Photos of the missle hitting the pentagon, from CTV frequecy's scaned by staff on the day, which were posted on the internet the next day.All the information relating to that day was on the net, the day after al the Media was then controled buy the US Government as to what can & can't be put on. as i have copy's of all data that was posted on the 2 days 1. 9/11/2001 & 10/1/201, if a bash man with basic electronic knowlege can talk to the space shuttle, when NASA frequncys are supposed to be sucure, just emagine what a person could do with the right contact's & resorces. I think that Bowing for colinbine is a Basic Information giuld to the type of investigative $$$ making film. & that's it. It's all about the Money & if you follow that even if it involes the goverment then even they are not above the Law, as what goes around comes around.The US Government & other Government's will be hit again, but this time 9/11 will look like a it was planed demolition site, unless they come clean.
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