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[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Allergies

Hives they come and go somtimes. I went to sleep, an my eye was itching so i rubbed it, an i woke up with a puffy eye. my nose had been running here and there. Does that sound like allergies or some kinda infection in the body??

2006-10-28 13:56:53 · 5 answers · asked by raylynn l 2

It's been recommended by some people to gently blow your nose when it's bleeding, because it removes the clot or whatever that's keeping the blood flowing.

Sorry to be gross, but I notice that sometimes when I do, it's just a mass of mucus that comes out. I know when I was younger we used to say "I just blew out a blood vessel", but I doubt that's true.

Why does blowing your nose sometimes work with nosebleeds?

2006-10-28 12:45:12 · 5 answers · asked by Bookworm 6

My son is 7 and is covered in hives and this just happened all of a sudden... what can i do for him? He says he is breathing fine just itchy all over.. Please help if you have any ideas.

2006-10-28 10:23:58 · 8 answers · asked by Alisha S 3

2006-10-28 10:12:23 · 5 answers · asked by mary40502 2

2006-10-28 10:07:40 · 6 answers · asked by party_girl 1

2006-10-28 10:07:12 · 2 answers · asked by Crystal 1

2006-10-28 07:15:41 · 22 answers · asked by Saffa_69 1

my eyes itch all d time n so do my nose. i have lost of acne aroun my nose. im allergic to seafood, dust n smoke. i have dandruff. im always in a very tired mood. my head is too heavy. sometimes i feel dizzy. most of the time i feel like taking out my brain n my eyes so that i can clean it n put it back. im serious.

2006-10-28 05:31:29 · 3 answers · asked by bellala 1

I have tried alot of medicines but it keeps coming back.

2006-10-28 03:02:34 · 5 answers · asked by kygal 2

My ears got stung by some mosquitos this summer and ever since my lobes have become extra sensitive. I have a whole bunch of earrings made of white and 14kt yellow gold. My doctor told me that white gold is no longer an option for me. So, I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do. Should I save up and trade up my earrings for a higher caret yellow gold or try for platinum? Which is better for my poor bitten battered ears?

2006-10-27 19:17:39 · 9 answers · asked by Radio Diva 4

Over the course of 2 months my son (5yrs old) had had 3 bouts of illness that include these symptoms. They occour in this order everytime... . wakes up complaining of a sore throat, lays around like he has been drugged, will not eat, then a few hours later the vomiting starts. He lays around glassy eyed and makes every attempt not to move when he does he vomits. This phase lasts about a day. Then all of a sudden as if a switch goes off . He is eating and drinking everything in sight and the flood of snot starts. The snot flood lasts about a day and he is fine.. no cough no nothing.

I think he has sinusitis brought on by allergies that is causing these symptoms. Has anyone else ever experienced this in your child or yourself.. Dr. tried to dismiss it as a cold.. Noone in the house ever gets sick and when he has a cold its different than this.
Will be going back to Dr. to demand allergy test but just wanted some feedback from others. Thanks

2006-10-27 18:36:26 · 5 answers · asked by mahjah72 2

Hello! A few weeks ago, I rode back to college with a sick roommate.....in order to not get sick, I began taking heavy doses of Airborne and using lots and lots of Ocean Nasal Spray. Now, I know that the bottle says that it can be used over and over, but since there is salt in it, if you overuse it, can it dry out your nasal passages and make them bleed. Not profusely, but mixed in with mucus? I have been using it probably 10+ times a day. Or do you think I'm getting sick? Thanks

2006-10-27 15:43:42 · 5 answers · asked by unfguy2006 2

Hello, I have seen window screens on the market that are HEPA and therefore filter out things like dirt and pollen. My problem is that come wintertime, people all around my neighborhood burn wood to heat their homes, and I am very very asthmatic. If I keep the windows closed, my room eventually fills with smoke seeping in over time. If I open them, it's worse (but better when they shut the wood stoves off).

Is there a window screen that not only filters out pollen and dirt like HEPA, but also can filter out smoke and things of that nature?


2006-10-27 15:20:18 · 1 answers · asked by .. 2

Is Dizziness included?

2006-10-27 15:13:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

if given in the proper dosage

2006-10-27 14:24:13 · 18 answers · asked by b5920012000 1

Recently got a terrible case of hives. Doctor said it was food related. I have never been allergic to anything before, and did not introduce anything new in what I consume.

2006-10-27 10:59:06 · 10 answers · asked by Alex_82 1

Someone mentioned the MyAllergyTest at-home kit in my question about celiac disease (thanks!).

Are these tests reasonably effective? Is this the best at-home test, or are there other at-home brands that are more effective? I've never heard of this sort of thing until now.

2006-10-27 09:36:47 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can anyone suggest any good travel foods for someone who can't eat peanuts?
It's hard to buy stuff along the way because almost everything has added peanuts and they're good and compact to take to travel. They're in all those energy bars but I obviously can't eat those.

I'm really stuck. Plus I'm trying to avoid meat and dairy and the sandwiches are usually chicken,tuna,cheese,egg,prawn, bacon !
Also the bread often has labels that can't guarantee nut free :(

I was thinking about fruit but that is a bit messy and strong smelling.

Thanks xx

2006-10-27 09:06:32 · 8 answers · asked by Fluffy 4


2006-10-27 06:10:16 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm having an allergic reaction to it I think.

2006-10-27 05:48:47 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

A doctor gave me meds i was allergic to ( he knew i was allergic to them and did it anyway). Whats worse is the pharmacy let me purchase them as well. I broke out in terrible hives , face swollen the whole thing. I had to go to the hospital it was severe. I think the doctor should be held responsible. My out of pocket expence is over 700.00. I still have hive after treatments. Anyone have any advice? By the way i didnt know about this drug because it's calsified in the same family with a different name.

2006-10-27 04:45:32 · 5 answers · asked by sweetpea29042000 1

2006-10-27 04:11:00 · 6 answers · asked by frawla 68 1

2006-10-27 03:14:10 · 3 answers · asked by Jessica K 1

Any one know a good home remedy for a very sour throat?

2006-10-27 02:01:58 · 10 answers · asked by Lucky 2

My son (who is almost 2) had peanut butter at a friend's house a couple of weeks ago and was fine (it wasn't given to him, he took it from another child's plate). Last week my daughter and I were eating some peanuts and again my son took some, I wasn't overly worried as he'd already had the peanut butter and been fine. However, this time, within a couple of minutes he started coughing and was then sick, but was absolutely fine in himself. The next morning when he got up he had patches of little raised bumps all over, not red, just under the skin. If I go to the doctor and tell him this wil he send him for an allergy test or tell me to try him again at a later date? I know anaphylaxis gets worse with each exposure so I don't really want to risk him coming into contact again without being prepared.

2006-10-27 01:24:22 · 12 answers · asked by Emz77 2

I suffered from cold when I eate eggs ? is it possible ?

2006-10-26 22:03:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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