My mom is demon possessed. She's meek & mild for the most part, but when its time to take her in for her dialysis treatment she becomes evil & curses, & throws things & I just leave. Then I cry because its too frustrating. She's 80 now,but looks 60. I monitor her literally over 20 medications a day, handle paying her bills, take her to dinner & just usually spend evenings together, but I am suppose to take her to her treatments twice a week, my sister takes her once, my niece picks her up from her treatments, & we usually try to share taking her to the dr appts. But its getting to me. My husband & I took her back east for her 80th bday to see my other sister.She's miserable, vocal, doesn't care what she says to who. I want to surrender this responsibility but I don't know to who or how? My nephew is all talk,but is too busy to take this responsibility on. My older sister does what she says she can,& I'm the only one to do all of this. I can't do it anymore. Please offer sound advice?
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