. 4, 2006 12:00 AM

Federal authorities in Arizona are expected to crack down soon on businesses that knowingly hire undocumented workers, joining a nationwide effort to bust employers most responsible for the job magnet that attracts illegal immigrants to the United States.

Russell "Pete" Ahr, a spokesman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Phoenix, said the agency's worksite enforcement unit has been beefed up to pursue felony charges against those who willfully use unauthorized labor.

"It is active now," Ahr said of the unit. "It is conducting investigations. There are going to be visible results in the foreseeable future. ... We're not fining (companies) anymore. We're going after criminal indictments against the owners." advertisement

During raids, some illegal immigrants are likely to be arrested for deportation. But, Ahr emphasized, ICE agents will not conduct random sweeps to round up undocumented workers. They will use tips and intelligence to identify business operators who purposely violate the law.

Ahr declined to say what industries or types of businesses may be targeted.

The crackdown comes at a time when illegal immigration is a hot political issue, with grass-roots lobbying, election campaigns and congressional feuding over reform.

In December, the Republican-controlled House passed an enforcement-only measure that calls for more border security and mandatory verification of employment documents. A bipartisan Senate bill would enhance enforcement, but it also provides for the legalization of undocumented immigrants who are vital to some U.S. industries.

Congress adjourned last week without taking final action on either measure.

The workplace enforcement effort evolved gradually, with ICE agents in some jurisdictions cracking down on employers as early as 2004. The Department of Homeland Security publicly touted the program in April, when ICE agents arrested seven managers from a pallet-manufacturing company. During raids at company sites in 26 states, including Arizona, 1,187 workers were discovered with false documents.

Since then, the prosecution of employers has accelerated. As of August of fiscal 2006, agents had arrested 668 business owners or managers in the employment of undocumented workers, 525 more than in the seven prior years combined.

Although the increase seems dramatic, the total number of prosecutions remains fractional in an economy with an estimated 4.9 million private employers and 7.2 million undocumented workers. By some estimates, undocumented workers make up 5 percent of the nation's workforce.

Against that backdrop, critics say a smattering of criminal cases suggests political tokenism.

Steven Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, an immigration control organization in Washington, D.C., said President Bush is trying to placate conservative Republicans in hopes they'll accept an amnesty program.

Camarota added that, although he welcomes any enforcement increase, the prosecutions are merely an increase "from nothing to a little."

Do-nothing history

The ICE campaign comes after years of ignoring those who hire undocumented immigrants, largely due to politics.

In the 1990s, administrators at ICE's predecessor, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, tried to shut off the unauthorized labor force in several industries, only to be beaten down. In Nebraska, for example, raids on meatpacking plants, one of the state's key businesses, prompted such a backlash from community and congressional leaders that the INS gave up. The same happened in other states where key industries were targeted.

The pressure from industry, combined with advocacy from civil rights groups opposed to immigration sweeps, virtually eliminated interior enforcement programs.

Brazen violators occasionally were hit with civil sanctions, but ICE officials acknowledge the fines were so insignificant that employers shrugged them off as a cost of doing business.

Enforcement efforts against business owners are hampered by other factors:

• Convictions are difficult to obtain because investigators must prove an employer knowingly hired unauthorized workers.

• ICE agents have been preoccupied with national security. Since 9/11, their top priorities have been identifying potential terrorists and screening employees at airports and other key installations.

The result: In 2002, only 19 business operators nationwide were arrested for immigration violations.

Hot-button issue

If terrorism changed ICE's priorities, it also helped make immigration a hot-button political issue. Suddenly, the Bush administration was withering under criticism. Some complained about the lack of raids to find illegal workers. Others groused about the hypocrisy of targeting immigrants while doing nothing to business owners who profit from them.

Bush has long argued for a comprehensive reform measure that includes border security, interior enforcement and a legalized immigrant workforce.

Advocates on both sides say the ICE campaign was spawned by politics rather than a sincere effort to crack down on employers.

"These are strategies to appeal to a very conservative base," said Michele Waslin, director of immigration policy research for the National Council of La Raza.

Waslin said history has shown that enforcement won't deter illegal immigration because it fails to recognize the need for low-cost labor. Instead, she said, worksite raids spread fear.

Ahr, the ICE spokesman, said that his agency is reversing a long history of lax enforcement and that the job has to be done incrementally. Already, he said, more companies are signing up for a voluntary program that enables them to verify employee documents.

"As more of these criminal cases are made, with the publicity they get, we expect people to say, 'Golly, I might not be next on the chopping block, but I might be next,' " Ahr said. "(Illegal immigration) is driven by the magnet of illegal employment. It's all well and good to bolster the border. But, unless you diminish the magnet, that border effort won't work."

2006-10-04 08:20:18 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I was born the year he was elected so I was around but not really with it ya know I was more into uh sleeping..So from what Ive seen he was an alzheimers ridden old man who destroyed the economy with reaganomics and helped spread aids through his ignorance of the disease, and really did no one any favors with this stupid war on drugs nonsense.So why does the republican party hold him up as a shining example of what a president should be?

2006-10-04 08:16:46 · 19 answers · asked by stephaniemariewalksonwater 5 in Politics

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