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Mental Health - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

2007-01-28 20:49:40 · 5 answers · asked by ? 6

Well, it goes like this. Eventually, I found myself kinda refreshing when I wake up at 4.15am and start my study(or revision) at 4.30am. And I can write my essay better than ever! I mean, I never felt like this before. Of course I usually sleep at 9.30pm. Is this good? Or, bad? Just I feel refreshing.

2007-01-28 20:45:17 · 4 answers · asked by Kadaj aka Kadaj 1

i wake up everymorning at like 2am and start feeling really light headed and stressed i remember last night i was walking into the bathroom and started punching the door really hard my knuckles are now red and possibly broken but i cannot feel anything when it is happening i would like any information. by the way i am 13 years old i dont do drugs and i dont smoke and any of that stuff.

2007-01-28 20:21:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

alot of people would say yes to this answer but what proof is there that sleep walking is real and how can we scientifically explain it?

2007-01-28 20:08:22 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-28 19:30:12 · 5 answers · asked by Loose to Win 1

Or Anti-depessants. Who usually prescribes them to you?

2007-01-28 19:13:11 · 14 answers · asked by SkaSkunk 2

2007-01-28 18:58:59 · 8 answers · asked by mr_ignorant 1

has disassociative identity disorder. My boyfriend is bipolar and hypomanic or manic about 10 months out of the year. I have a daughter I need to take care of along with my boyfriend. Here is my problem. My sister-in-law has attached herself to me and she is very high maintenance because of the personality disorders. I have tried to get her to detach from me somewhat nicely. It didn't work. My plate is already full because of the boyfriend and our daughter. I cannot handle her also on a daily basis. I think my head is ready to explode from all of the stress. My family says I have to be nice to her and just keep doing what she wants or my brother will get mad. I tried to talk to my brother but he gets mad and says I am trying to hurt her etc.. This sister-in-law also does vengeful things when I tell her no. She tells family members nasty lies about me and I keep getting in trouble for things I never said or did. So, what do I do? Am I being mean?

2007-01-28 18:54:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


I have three girls ages 10, 9 and 5. The older 2 are always well behaved and do very well in school but the 5 year old has been getting into trouble at least 3 times a week for disruptive behavior. When I ask her about why she does these things she cries and tells me that she tries to be good but that its very hard. I think that ADD and ADHD is over diagnosed and I dont want to jump to that does any one have any ideas besides medicating her?

2007-01-28 18:50:35 · 10 answers · asked by nurse_nikki 2

This is happening more often. I have an idea and I forget what it is straight away.
I want to look for sometime around the house and then I forget what it is I'm looking for.
I might want to search for something on the net, but it slips my mind and I forget what I wanted to look for.
I'm horrible at remembering people's names, sometimes I have to ask the person's name 4 for 5 times before I remember. (How embarressing.)
If I was supposed to do something for someone, I forget to turn up. (And I'm the sort of person who'd hate to ignore someone like that.)
What condition do I have? Is that consistent with brain cancer of something?

2007-01-28 18:43:27 · 6 answers · asked by Don 2

whenever i have to talk to people at all i get really nervous and can't say anything (like even just hi or anything) or if i can i can't remember what i wanted to say and just say anything i can think of that fits in the conversation and don't ever say what i meant to talk about before. i'm find talking online though it's just if i actually have to say words out loud i get so nervous i can't do it. is there anyplace online where i can talk to someone?

2007-01-28 18:28:26 · 10 answers · asked by shadow of a girl 1

2007-01-28 18:24:40 · 5 answers · asked by nitin c 1

i'm not actually going to kill myself. i kind of feel like i want to partly, only i'm not really going to do it. and i asked the question about how to kill myself i guess cause... actually, i don't really know why i asked it. i guess i kind of just wanted for ppl to say something nice to me and make me feel better. only i shouldn't have asked a q like that. this person i talked to online a while ago explained why i shouldn't post things like that and i wasn't going to, and then i don't know. sorry if it scared you. anyhow what should i have asked instead?

2007-01-28 18:08:19 · 7 answers · asked by shadow of a girl 1

any ideas on how to self induce dreams

2007-01-28 18:00:38 · 8 answers · asked by BOBBY 2

I am a man with women foot fetishism, I want to know if there is a practice or treatment to reduce it, (I don't believe in medicine for those stuff).
I find women feet beautiful, adorable, and I love to hug and kiss every woman's feet I meet everyday, which turns me to obsessed person, I want to have some kind of control over my foot fetishism

2007-01-28 18:00:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone have a significant other that is mentally ill? Have they been diagnosed by a doctor? How long have you been together? How hard has it been on you?

2007-01-28 17:57:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm thinking of jumping off a subway platform when a trains coming only i've heard there are ways to stop ppl doing that somehow, or at least on this one tv show i saw they said that in new york they do but i don't live in new york and anyhow i don't get how that could actually work. does it work or not? the other way is taking pills only that tends not to work a lot of time. what pills and how much would work for sure?

2007-01-28 17:54:17 · 30 answers · asked by shadow of a girl 1

I'm smart, yet I dropped out of high school.
So I finished up my diploma in less than 6 months of dropping out.
I took dual credit courses to get college credit as well as credits to get my diploma.
I'm not going to college.
I have a boyfriend.
We're actually husband and wife, but can't tell our families because they think I'm crazy.
My friends are all morons.
I told them as much.
I have no friends.
I used to cut myself, I can't even cover up the scars with long sleeve shirts.
I stopped cutting myself because my friends told me I did it for attention...
I did it because I was molested when I was young by my stepfather and my older sister, so I molested my little brother, I've always been heavy, I feel so unloved....
I'm sorry, I feel like such a burden...
In advance, I know there will be answers to tell me as much...
Can anyone help me?

2007-01-28 17:42:34 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

am 21 old with Cerebral Palsy i can walk and do everything i just walk funny i have a felony for robbery when i was 18 for a coat that fall off during a fight and then a few months later lost a finger i have been tease my whole life i am about to start college but feel like ending everything life just seems to get worst every year will it every get better i am just about done with everything i feel anything will be not worth it because of the felony and college will not help and i will always be alone

2007-01-28 17:37:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

because the people around me don't seem to get it....they don't get that I have a serious mental issue and it's not something I can just snap out of if I try hard enough

2007-01-28 17:34:05 · 5 answers · asked by Cybil 2

I also have PTSD...

2007-01-28 17:33:19 · 6 answers · asked by nncywlndr 1

2007-01-28 17:25:52 · 5 answers · asked by Santosh B 1

I've been dating the same woman for 3 years now and tonight we just ended things. This was her choice and Yes there are many other fish in the sea and yes I'll get over her and have a happy life, so please don't tell me to get over her. I love her very much and would do anything in the world for her. She is my best friend and she tells me the same things too.. She loves me and I'm her best friend. About a year ago she switched to a high dose of Effexor and seems to have her highs and lows pretty much gone. Side effects are no Sex drive and she sleeps all the time. When we argue about anything she just puts this wall up and it kills me. But we love each other and I don't want to give up on her if its the medication that is pushing her to give up on me. She struggled pushing me away, but tonight we ended 3 years together and my heart is broken. Could it be the effexor that is making her numb to dealing with us emotionally enough to end our relationship? Help us please, guide me.

2007-01-28 17:19:02 · 10 answers · asked by Vindicatedfather 4

I have partial memories of child molestation from my sister when I was very young (minor touching). Not sure if it happened more than once. In elementary school, I spent recess with my head down instead of playing with the others. Today, I rarely get excited about anything, even things I should be totally crazy about. At 26, I've only had two girlfriends (one in high school) and now, whenever a relationship doesn't work out, I spend countless hours asking myself what could possibly be wrong with me, which becomes very depressing to the point of thinking about suicide every hour of the day; though, I'd never actually do it. When my boss says something negative about my performance, it really hits home. I'll spend a couple weeks dwelling on it until I hate my boss and life altogether. Am I depressed? I've been to a psychologist 3 times but I felt like she was trying to get me to analyze why I feel this way. I've already over analyzed everything to the point of exhaustion!

2007-01-28 17:11:00 · 9 answers · asked by Art Student 2

often, in my bathroom i find myself making funny faces in the mirror and laughing at myself (quietly). is it normal?

2007-01-28 17:04:23 · 10 answers · asked by MilkDonkey 3

please no mean answers...does anyone else have this prob? I live in a small town and I can go places here...but when I start getting far from home I panic....I am afraid I am going to go crazy and jump out or something...I dont want to but I have that fear...my fiance is the best...he has tried to help and I am on meds...but nothing is working for me...I pray ...I try to get out there and go a little further each time but It doesnt really help because the next day I am back to the old me who cant do it....what am I supposed to do?? I cant even get to a therapist let alone afford one!!!

2007-01-28 16:59:15 · 6 answers · asked by jamzesmom 2

scenes and pictures in my mind. It has been almost 7 years, I am wondering will it ever stop. The man who did it got off on a rights violation technicality. I went to therapy, yet these memories are still disturbing off and on.

Anyone with experience or advice/ suggestions to offer?

2007-01-28 16:58:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous 2

I have to touch things with both hands and feet, and things in a line have to be perfect, and small things can bug me until I fix them, like if a word at the beginning doesn't have a capital letter. So, I'm really wondering if I have OCD.

2007-01-28 16:55:27 · 8 answers · asked by Linden W 2

This guy i know most likely has adhd he accepts that himself if not he says something else must be wrong. he is driving his partner insane and acts like a child been to see one mental health doctor who laughed at him and said no one knows about that in my area! (west midlands uk) does anyone know of a good doctor with at least an intrest in adult adhd and if so how to go about contacting him or her? if we need to willing to travel further afield in the uk. Many thanks.

2007-01-28 16:40:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

He keeps on eating and eating...Sometimes i feel that he has been eating his next day's dinner...

2007-01-28 16:30:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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