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Maintenance & Repairs - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

I have aquapex pipes in the downstairs bathroom and they're frozen. do i thaw them out the same was as you would with other pipes(pvc, metal, etc) or is there a certain way to do it? Also is heat tape and pipe insulation safe for aquapex pipes?

2007-02-06 23:25:48 · 5 answers · asked by gothicfavors 2

2007-02-06 21:53:15 · 5 answers · asked by Ben M 1

2007-02-06 21:17:09 · 9 answers · asked by NEIL W 1

2007-02-06 19:31:13 · 7 answers · asked by southernbelle 2

These items are extremely heavy due to the bricks inside them - is it possible to easily remove/refit the bricks, are they removed via the back panel or the front?

2007-02-06 19:17:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to put in a water softener , there is no drain nearby, i can run a pipe to the main garden water drain, is this OK?

2007-02-06 18:56:29 · 4 answers · asked by dummie 2

All the other radiators work fine. I tried bleeding the radiator but nothing came out. No water and no air. The shutoff valve has never been touched and is in the open position. I did try closing and reopening it. The pipe in the basement that leads over to it is getting warm. The pipes are in good shape. What could be blocking the heat?

2007-02-06 18:33:22 · 4 answers · asked by thundarbirdsGo 3

The man who owns the house we are trying to buy works out of the country and he had the water shut off for 7 months while he was away. Can this cause any problems to the home? I don't think it does but my mom seems to think it could. Anyone have an idea?

2007-02-06 17:33:55 · 10 answers · asked by Me 6

I nerver heard of this kind of air Conditioner. If you have one can you give me some info on it. How good they work. Pros and Cons of getting one. Thanks.

2007-02-06 16:26:25 · 1 answers · asked by nay 5

ok, we bought a house that is fairly old. i heard my parents talking about it having old wiring, its not the same wire you put in a house now. anyway, sometimes when im here on the comp i hear a loud click. it loud enough to make me jump haha. there is usually 2 about 1 min apart. and the other day all of a sudden a breaker went and the lights turned off but i still had power to use comp...we couldnt figure it out because nothing was running. should i be paranoid??

2007-02-06 16:10:46 · 4 answers · asked by guitarpr0d0gy 1

Just moved into my home last may, first winter here and its quite drafty. Done what I can to help stop the drafts but was wondering if someone makes or if I could order storm windows to put on the outside of my old wood windows. Currently I have screens outside of the windows and the screens fit in by using 4 plunger style pegs to keep them in place. Do they make, or can I buy storm windows to fit in there? And what kind of cost would I be looking per storm window? My average window size is about 36in w x 65in h (my unoffical guessimate)
any info is welcomed and will be helpful.
Thanks in advance

2007-02-06 15:45:28 · 7 answers · asked by Deftoner_01 2

We shut my daughter's bedroom door when we go out to keep the cats and dogs out. However, when we open the room again...sometimes quite awhile later, there is an odor (I finally figured out it smelled like rotten eggs). There is only one vent in her room (in the ceiling) and she has one window. Sniffing around, I cannot find a specific place of the smell. After the door is opened the smell goes into our room a tad and then goes away. I am concerned about her sleeping in her room...even though the door remains open. Any ideas? Thanks!

2007-02-06 15:34:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anelia G 1

Apparently, the fan/vent above my electric stove leads outside.

This is fine, except:
- there is a draft coming from the vent
- condensation forms there and, in this weather, ice, such that when I cook things it drips water all over the stove

Any home owners with the same experience? How do I fix this?

2007-02-06 15:31:53 · 3 answers · asked by fail r us 3

I live in a large apartment community serviced by MINOL for water and sewer. I am moving out at the end of this month. I tend to lose track of the MINOL bills, but I paid it in full today. I called to verify through the automated system, and it is stating a zero balance. I certainly never received a turnoff notice. Water seems to be working fine in the common areas of the apartment. It is freezing outside, and our property management recording does not give a maintenance emergency number. Water was running when I came home (I did a load of laundry and did some other random tasks). It seems unlikely that any kind of shutoff would occur at 9:30 at night. The only thing I can think of is that I extended my lease and my original lease was to end on 02/04. Is there any chance that they had me on some kind of automatic shutoff? I've never known the pipes to freeze around here, and, like I said, it is running in the common areas. It is too late to ask a neighbor.

2007-02-06 15:20:55 · 3 answers · asked by homeshopper 2

every faucet, toilet, shower, etc. gets a quick hard surge than the flow goes back to normal. I've tried adjusting the pressure regulator under the house, what else could it be if not that?

2007-02-06 15:07:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

my hot water tank leaks from the copper pipe along the side of it, i think its called a pressure relief pipe. it leaks all the time. YES, IVE REPLACED THE PRESSURE VALVE , AND IT DIDNT HELP. The tank is only 3 years old, and i replaced it since i was only allowed one shower before it got cold. by the way, the other water tank didnt leak out of the copper pipe, and this one does. I still only have 10 minutes of hot water with a 40 gallon tank! It is a gas tank. Id be grateful to you forever if you can help me with these 2 problems!

2007-02-06 14:58:47 · 6 answers · asked by lance 2

I just bought a modular home and the electic company turned on the electric today but when I got to the house the electric wasnt working , I flipped every breaker I could find and even had a neighbor come over and try but I got NOTHING . When I called the electric company back they told me it wasnt thier problem and to call a electrician but I dont have the money . Any ideas on how I could fix this or what the problem could be , we are not getting a reading on the meter but I figured its because its not getting power . I doubt it is an electrical problem because the house is only 4 years old and the last owner didnt have any problems ...........

2007-02-06 14:54:11 · 4 answers · asked by applesauce 1

Little information before I elaborate.....We're renting, the landlord provides the fridge and a dishwasher.

Anyway, when I open up the lower fridge section and stick my head halfway into it, I smell an almost electric smell emitting from within it. I was wondering if it could possibly be the fan motor (or whatever it's called) going bad/burning up? Anyone know? It wouldn't catch fire or anything would it?

It figures this would happen tonight of all nights, when we have a Citywide Snow Emergency in place and about 8 inches out on the ground and it's freezing cold outside!

2007-02-06 14:43:43 · 4 answers · asked by Jen 5

My kitchen sick is stopped up,I dont have draino.What else can I do to unclog the sink?I need to clean the kitchen,I tryed bleach.Can you help me out.

2007-02-06 14:37:28 · 6 answers · asked by lorraine B 3

I had a friend put the wires back in to a new breaker box now i dont have any hot water and my dryer is stilll not getting hot

2007-02-06 14:36:56 · 7 answers · asked by misvirgo1 1

2007-02-06 14:11:35 · 8 answers · asked by twysty 5

It smells like gas in my aunts home. They baught a carbon momoxide alarm. I'm not sure if that will work to detect a gas leak . Does anyone know if this will work to detect gas?

2007-02-06 13:56:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 1 inch gap between the walls and the bath. An anti mould sealant would not fill this and was wondering if anyone out there in England knew of any DIY stores selling a plastic cover to fit around the bath preferably 1-1.5 inches deep to cover the sealant and gap from water

2007-02-06 13:56:15 · 6 answers · asked by imilne34 1

By a small family(Husband,wife and two children), I mean a house containing
1) PC
2) Hi Fi Music System
3) Fans
4) Air conditioner ( to maintain in one bedroom an avg Temp. 25 deg. c, in Tropical Countries, ambient temp. 35 deg. C and upto 40 deg. C max.)
5) Refrigerator
6) Washing Machine
7) 20" TV monitor
8) Any other Electrical Gadget not listed here.

Break up of each load will be preferred.

2007-02-06 13:52:40 · 2 answers · asked by Nandkumar 1

It is worse in the bathroom, throught the vent and through the stairs where the seams are not completely closed. It is very frustrating since we don't smoke. These are older townhomes built in the 70's.

2007-02-06 13:38:11 · 6 answers · asked by CEJ 2

I have a 27 year old house with two Bryant electric furnaces. One of them has just burned out the blower motor and I need to find a replacement. The stock motor appears to be a 3 speed, 240v, 60hz, 1/4 hp, 1050 rpm, 3.9 amp one that has a purple, a red, and a black wire hooking it up. I found a Fasco D749 1/4 hp, 208-230v, 1075rpm 1 speed motor at a local hardware store but it has two brown wires hooked to capacitor and a black and a white wire. I don't know how to hook this up to make it work. Can anyone make this motor work or is there another motor which will wire right up?
Thank you for your help.

2007-02-06 13:34:53 · 4 answers · asked by dave m 1

I am pissed... I had an independent guy work on my dryer... said the heating element was bad ( not sure how that can be since the element was heating up)..... well.... he shorted out the new part on Saturday when he was installing it. Again... I dont understand how since it the dryer was unpluged for 2 days prior. Any charge remaining in the line should have died by then. He said he thought they were closedo n Saturdays, but was not sure how the stores hours were on Sunday ( I would think they would more likely have been closed on sunday). Anyway... monday the guy was supposed to come back and he never did. called at 9 saying the part did not come in. He told me he would be back tonight, and called at 8 pm saying the part did not come in. I have used this guy before.... so stupid me... I paid him in full for the job the night he diagnosed the problem. He has already cashed the check, so I cant stop payment. I figure I will go get the part and have it for him. No more excuses!

2007-02-06 13:30:13 · 1 answers · asked by TAZZLOVER8 2

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