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Other - Health - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Other - Health

When wearing glasses, is it regular for your peripheral vision to look concave?

2007-03-09 20:41:04 · 4 answers · asked by Ting 4

will injection of growth hormones help or limb lenthening.eating does not help me

2007-03-09 20:32:26 · 4 answers · asked by viju 2

My urine is a funny colour and smells different,quite strong what is this?

2007-03-09 19:52:54 · 11 answers · asked by live life 4

2007-03-09 19:43:40 · 19 answers · asked by nendlin 6

2007-03-09 19:42:45 · 16 answers · asked by nendlin 6

i have been getting severe heading especially in the morning and i have tried several doctors without success.

2007-03-09 19:17:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have this habit of staying up all night then sleeping till noon.
what are some steps I can take towards breaking it.

2007-03-09 18:44:37 · 9 answers · asked by Sanwi 3

oK, hErEs ThE DeAL, i ThOuGhT WoMaN WhO hAd SeX WiTh So MaNy GuYs WeRe FloOsiEs. & i HaVe A GuiLtY CoNciEnCe, BuT NoW iM LeArNiNg ThAT WoMaN hAvE MaNy SeXuAL EnCoUnTeRs JuSt As oFtEn As MeN. WhEtHeR iM WrOnG oR RiGhT So WhAt. iM TrYiNg To CoMe uP WiTh SoMe AvErAgEs. iF uR WiLLiNg To PaRtiCiPaTe, CoMMeNt BaCk WiTh W/e U WoULd LiKe To SaY, & ThEn YoUr PaSt ExPeRiEnCeS LiKe So (hErE iS miNe) :

Im 17

*(StArT wiTh ThE aGe u LoSt YoUr ViRgiNiTy & HoW mAnY PaRtNeRs YoU hAd ThAT AgE)

AgE. # oF PaRtnErs

So, Im 17, & iVe BeEn WiTh 9 GuYs. yEs iM aShAmEd BuT iM CuRiOuS To KnOw HoW mAnY OtHeRs ArE ThErE WiTh ThiS kiNdA ReCoRd, WhEtHeR oR nOT MaLe/FeMaLe.??! CuZ i KnO GuYs iN ThEiR 60s!!! So ThAnKs.!

2007-03-09 18:41:55 · 10 answers · asked by CuRiOuS1989.! 1

i mean i dont think i stink but when i go near them they just sniff and rubbs their nose as if i stink
i even ask them if i stink and they say no but why the **** do they do this for

2007-03-09 18:36:02 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was told in the past that it might mean I have an ulcer.. I just know that recently its been happening. I HAVE been under a ton of stress and have been rather depressed about some things. Does anyone have any ideas as to what it could be?

2007-03-09 18:31:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I keep getting really, really bad ingrown toe nails. It is not because of my shoes, I either go barefoot or wear tennis shoes. I think it is mostly because of my toes. The skin grows up and over the nail. should I get the skin around the nails cut or should I try something else? I would ask my doctor, but I am a military wife and where we live getting the military to get a referral is like pulling teeth. I would like to have an idea of what to do before I go so I don't have to waste my time.

2007-03-09 18:29:41 · 1 answers · asked by lilly j 4

how to grow taller

2007-03-09 18:28:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

daily/weekil ones ortwice/monthly ones

2007-03-09 18:02:47 · 16 answers · asked by jayamjr 1

day before yesterday,my right eye started paining.by yesterday,the condition was getting worst.now its worse.my eye is swolln to such an extent that it appears to be closed.the reason is that,there is a small boil inside the eye.it paining very much.i am not able to bear it.my exams are going on.please suggest an effective remedy.thankyou.

2007-03-09 18:02:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love to eat fish, but it seems that nowadays, people say that ALL fish have mercury in it. Is there any known scientific way to isolate all this stray mercury so we can eat without fear of dying all the time?

2007-03-09 17:59:52 · 3 answers · asked by BUNguyenI 2

i don't know why i do...i just do. i have actually tried peeing in bedd on purpose last year. i don't have the guts to tell anyone. i need advice!

2007-03-09 17:48:08 · 5 answers · asked by ?????????? 1

I had posted earlier about a sinus infection that is still here!

2007-03-09 17:48:07 · 2 answers · asked by Emily 4

My son recently had an MRI scan and I was allowed to stay in the room when he was having it done. Before I was allowed in I had remove loose change from my pockets, my wallet (I understand that one as the credit cards can be wiped) and any other metal items (including my belt). When I was in the room though I noticed that it is just a normal hospital room, full of metal object (from the suspended ceiling down to the door handles)...so with all this metal in the room already, why did I have to leave metal objects outside the room?

2007-03-09 17:46:44 · 7 answers · asked by BenignSource 4

I've being wearing contacts for almost a year, and my prescription was 2.0 and 2.5., so last week y got a new pair of glasses with a new prescription, but the power raised to 2.75 ans 2.50, and now i feel ready dizzy with this glasses, is that normal or the power of the glasses might be too strong??

2007-03-09 17:44:55 · 6 answers · asked by fabian l 3

I just discovered that a loved one is shooting dilaudid (8x stronger than morphine). He has a bad heart and several other health conditions. I would like advice on how to approach him next morning. I fear for his life, so any insight would be helpful. Thanks

2007-03-09 17:44:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-09 17:38:41 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

my eyes are always red and after a while they start to sting. i also have blurred vison. at times i will be able to see then i wont be able to see anything. they get really red especally when im watching tv or reading a book..

does anyone have a cure to this???

2007-03-09 17:24:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

just curious if an insurance company would pay for a hot tub , or a whirlpool for my husband, who has cronic back pain

2007-03-09 16:58:06 · 5 answers · asked by lovngarlic 1

start doing it again

2007-03-09 16:51:38 · 11 answers · asked by Stephanie C 1

About 2 weeks ago i got very sick. I ate some pizza, took a nap and when i woke up a few hrs later on i was very very sick. I had to be rushed to the ER. That pizza was all i ate all day long. The dic said it was prob food posioning, but could not "prove" it. Should i call the pizza place? I would have sooner, but i am only getting better now.

2007-03-09 16:48:24 · 7 answers · asked by carriec 7

No vomitting or diarrhea noted. I've been applying hydrocortisone. Today was the first day of the outbreak. What is this please??????

2007-03-09 16:18:39 · 20 answers · asked by LIBRA34 2

2007-03-09 16:17:47 · 1 answers · asked by San Antonio de Malarque 2

I have had this for four years now. Its a very terrible smell in my nose that I get it smells like mucus and bacteria. It can mess up my whole sense of smell, and it lasts for almost three weeks! After that peroid when it goes away for a week then I get hit with a really bad cold afterwards! I just don't get it! Are their suggestions what this could be? If so what medicine could I take to clear this junk up? It smells just like some type of really nast bacteria, ugghhh, any suggestions?


2007-03-09 16:13:51 · 12 answers · asked by Daughter of a Coma Guy 7


2007-03-09 16:03:04 · 11 answers · asked by Lynn 1

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