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Politics & Government - 10 June 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I like Abraham Lincoln because I think nothing is more difficult then leading a country at war. I think a civil war would be the most difficult and at war over the moral and economic issue of slavery would be very difficult. What I found the most impressive about him was that when suspending habeous corpus during the Civil War he went to his Goverment and got their approval. I think rather then dividing the Goverment he unified it under one purpose, self perservation despite opposing veiws his focus was the unity of the nation, regardless of his personal veiws on the moral issues of slavery, he perserved the Union. He reinforced this veiw by not enacting crushing punishments on those states who chose the confederation but instead sought to welcome them back in as brethern.

2006-06-10 18:36:51 · 16 answers · asked by jason83go 2 in Politics

My sister really wants to know

2006-06-10 18:34:47 · 11 answers · asked by Mike P 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

nowday,we see so many wars in the world....please tell me about tourism???

2006-06-10 18:31:28 · 4 answers · asked by manda_kumkum 1 in Military

now that i know that this world if full of hate! i dont care why i say anymore! i am sorry if i hurt your feelings but i am staring to think that whites think they own everything when they really dont! 1st it was THE MEXICANS, NOW ITS THE BLACKS! all i read is questions of if your black......... or why if your mexican?? whatever i am just real mad that people come here for a purpose and ALL we could do is critize how they come in our country! please american people lets not forget that your ancestorn were not from here either, lets keep that in mind. GOOD BYE!

2006-06-10 18:29:28 · 18 answers · asked by MONA3 2 in Immigration

2006-06-10 18:17:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Easy -------- John Kerry ----------- Yuck ----------- Yuck

2006-06-10 18:16:25 · 9 answers · asked by Menifeedave 2 in Politics

might save a bunch of men and women

2006-06-10 18:14:23 · 9 answers · asked by inquisiitor-paradoxical anwerer 1 in Military

Would Communism and Liberalism meaning "left wing" political structures i.e. socialism function under a single government or would it lead to difficulty? Is there a way for Communists and Socialists to somehow band together and possibly operate a single unified government by rotating from the Communist Party to the Socialist or Democratic parties every four years or so? Sorry for the unusual question...It was a thought that has been plauging my mind for sometime.

2006-06-10 18:12:18 · 10 answers · asked by lisa 3 in Politics

I was born in America - therefore, I am a WHITE (I'm not ashamed of it) AMERICAN WOMAN. Yes, I do have ancestors who are from Germany, Scotland, Ireland - so does that make me a German/Scotch-Irish American - hell no! If you were born in America, you're an American. Chinese, Mexicans, Iraqui, etc. - quit calling yourself an American if you're not an American - you were not born here, you came here to get rich off of Americans - go home or if you are going to stay here - LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH - OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF THE UNITED STATES! Blacks, where did this bullshit come about of calling yourselves "African"-Americans??!! You are black, I am white - we were born in America, so we're Americans --plain & simple. I am so sick of your whining about opression & being the minority, GET OVER IT! If anyone is the minority, it's the white race. I'm so sick of hearing about racism - you want to talk racism: BET channel, African-American book section in Wal-mart, NAACP, etc., etc.

2006-06-10 18:07:52 · 32 answers · asked by smarttgirl 1 in Immigration

islamic law just obeyed by muslim not others but why people in other religion become afraid when islamic law will be taken as d positive law in each country??

2006-06-10 18:05:17 · 5 answers · asked by rahma 1 in Law & Ethics

A lot of people who criticize Islam and Muslims know next to nothing about both.

A lot of people out there are brain washed by the Jews who have tremendous hold over the media - electronic and print - in the US.

Islam is a very tolerant religion and majority of the Muslims are peace loving people.

If a Muslim happens to behind an act of terrorism, it is labelled Islamic terrorism. But when a Christian or Hindu is committing terrorism, it is NOT called Christian Terrorism or Hindu Terrorism. It is simply terrorism.

The Muslims in Palestine have been subject innumerable suffering. They are displaced and their homes destroyed. Muslims were not responsible for Holocaust. Why weren't the victims of holocaust settled in Europe. Why was a state carved out of Palestine for settling them.

When a Palestinian suicide bomber strikes in Israel, the State of Israel commits agression on hte innocent people of Palestine by aerial striking destroying their homes. This a state sponsored terrorism.

2006-06-10 18:03:54 · 7 answers · asked by Inquisitive 2 in Politics

In America

2006-06-10 17:58:41 · 15 answers · asked by UCSteve 5 in Immigration

I am making a banner for my husband he is coming home from his job training and we are throwing a big party and i need some ideas on what to put on it like some sayings i want it to be funny but i also want him to know that we are happy that he is back home and then we take off to germany for two years! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!????

2006-06-10 17:51:47 · 9 answers · asked by lovinDIJ 1 in Military

It's been in the papers for three days running that the former PM is complaining about the new PM for making changes. Is he feeling left out cause his former 'gang' has a new leader?

How do you feel when he says about the new PM..."you weren't my first choice" ? Does he have valid points or is he just going "Waaaaaah!"

2006-06-10 17:49:32 · 2 answers · asked by stacey 5 in Other - Politics & Government

Rumours are that zulfialikar Bhutto executed Prime Minister of Pakistan was half brother of Mrs.Gandhi.I know it could be possible in Indian sub-continent but can it be possible in good ole USA.This is a serious Question,no one could have dreamed before year 2000 that a woman of colour can be running the state department.

2006-06-10 17:42:16 · 3 answers · asked by Dr.O 5 in Politics

It has its own cosmology, its own miracles, its own beliefs in the supernatural, its own churches, its own high priests, its own saints, its own total worldview, and its own explanation of the existence of the universe. In other words, liberalism contains all the attributes of what is generally known as 'religion.'

2006-06-10 17:38:27 · 10 answers · asked by steve 1 in Politics

In a recent press conference, George Bush was asked if he had made any mistakes during his presidency. He couldn't come up with any off the top of his head.

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
-- George Orwell, 1984

2006-06-10 17:34:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

lately ive been thinking about iran and the iraq terrorists and i am thinking some ones gonna get there hands on a nuclear weapon and blow the **** out of D.C

2006-06-10 17:30:56 · 20 answers · asked by paintballdude2009 1 in Military

Amended... to allow a group of special Federal Judges to monitor the President to make sure he does not violate the law. Please let us know what you think about this new idea at:

(or here in Yahoo! Answers)
C.M. Fabara
Political Science Society
Brooklyn College, CUNY

2006-06-10 17:25:51 · 13 answers · asked by Carlos M. Fabara 1 in Law & Ethics

just to let u know all the things i ahve ben saying for the past couple days are jokes me and my friend were doing to see how pissy u guys would get just by us sayin gOH WE LOVE HITLER HEIL HITLER WOWO U GUYS GET MAD TOO MUCH!lol wow it was fun while it lasted but i dont want the fbi on my ***

2006-06-10 17:20:48 · 15 answers · asked by who asked 1 in Politics

This guy I know says he claims 9 dependents on his taxes, and then after a few months he switches it to 0. It sounds illegal to me... But he says it's legal, and some of my teacher friends said it was legal too. Is it?

2006-06-10 17:20:13 · 3 answers · asked by bunstihl 6 in Law & Ethics

2006-06-10 17:19:15 · 7 answers · asked by Terri L 2 in Military

For example, a new policy proposal suggests the President be monitored by Federal Judges to be sure he does not violate the law, the way President Nixon did and President Bush is now doing violagting FISA and spying on Americans on American soil. I enjoy debating new ideas, however, not many other people seem to care. I think the majority of people have been dumbed down by the media, so the political class can maintain its monopoly on political power. What do you think? For more info on this proposal, check out, and -- if you would like to express your opinions on the issue, so they can be taken into consideration -- please join:

2006-06-10 17:10:57 · 12 answers · asked by Carlos M. Fabara 1 in Law & Ethics

I'm a rookie, and I know so little it's embarrassing. Some girl called and surveyed me and to say the least my ignorance was embarrassing. I don't know the people, the arguements, or anything! Where should I start?

2006-06-10 17:09:54 · 8 answers · asked by flournoi 3 in Politics

my best friend who is gay is having a hard time trying to get a visa for his boyfriend who lives abroad? why?

2006-06-10 17:08:27 · 25 answers · asked by sugarpie 3 in Immigration

Is it true!?! Does Bush want to build a wall between America and Mexico!?!

2006-06-10 17:05:29 · 8 answers · asked by columpro25 2 in Politics

A massage therapist, on his first day of work, casually tells his supervisor that he is HIV positive. Supervisor is torn between telling management and compromising his employees right to privacy, and risking the therapist not taking proper precaustions to protect clients and other therapists from transmission of the disease. What can be done?

2006-06-10 17:02:00 · 10 answers · asked by concerned 1 in Law & Ethics

what does it take to be a good leader?

2006-06-10 16:45:31 · 24 answers · asked by tristan 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Now YOUR finger's on the button, who gets nuked?

2006-06-10 16:39:38 · 26 answers · asked by UCSteve 5 in Military

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