The cut was to the knuckle of the index finger, which required three sutures to secure the wound. The Dr. didn't feel any damage was done to a tendon. After the wound healed, I noticed a round area of redness around the knuckle. This area has not changed in size and shape and is very sensative to the touch. This was 3 mo ago. I do have full feeling in the finger and have no problem with mobility of that index finger.
I consulted with a Dr., was provided anti-inflams, a cortisone injection, antibiotics, topical creams, etc... nothing worked. X-rays revealed no broken bones. The area is still red and feels like I received a bad burn - when you touch it the red turns to flesh tone and then returns back to red.
I'm at a loss.... could I have damaged a nerve? If so, how why would it be in this one area? I have feeling there, but it's a burning sensation. I don't have an infection, nor do I have immobility of the finger.
Any suggestions or insight are appreciated.
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