I have heard that frequent consumption of Red Wine(I believe it was suggested a glass a day) is good for you. Well I would like to start experiencing the tast of Red Wine however I don't know whether to get Cab Sauv, Merlot, Chardonnay etc and need some help/advise. I love my domestic beer(any bud brand) or an occasional south of the border beer and as far as Wine goes, I love the reddish/pinkish taste of White Zifandel. It has a peachy taste to it served cold and I drink a glass here and there. So for someone that likes a more fruity taste in his alcohol, which type of Red Wine will be highly recommended for me(although I will give all the different red Wines a short)..Plan on drinking a glass maybe 3 times per week with a nice juicy steak...Thanks and induldge me with your Wine wisdom!!
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Beer, Wine & Spirits