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Injuries - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

it coming from the center of my back. I think it is more serious then a trapezium strain because i had one of those a couple months ago and it caused painful spasms and w/e when i would move my face side to side, move my left arm, as well as right. But that is gone. However in the past few days ive felt small stiffness in the exact areas where i was getting pain from the trapezum sprain a while back. An hour ago, i went to the park to play handball, because it wasnt giving me much problems. About 10 minutes into the game, i felt like a (i cant find the right words) cracking or feeling something like when you crack your fingers. but about 5 at once. It was painful however, right after it happened, i know something pain causing occured. I felt the pain when i moved my right hand. I can move my right hand, but certain ways cause this horribe pain near the middle and it feels more sever then a trapezium strain.

2007-07-05 12:15:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

@ a party Sat., one of my roommate’s friends challenged anyone to box him in the living room. There was only 1 set of gloves, so we had to share them. We were both very intoxicated. Someone put the left-handed glove on me because I couldnt get it on, but Im right handed. As it began, we both hit each other with the gloves at the same time, but instincts took over and I immediately threw my right bare hand and hit his head. He fell. On the way down he hit the back of his head on a glass table and was unconscious for about 5 min. His brother was there and is a paramedic. The police came and so did the ambulance, but they declined to go to the hospital. A week later, the guy I punch went to the hospital cuz he was having headaches and had surgery for a fracture on the back of his head due to the fall, and had swelling in the front of his brain. He had no insurance. I figured his bro should have not waited a week to take him in, especially if hes a paramedic. How much at fault am I 4 this?

2007-07-05 09:06:48 · 14 answers · asked by BigPrimo82 1

I hate myself and I cut down my arms all the time whenever i eat and then i throw it up please help because im 13 5ft 3 and weigh eight and a half stone I know that is fat please help

2007-07-05 07:51:29 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 9 yr old broke his tibia and had the cast removed last wk, after being on for 6 wks. Now he's in a boot for 3 more wks, still no weight bearing. So here's my question: I've noticed his "bad" ankle (the one that was in the cast) is bigger than his good one. It's not the whole leg, just the ankle area. And it's not something you would necessarily notice unless he's holding up both feet side by side. Why is this? I was expecting the broken one to be smaller, if anything, than the good one.

Just FYI: he's a very cautious kid, I know he hasnt beared any weight on it. And he's not complaining of any pain, just the stiffness you would expect after being in a cast for a while.

Thanks a bunch for any thoughts/facts/info!

2007-07-05 06:28:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

did you hop around holding your toes saying ow oo after it happened?

2007-07-05 00:13:57 · 3 answers · asked by toedoctor 1

I'm getting married on Sunday going to my parent on Friday and have a bruise on my arm and need to get rid of it before Friday afternoon. Please help!!! I bruise very easy and have tried to avoid this but somethime when you play rough bruises happen and now I need to get rid of this FAST!!!!!!!! Any ideas?

2007-07-04 19:02:44 · 5 answers · asked by nursejennifer_03 1

I crouched down one day and got back up real quick and felt this incredible pain for one second. I didnt think anything of it until I found out a few days later that I had this huge lump on the back of my knee which is hard as a rock. The front of my knee area is all swollen and I cant even walk right. I have to limp around bc it hurts too much when i try to stand on that leg. This has been going on for over a week. Do I need to see a doctor and what could my injury possibly be?
Any kind of help would be appreciated

2007-07-04 16:56:30 · 4 answers · asked by lilbella1284 1

What is it? It feels like my knee needs to pop but I can't do anything about it. And it's a little swollen. Hurts when I bent it and put weight on it. What is it that is making it hurt? and should I put ice on it or heat? THanks!

2007-07-04 16:38:10 · 4 answers · asked by Bree 1

2007-07-04 15:45:31 · 19 answers · asked by norma p 2

I broke a bone in my hand (boxer's fracture) and got a temporary cast put on in the ER to stabilize it...this was 4 days ago...it's a big oversized cast that covers half of my arm around and runs down to my elbow, with an ace bandage type wrap around it.

It's really itchy and annoying and I was just thinking, I'm seeing a hand specialist in the morning tomorrow, he'll probably take it off anyway to xray it and examine it, maybe I could just take it off tonight and wrap my fingers up so I can get some sleep? I don't know if the specialist would be angry or not, but I figured maybe he'd be happy because I will have taken it off for him and washed it so it doesn't smell or feel sticky or anything.

What do you think?

2007-07-04 14:45:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just had surgery on my wrist and now i am in a caste and i was wondering if there is anything i can do to keep it from stinking? I know it is kinda gross but i know it happenes but i want to try and prevent it! Thanks

2007-07-04 11:04:56 · 2 answers · asked by KG 1

well igot into this fight yesterday he punched me in the eye but i won he got a good hit but i didnt notice and the side turned black just a little bit you couldnt tell so i went to sleep woke up and it turned swollen around...i put cold steak and it went down but i notice their was blood in the inside on my eye like on the side it doesnt hurt.. is this a normal cause..?

2007-07-04 08:22:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Recently (1 week ago) burned myself on my forehead iwht my curling iron. It left a brownish mark, and I was wondering, will this brownish mark go away? If so, how long?

2007-07-04 07:38:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

No comments only ideas

2007-07-04 06:30:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yesterday when I was goofing around w/ my brother he accidentally bashed my finger w/ his knee. And today me finger feels like it is sprained. I can move it but it just hurts.
Do I have to put it in a splint or will it heal up on it's own w/o one?

2007-07-04 05:50:16 · 3 answers · asked by Victoria 2

It's been Four month's since it stared. Since then I haven't used drugs but when I did, I did them Friday through Monday morning. I've feared for six month's, that i'm going to get a heart attack or a brain hemorrhage because with the spasms come along random, dull pain thruoug out my body, the most fearfull is the one around my chest. Can anyone relate? If so did you get passed the spasms and the fear. How did you do it or how do you cope with it.

2007-07-03 22:12:03 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-03 20:40:27 · 4 answers · asked by Silent tear 2

I have some kind of form of blood clot in/ at my wrist. I cant move it at all because any movement it hurts. It has been like that for over two months now. So they finally came to the conclusion that they have to surgery. I was in a way glad because at atleast that would be a step in it getting better. Than they told me i have to wait over month for surgery because they are back up. Is there anything i can do? Could i do see another doctor? Would they have to start from the beginning or could i just bring or fax my med. records to the new doctor?

2007-07-03 16:12:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since Arnold became governor, all the workmans comp cases have been re-opened. She was previosly awarded all future medical, and now nobody is policing the re-opened cases. She chose future medical treatment over a money settlement 10 years ago. She can't change lawyers now. No lawyers will take the case because there's no money in it for them and her current lawyer will not even take her calls. In the meantime, her conditions are consistently worsening due to her having to overcompensate for her back injury and lack of medical attention. She now has ankle and knee injurys requiring surgery. She received back surgery for her L5,S1 fusion and her L4 is out. The workmans comp insurance won't cover anything. Multiple doctors agree she needs attention. She has assumed an incredibly large debt and is undergoing the legal runaround. The workmans comp insurance owes her money for pharmaceuticals they were to pay for, her lawyer seems to be on their side. Does anyone have advice?

2007-07-03 13:41:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't have alcohol pads. I put ice on it already. I put ointment on the hole. Everytime it closes up, i wash the hole out gently to keep it open. I can't put another earing in there w/o it hurting, but i don't want the hole to close. I put a fake earing in my ear and that's how it got swollen. Please help if u can. thanks.

2007-07-03 12:44:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay .. so I was prescribed flexeril at 33 weeks gestation. I will be 34 weeks on thursday (5th).

My question ... I know that I wouldn't have been prescribed if it wasn't to benefit from the medicine. I am definetly benefitting from it .. but I am having side effects of extreme irratibility and fatigue. My baby also has been moving less .. but he's still moving enough to be assured that he's okay.

I was put on a ten day dosage of the medicine which will be up on monday next week. The problem. I can't make it through the day without the medicine now. Tylenol wasn't cutting the pain .. and now without the flexeril I can't go without it. I normally don't get dependent on medicine ...

I was prescribed this medicine for falling down the stairs and popping my left pelvis out of place and messing up alignement in my back ..

should I call my doctor and tell her about the side effects? I hate taking this medicine BTW .. makes me feel like crap!

2007-07-03 11:21:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Last year on the year 2006 i was very active in sports. At about the month of august i discovered that my knee makes cracking sounds and hurts when its bent. Sometimes it feels like there a glass under my skin and my leg will be weak for awhile. I tried acupuncture for about 3 months and it didnt work. I've not played any sports for about year now. My knee cap is always cold dont know whats wrong with it.The simptoms are in the both of my knees which worries me alot. Can anyone tell me whats the problem with me? please...

2007-07-03 08:20:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I broke my thumb last week by accidentally getting it slammed by a car door. The break was in the area of the nail bed just above the end knuckle. The doctors placed a pen to hold the bone together while it heals. In a month they will pull it out and I'll begin physical therapy. What are my chances of being able to completely use the thumb again?

2007-07-03 07:25:10 · 7 answers · asked by Thomas K 3

become very tense and painfull when I try to stretch or walk on it...what could be wrong??

2007-07-03 04:27:19 · 6 answers · asked by tarheelsdawg 2

Is there a way I can wrap my arch, heel & ankle up so I don't have to wear shoes all day?

What about the various arch supports at drug stores?

Which ones work the best & which are worthless?

I will NOT wear any shoe all day that "traps" my toes.

Are there good sandals out there with good support?


It's not too bad yet & I don't want it to get too bad!

2007-07-02 17:11:30 · 4 answers · asked by Smart Kat 7

2007-07-02 16:04:38 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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