Hi everyone
I haven't posted here in awhile but here I am once again . I went 17-18 days sober and was feeling pretty good but them I came down with prostatitis which is a miserable condition that takes months to get rid of and the treatment options are few and far between (and have TONS of side effects). I get prostatitis about once a year and was given 500mg of Cipro to take twice daily for a month.
About a week into taking the Cipro, the side effects (terrible aches and pains in my joints, muscles, bones, etc) were just too much to bare and since there is no known interaction between alcohol and Cipro, I decided to have a few gin and sodas to put myself out of the misery I was in.
Now, I'm back to drinking again every other day and last night I got as drunk as a skunk on Gin and soda and this morning, the hangover was soooo bad that I thought I was having a heart attack or pulmonary embolism. I got really dizzy, short of breath and my pulse went up to 105 beats per minute. My BP was 175/95 too. I quickly took an Atenolol and an aspirin and after awhile, my BP and pulse were back to normal again but I still wasn't feeling all that good. I have been told by nurses that lots of people end up in the ER with these same symptoms after a night of hard drinking so I guess this is normal?.
Anyway, my bones/muscles/joints still ache, my stomach burns like crazy from the alcohol and Cipro and I have had diarrhea for about a week. I'm a wreck right now but I definately plan to begin taking the Naltrexone and detoxing again because these hangovers are the WORST!!.
Well, thanks for listening and wish me luck. I could sure use a friend or two right now!.
- Regards, NFIS
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Beer, Wine & Spirits