I got a recipe(http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/08/dining/081mrex.html?ex=1320642000&en=d5976d62a4577548&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss) that has been getting great review from coworkers.
The problem is the largest enameled ware I have is a 4 qt, not big enough for this. However, I do have a 8qt stock pot of good quality(cuisinart), reputed to be oven safe up to 550F.
So do you think it would be an okay substitute for a 6 to 8 qt heavy covered pot? The recipe calls for a preheat of 30 minutes at 500F and bakes the bread for another 30 min covered and additional 15 to 30 min uncovered.
My concern is how safe is it to expose the stainless steel pot under such high temperature for such long time. Am I just better off skip the pot all together.
Thanks a lot.
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Cooking & Recipes