A couple of days ago, a really good friend of mine woke up and he was coughing up b l o o d. If it helps, he doesn't drink, smoke, or do . His parents took his to the hospitial and they couldn't find anything wrong with him, there was no b l o o d in his lungs or anything. They said that if it happens again then he should come back. This left me REALLY worried. What could be wrong with him? Is there nothing wrong at all, should I even be worried. My mom said that maybe he had broncitus or something, but he hasn't been sick or hoarse or anything. What do yall think could be wrong with him. I mean I find it a little fishy that a perfectly normal, healthy, teenage boy just start coughing up b l o o d out of the blue. Yall, please be respectful and no jokes just to get two points, this is my friend and I really care about him.
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Other - Health