The Real-Public-Kuntz really think so. I laugh, when I consider the fact that, it is them, with their multiple Yahoo Id's, who post unforgivable stuff, or questions on '*******' and other Anti-Islamic rhetoric. They have encouraged the killing of thousands of innocent people by dropping nuclear bombs on them. Who could glorify or encourage such a thing? Only these people can say the unthinkable and condemn a race, or type of people to hell. Their confused or narrow perspective of this world is a danger to us all and we should keep reminding ourselves of the battle, protect ourselves and future one’s to be, against their venom.
It is these monsters who have the audacity to call me a racist. These same cowards who are probably in their early, late 60's, who most certainly are living in the past, afraid to embrace new things and the future who are ruining the image of America and creating more enemies, as appose to friends.
We want Bush out, and we want his Monkey followers silenced.
The World doesn't need you.
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