I've read a few of the q/a's on here and they all seem to say that the cages aren't big enough, or that the hamster isn't getting enough run time in the ball. Well my hamsters cage is on 3 floors - has 2 flights of stars, metal bars AND tubes. Not to mention a wide selection of things to do - a wheel which works, a cereal bar, a house, a grass house, wooden gnaws etc etc. Furthermore my hamster gets approximately 3 hours a night in his ball.. where he gets free reign of the bottom floor of my house. I was just wondering if there is anything more I can do. He is only a baby, I'm a bit concerned that he may be too young to be apart from his mother (he wasn't on display in the pet shop, and was in the back with a litter of others who were all tinier than most I've seen). Please advise, I used to breed hamsters and this is far more excessive than I've ever witnessed before.
Thank you for your time x
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