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[Selected]: All categories Pets Rodents

2007-06-03 22:18:33 · 28 answers · asked by piglet 2

My daughter has one in her room. She loves rodents.

2007-06-03 21:00:02 · 16 answers · asked by Magic Mouse 6

2007-06-03 15:41:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want a Guinea Pig and A Rat. I Already have mice. Can i have rats and guinea pigs together?

2007-06-03 14:13:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

1-the babies are 3-days old.. when is it possible for me to hold them without fear of my scent on them triggering the mum to eat them?
2-when can i start letting mum back in to her ball to run around in the evenings?
she was tired the 1st 2 days but now seems eager to run around and get out. shes always been EXTRA energetic. (thats polite for hyper crazy thing!)
3-the mum and dad(in diff cage) both refuse to drink water by any way.. but eat lettuce and tomatoes and food like that.. is that ok?
4-both parents enjoy the ball but dont use the wheel at all.. how can i train the babies (as they get older) to use the wheel instead of having to get the ball out all the time?

2007-06-03 12:20:28 · 5 answers · asked by Julie 1

At what age are guinea pigs not able to breed anymore mines 2.5 years old. I heard they cant have babies after 9 months. Please be sure of your answer.

2007-06-03 09:11:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Due to going to uni I have to look after my son's Gerbils , Do i have to buy Peat for them to live in or can i get a peat substitute?
some thing from the garden center perhaps

2007-06-03 06:40:12 · 14 answers · asked by Terry 2

I have a syrian hamster. She has a cage (not the "biggest", though, since she's gotten bigger). My parents have allergies and they don't like the smell. They won't let me keep her in any room at all, not even mine. They do allow the bathroom though. So is it okay for me to put my hamster's cage in the bath tub? I let the cage door open so she can have some running space in the tub. Is that okay, or is outside preferable? But if she stays outside, the cage would be closed and she'll have a little room to run around.

2007-06-02 20:06:23 · 10 answers · asked by josefina 1

I have a female syrian hamster. I've had her for about 6 months nowl. She's very sweet and never bites anyone, and she's very frisky. Whenever I try to hold her, she always tries to run away. When I do hold her, she moves really quickly around my arms and tries to jump off. I know she's comfortable around me because she has no problem walking all over me sometimes. I just want to know if it's her nature to be like that or if I have to handle her more often to make her even more used to that.

2007-06-02 18:18:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a two year old guinea pig and she is very shy and quiet. Its soo sad because she is soo adorable and has so much love but she literally dosent do a thing. When I take her out and put her on the ground for her to get exersise she does nothing. She wont even walk around. Shes expensive says my mom and i have to clean her cage every 3 days because i feed her alot of lettuce to eat because its her favorite thing to do in her boring life. Im also alergic to her but it seems that whenever im around shes just so happy to see me and that she would never be happy with anyone else. What should I do to make my life easier and hers happier. I cant go on cleaning all that poop and sneezing alot but i still do love her and would never be able to bring myself to give her away when I made the commitment to own her.

2007-06-02 14:48:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I’ve only had her for a week but I read that female guinea pig live longer happier lives when having a friend? Is this true?

2007-06-02 13:16:15 · 20 answers · asked by MissLegacy 2

I've been putting him in about 2 inches of water so he gets used to it, but how do you progress to paddling?

This is really important, please help!

2007-06-02 12:56:16 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just got a hamster. It is a female dwarf hamster. She is white with pink eyes(I don't know the exact breed)
Everytime I try to pick her up she bites me and runs away. And her bites HURT! Not to mention it's kinda scary.
All I want to do is hold her or put her in her exercise ball but she just won't stop biting. I understand I must give her time to adjust but this is just crazy! Is this normal?

2007-06-02 12:32:08 · 28 answers · asked by elie101_forever 3

The places where some of my friends have gotten them are petsmart and stores like that. Is that a good choice for a place to buy this pet. I have done tons of research and i am sure i could handle the needs of them.

2007-06-02 12:27:30 · 14 answers · asked by land_devin 2

I walked out for a smoke about 45 minutes ago and saw a bat just laying on the side walk. It seemed to have fallin from the tree or lost its grip on the roof. I looked at it closer and saw it had two baby bats attached to its underside. I grabed a paper plate and a broom and swept it up onto the plate and put it on the backyard table so the cats out front wouldnt mess with it. i went out there about 5 minutes ago and it was no where to be seen. I was just wondering if the bat with the young attached to its underside took flight or something.

2007-06-02 11:42:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-02 11:31:12 · 10 answers · asked by CARLOS A 1

can you give me a good viriety of thing that guinea pigs like to eat?
a good diet of things they can eat every day?
treats that are safe?
and what not to give them?
and if you know of any good websites?
thank you

2007-06-02 10:47:01 · 14 answers · asked by george n 2

2007-06-02 10:32:05 · 10 answers · asked by MissLegacy 2

OMG I dropped my dwarf hamster on our hardwood floor! He didn't move for about a minute, then started to move again. Will he be ok?

2007-06-02 10:10:11 · 11 answers · asked by cocoa_506 2

i have what you call a a teddy bear hamster a grey one and i have noticed that teh last couple of weeks its bottom and behind its ears are going white its only 8 week old so any ideas whats wrong?

2007-06-02 08:49:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


I have NO experience with rats. I need to know if they will eat Timothy Hay or not. Is it good for them?

Email me at, the_crack_job@yahoo.com

2007-06-02 08:33:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to get another rat but I dont know if I have a male or female how can I tell

2007-06-02 08:05:08 · 18 answers · asked by MICHELE H 1

I have a panda bear hamster (black and white syrian) and I got him around Christmas time, so he's about 6 months old now...he used to be very active starting at around 10pm and would run in his wheel all night but lately he just sleeps all day and all through the night (I know because he is loud and usually wakes me up). He looks different, too, because his eyes look crusty and he is sleeping in the open part of his cage now and not his favorite hiding spot. Is he okay?

2007-06-02 07:34:32 · 9 answers · asked by Whitney V 1

hi i am getting a guinea pig for my birthday and i have heard that they are alot at places like petsmart and petco and i have looked on petfinder and i live in ga so anyone know any good websites that i can buy one from i will look at classifeds if any one knows one and again i live in ga

2007-06-02 02:49:04 · 9 answers · asked by rstyparker 1

2007-06-01 13:22:15 · 13 answers · asked by Erica:D 2

I've had my rat for about a year and hes a year and a half old. about a week ago he just quit using his back legs. I think that its just because he never does anything and he lost the strength in his muscles but im not sure. my m om thinks he was parallyzed but he never does anything to be parallyzed. Please if you have any idead on how to help or what could be wrong, tell me.

2007-06-01 09:10:56 · 10 answers · asked by Skitz 1

2007-06-01 04:53:18 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

i seperated them the next morning.is the female to young to have babies?Pleaz help

2007-05-31 21:59:36 · 10 answers · asked by star 1

She is lossing hair on her belly but no where else my mom thinks it is from the heat or she is sheding. Do guniea pigs shed? or can it be from the bedding is she eleargic to the bedding it is pine is that fine? help me fast im worried!!!!!

2007-05-31 15:00:00 · 10 answers · asked by joe_jonas_lover_01 2

I want a hamster, and not one that is too big. I was thinking of getting a dwarf hamster, but hear they are very aggressive and bite alot. I also heard they are always asleep during the day, which leaves me no time to play with it.
I badly want a hamster, but do not want to be constanly bitten and napped at. And I do not want one that gets too big either...

2007-05-31 12:28:13 · 17 answers · asked by elie101_forever 3

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