I ahve 3 different speices of birds, all of them act sorrta weird sometimes....
Fisr, my male dove sits on the bottom of his cage, and he nested(because if you pt your finger, you could tell by his skin)...Is he sopposed to be nesting on the bottom of his cage?(He has Eco-nest down there, also)
And, my my 2 male cokcatiels are afraid of the vaccume...When I vacum around there cage, all they do is nock on things and nod there head alot....Is this normal for them?
And, my last question...In the middle of the night, my 7-8 month old baby budgies(we had them in december, they were parent raised) are mostly all the time sleeping like bats on the top of there cage, they hang themselfs upsidwon, ot even there beak hooked to the top....Ueemmm...Is this okay for them to be doign that? Hvae they just somehow gotten bat genes into them? The parents were checked up before I bought them...
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