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First Aid

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care First Aid

I have a friend who has, in the past, suffered from anaphylactic (throat closing up, generalized body swelling, impaired breathing) reactions to bee stings. The doctor has recommended that she always carry an Epi-Pen, but these need to be replaced every six months, and at $50 a pop, it's not something she can afford.

Since we live in Michigan, really, the most dangerous time for her would be April through September, so she'd be pretty safe not carrying one in the winter months.

Does anyone know of a way that she can either get one free or at a very discounted price? (She has no health insurance.)

Where can she go (or who can she talk to) to ask about this?

Thanks so much.

2007-06-16 02:47:25 · 9 answers · asked by biiiiaaach 3

2007-06-16 02:07:28 · 5 answers · asked by rella1957 1

i was at a track meet just got done running then all the sudden my leg started shaking/vibrating. my foot wasn't falling asleep either. any ideas?

2007-06-15 23:58:29 · 9 answers · asked by taylor 1

i see white stuff between the flesh and good skin..what is that?..what are the yellow stuff?...must i remove the assphault from this?..or will it go away by itself?

2007-06-15 20:30:45 · 5 answers · asked by Russell C 2

medicine on it and now its black on the tip of it and the rest is red. I havent had any problems it just hurts and its been on my body for like a week or two. My question is what kind of spider did i get bit by and do I really need to go to the doctor about this or is there something I can go to the drug store and get?

2007-06-15 12:17:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My two dogs just recently contracted fleas in our yard and now they are in the house and they have attacked the family. I have dipped the dogs and sprayed the house and now we are suffering from flea bites!!! How do you treat FLEA Bites?

2007-06-15 04:43:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went to the doctor yesterday and found out I have an ear infection. He gave me Zithromax, which I started last night. I thought I was feeling better but today it's been on and off miserable...I can't stand to talk on the phone and feel like I am underwater. When can I expect to feel better? Usually anibiotics start kicking stuff right away!

2007-06-14 17:36:33 · 6 answers · asked by KJ480 3

I swim a lot in the summer and today when I came inside I noticed the part of my hair was sore and red. It isn't really painful, just a little sore and annoying. How can I make it feel better and not get burned again?

2007-06-14 16:42:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-14 13:37:48 · 5 answers · asked by sweetpifairy89 2

2007-06-14 11:51:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was out side in the water and doing summer stuff and i got burned and it hurts BAD! what do i do??

2007-06-14 10:17:09 · 15 answers · asked by J 1

I know fire ants bite, but do the little brown ones bite too?

2007-06-14 09:09:48 · 4 answers · asked by Moosey 5

I got stung by a bee this morning and my arm feels numb and hurts really really bad. what are the symptoms that things are not normal or that it could be really bad. i got stung in my forarm and it is really red.

2007-06-14 03:31:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-14 03:21:08 · 14 answers · asked by mrsjenniferparris 2

My ring is stuck on my finger and I tried taking it off and it got swollen. Now my finger is literally more than double its normal size. I tried warm water, hot water, cream etc it just wont come off!!!! What should I do?!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!! I'm crying. I am really scared. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

2007-06-14 01:58:07 · 45 answers · asked by Melanie 5

just that im waiting for a ride. :-(

2007-06-13 21:43:16 · 8 answers · asked by B 1

2007-06-13 07:25:51 · 20 answers · asked by boggie22 1

2007-06-12 19:19:53 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My back burns when I'm trying to lift weights.

2007-06-12 08:21:27 · 7 answers · asked by Serious Asker 1

Its puzzling. I have 40+ bites, all on my ankles. any ideas?

bonus question:
if i smoke weed, does the mosquito get high off my blood?
what about if i drink alcohol?

2007-06-12 07:03:35 · 8 answers · asked by lmnopmc@sbcglobal.net 2

I got a sunburn today on my legs and butt. ( they were covered )
How does that happen?

2007-06-11 15:42:25 · 10 answers · asked by Jacqueline 1

2007-06-11 06:44:24 · 34 answers · asked by Darrell 4

I Have a sunburn on my sholders what is the best way to make it stop burning? I tryed Aloe lotion and thats good for temp. releaf but at work when my shirt rubs on my skin it kills what can i do to make it stop burning all day?

2007-06-11 00:39:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


My right arm from the elbow down is covered in rash and it's very swollen. The pain is severe, I probably only got an hour of sleep last night?

Should I see a doctor and/or are there any home remedies?

2007-06-11 00:33:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-10 15:16:54 · 10 answers · asked by Carrie 1

I hit my foot on an edge of my cabinet and it looks like it hit the vein and now it is very swollen, and painful. What should I do?

2007-06-10 11:18:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just burned my finger on a lawnmower engine, and it started blistering about 20 minutes later. I put ice on it, and it soothed the pain. It burns like it's on fire if I take the ice off,but how do I get permanent relief without a doctor's help?

2007-06-10 11:05:49 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

my finger is PUMPIMNG BLOOD!!!.... i got it wraped up right now and i dont see signs of it bleeding through....finger tip feels a little numb....if it is a vien and i wrap it tight will the bleeding stop ? and if i can keep it under control wll it be ok?

2007-06-10 06:58:23 · 19 answers · asked by la de da 3

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