For the past couple of months, I get home at about midnight after an 8-9 hour shift, if I'm lucky I crash be before 1am, if I'm not lucky I'll be up past 5am (unlucky about 2.5 times a week)
I snap awake at 5am sharp. It's insane, I wake up at 5am so consistently, no matter where I sleep, or even if I go to sleep before midnight (no alarm clock).
It really does feel like I'm snapping awake, like I've been plunged into water or getting smacked in my face, and from the second I get up, I'm fully awake, it's literally my most lucid time of the day. There's no point in me trying to stay in bed past 5am, I feel physically sick if I do.
It causes a big problem for me, because I will feel all of a sudden tired, and exhuasted at 1pm, on the dot. I will go from bright eyed to eye bags in moments. I will need a nap really bad, it'll be dangerous for me to drive.
does anyone else have this problem or had or have suggestions for me? Getting to sleep isn't as hard as staying asleep.
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