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Mental Health - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

2006-12-22 21:33:32 · 17 answers · asked by braveheart 1

I always feel like I can't breathe sometimes, and I'm taking deep breaths more often then "normal people" I always twitch lots during my attacks and feel like my chest is tight and hurts. I avoid foods like chocolate and caffiene, because it makes my attacks start up. Mostly my attacks act up near night time, or if I start thinking my "what if's" too much.
Anybody else feel like sharing? or do any of you have common symptoms?

2006-12-22 21:16:12 · 2 answers · asked by memoriesareabeach 2

I'am down in winter and then hipper in summer

2006-12-22 21:15:32 · 13 answers · asked by kenjrothwell2005 1


who thinks keeping a journal is weird??

2006-12-22 21:05:57 · 25 answers · asked by beckiboox 1

-Person is my sister
-Shows sign of no grasps of consequences in any circumstanse
-Age 25, always been apparent
-Has nothing to do with the way she was raised
-Shes been to pychiatrists and they can't figure out whats wrong
-No mental retardation
-Requires vast efforts on my parents to keep her going
I can give more details if you wish

Examples range from being younger and never returning library books (although she was reminded and knows when they were due) to more recent extreme spending with credit cards leading to debt. Given the chance she'd sign up for another credit card immediately

2006-12-22 20:37:04 · 15 answers · asked by verbumheros 2

i'm sure this question brings most people to a definite answer
but ask yourself if your answer is truly your own or what youv'e been taught to feel
if it's just an answer without insight
isn't that the same witchhunt for wich we condem him for
it's just a thought
i won't say where i stand

2006-12-22 20:34:50 · 19 answers · asked by high 1

is it a primal urge or a social deviance
i think it should be looked into
let's find out if we can help them
we need research on even the most grusom things
i believe
i know i know ask me that if someone did that to someone i love

2006-12-22 20:14:35 · 23 answers · asked by high 1

.........thrown up poop??? I'm serious! I am really sick and I have actually been vomiting diarrhea (a lot of it).........gross, I know, but I want to know if it's ok. I know it's not normal, but is it a big deal? It's like the third time I have done it in my life, but I am kind of embarrassed to say anything. Here it's totally anonymous, so much easier to say it's happening. I can't see asking my mom or something.......I'd be so embarrassed. I feel silly asking you all and I will never have to face you, so someone I have to see......out of the question! Well, unless someone knows FOR SURE that it can hurt me. So........any ideas??? REAL IDEAS PLEASE......DON"T BE RUDE JUST BECAUSE THIS IS GROSS! I'm a little scared..........thanks!

2006-12-22 19:59:29 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-22 18:39:09 · 5 answers · asked by Sxoxo 5

Are there any other stories about this drug, Please share this information with me and others

2006-12-22 18:33:34 · 5 answers · asked by MICHELLE G 1

How would I council a friend who is cutting themselves? He's scaring me, and he will not stop. I mean he's not doing it everyday or anything but he does do it alot. And he doesn't live anywhere near me, so I cant take him somewhere (I'm talking like 3 states away.)

2006-12-22 18:18:34 · 21 answers · asked by Melissa 1

i do not understand this. how do they know the true you is worth seeing? are they saying it was good for ted bundy to be himself?

2006-12-22 18:15:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 16, and I never had memory problems in the past, but now I noticed that I forgot things from yesterday way too fast. I cant remember my class time, and sometimes other stuff. What could be the reason? How to improve my memory again?

2006-12-22 18:14:54 · 8 answers · asked by asdfasdf d 1

I am considering a new drug called Cymbalta, mostly for depression/Bipolar disorder. If you've tried this, please tell me what your experience was like with it. Did it work better than any of the other drugs you've been on? I have been on prozac, zoloft, paxil, wellbutrin, effexor, and prozac is the only one I've taken for years, and its effects seem to be wearing off. I'm wondering how Cymbalta would work for my mood swings, and overall depression.

2006-12-22 18:10:01 · 5 answers · asked by MissT 3

My arms, and hands comes and goes in some sort of numbness, it's locked up my fingers at least once a day, very painful, it pull up on my shoulders and neck frequently. I am so depress, I cry a lot, everything around me seem so tasteless, some times I had no desire to live, I having the feeling that people are not real, they will hurt me if I be around them too long, or even those I don't know will hurt me.

2006-12-22 17:31:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

For the past year I have been have alot of problems paying attention to and remembering anything and everything!
When people talk to me I'm hearing them but its like I'm not!
I have verbal outbursts were i can't stop talking I know it bothers people but I can't help it.
but thats only on somedays most days I'm so tired I can't even function I know I really can't be tired though becouse I sleep alot.
I have problems functioning socially
I have off and on problems with leaving my house exept I can go in the car.I cry alot but other times I can't cry at all for long periods of time.I have problems controling my temper.
I think about killing myself alot, not seriously I think, but often.
also i've had depression for about ten years and I feel completly diffrent acually I feel almost like a completly diffrent person.(not literally)

Sorry that was long but if you recognize these symtoms and can tell me what I have I would love to know!!!


2006-12-22 17:28:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is my third attempt at posting this question so please don't be harsh if it's worded wrong, as it won't get passed the censors for some reason.

Please help me. I am serious and I'm not joking. Family issues. My mom hates me and she doesn't talk to me or like spending time with me. My dad doesn't understand me even if he tries to. I feel like noone really understands me or my situation. I know I have depression and I know I have anger management issues, but I really need help. I have seeked counseling before and went to a therapist but I quit it. I am thinking of going back to her. What do you guys think? I make a mountain out of a molehills and my dad says I hate the world. Well, that is not true. I just tend to overreact to little things that people do. I know that I shouldn't because I can't control them or their actions, but I was just thinking that I could be assertive. For example, today I hesitatingly went to see Night at the Museum with my folks and brother, even though I

2006-12-22 17:21:24 · 19 answers · asked by ? 4

2006-12-22 17:20:46 · 17 answers · asked by tanya 1

Please help me. I am serious and I'm not joking. Family issues. My mom hates me and she doesn't talk to me or like spending time with me. My dad doesn't understand me even if he tries to. I feel like noone really understands me or my situation. I know I have depression and I know I have anger management issues, but I really need help. I have seeked counseling before and went to a therapist but I quit it. I am thinking of going back to her. What do you guys think? I make a mountain out of a molehills and my dad says I hate the world. Well, that is not true. I just tend to overreact to little things that people do. I know that I shouldn't because I can't control them or their actions, but I was just thinking that I could be assertive. For example, today I hesitatingly went to see Night at the Museum with my folks and brother, even though I really didn't want to. So then I enjoyed the movie for the most part except this stupid person in the back of me kicked my chair and I didn't...
Additional Details

6 minutes ago
say anything so yeah I kinda just became mad for the rest of the movie. Then before that, we went to a theatre that I didn't really want to go to. I always have bad days, how can I fix this and also be more assertive? I'm an aries and just trying to live up to being one if you can understand?

2006-12-22 17:17:21 · 5 answers · asked by ? 4

I'll hear voices talking and dream while im still awake then i fall to sleep. whats up with that?

2006-12-22 17:11:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can talk about every issue on the book, from global economics to the holocaust. All in-depth and for the most part intelligently. The one thing I can not and almost refuse to talk about is myself, why?

The reason I ask is because I am in therapy and as you can imagine, it's been a real struggle.

2006-12-22 16:57:36 · 2 answers · asked by Mark W 1

It has come down to this: I think I may suffer from depression. I haven't seen a doctor yet, but I do have experience in the Mental Health field.
I know that depression is a chemical inbalance & it may be situational (i.e. loss of a job, a loved one, car accident, etc) or chronic (ongoing).
I also know that depression is very serious. It doesn't just go away & each episode is worse than the previous one.
A little background info:
*I broke up w my ex in Oct. - after 5 1/2 years together. It was no surprise, but it was still a loss.
*I moved out (from SC w an amazing ocean view to a studio in the not so amazing part of LA with my mom & her bf)
*I was working 2 jobs (one f/t the other p/t)
*I quit my f/t job to enroll back in school

Now I feel super lost, confussed, I miss things I never thought I would (like my pillow!), I cry a lot, I don't sleep or eat, I feel super ugly & worthless, can't concentrate & i have no patience & no sex! & I'm in denial about the depression. Why??

2006-12-22 16:44:43 · 16 answers · asked by gabster 3

I have taken Lexapro, Anafranil which did nothing, and today i am weening off Prozac even though they have had no side effects like the others which is great, but unfortunately I have found that Prozac has made me more nervous and anxious.

2006-12-22 16:30:33 · 14 answers · asked by Jay B 1

It's getting really bad. Today was horrible, I was just terrified most of the time. If i wasn't terrified I was hating myself for it. Whats the best way to treat it.

2006-12-22 16:29:06 · 10 answers · asked by leena 4

Im not sure what to do anymore. My family are so beautiful and supportive i really just want to feel normal again so i can stop disapointing them, but i cant. I feel like i dont deserve my life. I have been thinking alot about suicide and hurting myself, i am a christian and would never do this but i cant get these thoughts out of my head. I have not always felt this way, but a couple of months ago i started having these really bad anxiety attacks and couldnt get these strange thoughts out of my head. It never went away and now i feel like I am two totally different people. Everyone thinks i am me, i still feel like me sometimes but most of the time i am living in a nightmare, in a different persons body. I want my life back! What should i be doing? Thankyou

2006-12-22 16:18:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't know if you could call this a dream/nightmare. This happens like once a week...or twice, it has no real pattern. This is how it goes; I go to bed, usually very tired, and at the exact time when I'm about to fall asleep...something happens. A very weird feeling of numbness surrounds my whole body and I lose control of everything except my eyes. As hard as I may try, I cannot move my hands, feet, fingers, or even my head. I can only move my eyes vertically. Ever time this happens, I try to scream at the top of my lungs but NOTHING is coming out..my mouth is wide open as well, due to my efforts at screaming. I think i am fully concious at the time, I can think straight. I always open my eyes and see the grey wall next to me, then i turn my head to the door nob to my left, not being able to do anything. When I finally regain control of my body, it's all numb...i bearly even feel it's existance, this is something i would do anything to get rid of. Sorry for the wall of text. Ideas?

2006-12-22 16:12:55 · 22 answers · asked by bklynzcrazy 2

2006-12-22 16:06:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

He has been a dick to me ever since our parents got married, and I absolutely hate him. I would like nothing more than to see him on the ground screaming out in pain. But I can't do this and I am so stressed I'm scared I might kill him. So what can I do to relieve myself of this stress?

2006-12-22 15:38:34 · 5 answers · asked by ibvibkib 1

How come the cops didn't take me to jail when I acted homicidal and suicidal? How do the cops know that a person is mentally ill?

2006-12-22 15:25:49 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ive suggested before that my mom turn him in to a retard center or something but she wont do it! Do u guys have any suggestions?

2006-12-22 15:25:09 · 15 answers · asked by lard_glutes07 1

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