ok so im a big tough person not really afraid of anything apart from 4 things spiders, moths, wasps, and bees!
and they all come out in the summer (well actually spiders are all year round....but back to the question!)
im terrified of wasps and bees they are my biggest fear, i got chased by 3 yesterday (i probably wasnt it was prob just my paranoia that they was following) anways i suffer form anxiety so it really doesnt help, and i have bright dyed blonde hair....IS THEIR ANYWAY! i can repel them?? is it save to spray repelent on yourself??
or if any of u live near brighton in the uk, is their a place where their are like human controlled nest things so maybe i can just try and conqure this fear? its really bad, i refuse for any windows to be open day or night, day because of wasps and night cos of moths, and it seems every year my fears get worse, im meant to set an example for my nephew not teach him to be afraid of bugs!
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Garden & Landscape