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[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Allergies

I have a 3 year old grandson. Who diagnosed with allergies and asthma when he was 1 yr. old. It is very hard to decide if he has a bad cold or his allergies. But there is a lot of heavy yellow mucus and some bleeding from nose. Hard to breath. When he has a bad spell there can be upset stomach and vomiting. When there is vomiting there is a lot of heavy flem from the stomach. So I had a son that had this problem when he was young then he grew out of it at 2. So what do you think. My grandson has been on zytec also.

2007-12-04 06:15:15 · 6 answers · asked by mamarosa_2 1

I have had typical hayfever symptoms for the last month or so i am 24 and this is the first time i have got it i am really healthy and eat little to no dairy products and work out regularly. I dont want to have to rely on any type of drug or natural remedy i just want to get over it, has anyone else managed to just overcome hayfever and if so how long did it take? please help as the itchy eyes and backed up nose are driving me crazy and im getting very tempted to start taking claratyne

2007-12-04 06:08:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am not sure what kind of food or what is in the food that is breaking me out. one time it was fish. last night it was a shake. and then one night it was pizza. I take a benadrail and it goes away but why is this happening? could there be something in my body telling me there is something wrong? and if so what would cause this to happen?

2007-12-04 05:14:05 · 2 answers · asked by Hilde B 1

2007-12-04 05:04:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband has an allergy to cats. It's always been annoying for him, but lately its been much worse. My mother and my sister each have cats in their home and we are always reluctant to go there because of his allergy. We go to my sister's house often in the summer because we hang out outside. We were invited for Christmas Eve this year and we really want to go. My husband is scared because benedryl somewhat works, but it makes him so sleepy. He claims that OTC claritan doesn't work. Any advise?

Also, can cat allergies get worse with age? He just turned 30, and for the past year or so his allergy seems much worse. We picked up something at my mom's house yesterday and were only there fore 5 minutes when he started burning up and his eyes were itchy and his throat was scratchy. It used to be that this would only happen after hours of being somewhere.

2007-12-04 04:28:21 · 3 answers · asked by Level Headed, I hope 5

I'll try to explain this as best I can.

I am 17 years old and had never had any sort of adverse reaction to eating shrimp. However, about two weeks ago, I had shrimp teriyaki at a Japanese restaurant. I ate most of the dish (I think I had one or two shrimp left) and suddenly I felt a little tightness in my throat. It wasn't stopping me from breathing or anything, but it was uncomfortable.

The odd thing was that I had eaten shrimp the week before, when I had sushi, and I had no reaction to that. About a week after this event, I ordered some japanese food, which I did not realize until the next day contained 2 shrimp dumplings. I ate all the food and there was absolutely no reaction, and when I realized this the next day I thought there was no allergy or anything.

But tonight I ordered chinese food and got a shrimp spring roll and got that throat discomfort again (although not very bad this time) Is this an allergy or could it just be psychological?

2007-12-03 12:27:26 · 15 answers · asked by Ethan K 2

I feel a but giddy too. Is there can one who can solve my problem ? what do i need to do in order to prevent this.

2007-12-03 11:49:25 · 7 answers · asked by Bharath 1

about 48 hours ago.
i got them pierced with titanium.
my mom and dad had a history of being allergic to a lot of metals, but my mom couldn't remember what she was definitely allergic to, nor could my dad.
so i had to see for myself what i was allergic to, and the lady at the counter told me people are mostly allergic to nickel; and that titanium is another better choice.
my ears are still swollen more than usual, and only get red when i twirl them. they hurt a little when i twirl them.
i have been cleaning them regularly, too.

do you think that i am allergic?
if i am, what should i do?

2007-12-03 10:28:18 · 13 answers · asked by Amanda [Taylor.] 4

2007-12-03 09:04:58 · 7 answers · asked by dosch 1

I can tolerate morphine in oral and hyperdermic delivery...and I have also show the same symptoms with synthetic codeine formulas.

2007-12-03 01:20:23 · 5 answers · asked by phatcat4684000 1

Ok, so I know WHAT it is, but how do you get it? My mom says it's from dairy, but my friend's mom says it's from sugar, what IS it from? Cause I have it and I want to get it gone in a few weeks so I'm gonna take whatever the cause of it is and earse that from my diet for awhile.

-- Rose

2007-12-02 15:09:48 · 8 answers · asked by rosalynn7607 2

I am not allergic to those food items. I am only allergic to blue latex, shrimp and walnuts. I like hot sauce, soup, and jalapeños too.

2007-12-02 08:32:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

id be alergic to something u never use, so it cant harm you, somthing like...lava... or somthing. Mabey... somthing i dont know.

Any ideas?

2007-12-02 07:57:20 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was in a restraunt just now and the place caught on fire. Now I can barely breathe and it's making me dizzy. Should I go to the doctor, or is there something easier I can do? What is this called, so if I do go to the doctor I can tell him what I have?

2007-12-02 05:56:55 · 5 answers · asked by Matteo 2

Lately whenever I drink a glass of (2%) milk, I feel like I'm going to barf. I've kind of always been like this. Any idea why?

P.S. I'm just posting this in the allergy section because there's no other place to put it...

I don't think I'm completely lactose intolerant, and I don't know if I partly am. You tell me.

2007-12-02 00:57:11 · 9 answers · asked by abnm 3

I have a 21 month old son who will be 2 in March. His whole life, off and on, he has had some kind of runny nose/cough. This worries me quite a bit. Therefore, I have been asking the Doctors for the last 4 visits if we should do some allergy testing. They keep blowing me off and telling me to try this and that first, sometimes giving me medicine samples or even a prescription. Should I switch to another family practice or is there some kind of strict rule on testing children for allergies? Also, could this have something to do with the fact that he has been on Medicaid all his life?

2007-12-02 00:29:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have allergies during the winter season, what happens is my nose gets blocked and stuffy which causes me not to sleep during the night. Every now and then i take either claritin or Actifed before i sleep and i actually sleep. So id like to know , is it ok if i can take claritin or actifed once a day for the remainder of the season or is it not healthy?

2007-12-01 16:41:09 · 5 answers · asked by air_mj11 1

I went to the pet store today, and I am getting guinea pigs for Christmas. They are so cute, and I absolutely love the noises they make. Anyways, I went in there, and I don't really like this pet store. It is stinky, and there are reptiles of all sorts, bearded dragons, snakes, geckos, ect. fish, birds, a large bird who really liked me once i started whistling at him. They also have finches, a chinchilla, rabbits, rats, mice, hamsters, and of course, guinea pigs.

Anyways, I went in there, and after a while, I noticed my nose felt like it was...burning? Like just a faint burning. Kind of like the feeling you get when you are trying to sneeze? But I didn't sneeze, nor did I threaten to sneeze at all. My eyes didn't itch or any other symptoms, and I really only noticed it after my dad started complaining that he must be allergic to something in the room.

Could I be allergic to any of those animals, or was it just my mind that made my nose sting like that?

2007-12-01 15:02:43 · 4 answers · asked by empouse 3

i have a rash that started on my chest.. then spread upwards up my neck, and to my ears, and downward on my stomach.

i cant go to the doctor or anything.
But what should i do?
to stop the itching,
get rid of it all.
ps. ihave benedryl alergy, alegra, and loratadine...

2007-12-01 13:06:53 · 2 answers · asked by - 2

I have been suffering runny nose every day for the past 2 years, what are some ways to get rid of it? I thought i'd try asking you guys. I have tried going to the doctor, they give me nostril stuff and it does work, however i can't spend my money on that all the time.

Thank you in advance!

2007-12-01 12:49:51 · 11 answers · asked by gilbert 2

I am a 27 year old feamle that used to love fruit when I was a child but now almost all fruit makes me throw up. At this point in my life I can eat any fruit that is cooked but raw fruit makes me gag!!!! Some fruits like Watermelon and Apples make me nausaus just from the smell!! I'd like to know why this is. Below is a list of fruits that I have tried several times as an adult but cannot keep down.


2007-12-01 11:35:44 · 3 answers · asked by bakinbeauty1380 2

I don't know if it's just a cold or not, but I think I might have something worse. When I sneeze, the snot (ew) is yellowish, which means infection. Also, I've been taking Benadryl because my mom thinks I just have a cold but it's been getting worse. I think I get a fever every so often and I always have a headache. Also, my cough isn't loose, and it hurts when I cough. Do you know what I might have, if it's a cold or not?

2007-12-01 03:58:31 · 12 answers · asked by kelsey-x 2

I used to be able to eat chocolate, then in college I remember that I would have a midnight munchy and get a hersheys bar with almonds... about 5 years ago I noticed that if I had even a little piece of chocolate I could literally take my fingers and wipe oil from that little spot between my lower lip and my chin. Then, about 1 1.2 yrs ago I noticed that if I had a piece of chocolate I would get the oily skin and then I would break out.
Then, the past 9 months if I even eat a piece of chocolate the size of a quarter I get hives all over my arms.

Is this what you'd call a progressive allergy? Is there a name for this?

2007-12-01 02:04:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

how much 4 a nose job??

2007-11-30 22:26:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi everyone, in the last few months I have had small fluid filled blisters appearing on the palms of my hands and sides of my fingers. At first I thought it could be washing up liquid causing them but after wearing rubber gloves constantly I still have them in fact there are more of them.
I am wondering if anyone here can firstly recommend a good cream to help this condition and second if anyone knows if there are protective gloves available that are rubber free??? I need heavy duty gloves because I do a lot of washing up with hot water.
Thanks to any one who answers.

2007-11-30 20:14:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a home work question and I am confused
I know in order to develop an allergy you must be pre exposed to the antigen, then you can develop the allergy. However some sensitivites are different some has immedicate reactions and some are delayed.. What is this question asking?????

2007-11-30 15:42:57 · 1 answers · asked by SassyChick 2

I heard that in October it was supposed to go to over the counter. This info came from a drug rep.. Does anyone have any info on this?

2007-11-30 14:43:21 · 3 answers · asked by SHARON Y 2

The allergic reaction is a eczema like reaction over his trunk, arms and legs. But it's only when he drinks a cup or more. He's okay with a bit in his cereal. Any thoughts? (I am overall very familiar with food allergies as he has several. He's never tested postive for milk though)

2007-11-30 13:58:22 · 4 answers · asked by cmd0622 3

2007-11-30 12:48:03 · 1 answers · asked by jimmy 2

Today I've eaten a bologna sandwich on wheat bread with mayonaisse, a peanut butter & fluff sandwich on wheat bread, carrots, chocolate pudding, iced coffee with cream/sugar, and corn chips.

I've been getting a lot of terrible stomach aches lately and usually end up having to use the bathroom. It's all foods I'm used to eating, and I haven't noticed a pattern, except maybe the wheat, but I eat that almost every day and sometimes I'm fine. What foods are common allergies/ what should I be looking out for???

2007-11-30 11:14:31 · 5 answers · asked by annziemarie 2

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