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Singles & Dating - 3 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Last night I had a gymnastics meet. I was competing with an almost tearing hamstring.I took a bad fall on my second vault landing, but other than that it was just a sore muscle.
My b/f came and when I was awarded second place, He had to practically carry me to get my medal. (which he says wasn't bad because I am only 98lbs) He gave me flowers and a tiffany's bracelet.
Is he sweet and caring or just a perv like some guys and there to watch the othergirls? I am 16, he is 17.

2007-01-03 22:44:01 · 11 answers · asked by Sakura 1

Is love enough for a relationship to keep functioning?

2007-01-03 22:38:22 · 12 answers · asked by Saffa_Boy_83 2

Me and this woman have been spending some time together. We like each other, get along and everything. But most of our talking is small talk. How was your day, blah blah blah. And we run out of things to say pretty easily and it makes it difficult to talk to each other. We are both shy, and I'm (and I'm sure her also) nervous about asking more personal questions. I'm afraid of asking something inappropriate. We both need to get to know each other a little more. We've covered interests and everything, but I want to get a little deeper than that. What kind of questions do you guys suggest I ask, that's wouldn't be to unappropriate right now. Just something that might spark up deeper conversations so we can get to know each other more on a personal level.

2007-01-03 22:38:18 · 9 answers · asked by Blayzn 4

I'm just curious. Why do women often fall in love with their best (male) friend? Is it because to closeness?

2007-01-03 22:37:59 · 19 answers · asked by Confused 2

We have done the dinner and drinks thing on numerous occasions and been cinema i suggested bowling but she is not a fan of that so i need help. Looking for something fun and a bit different to do in london area any help will be appreciated. Thank You in advance

2007-01-03 22:32:16 · 18 answers · asked by Boney 2

A guy will sit and wait for her messages on IM and cellphone. He doesn't say anything to her because she has a really bad BF who physically abused her. She told the guy she likes him more than her XBF but because of too much drama she gave him before. She not sure why he doesn't answer her but before all the drama (different drama she got confused with the two guys) he did talk to her and told her he could never be angry at her..but now he just reads the messages and not answer her.,,do you think he is afraid of her XBF..the guy knows she left her BF..they are real friends not IM friend. Why he is acting like this way to her..she doesn't understand she told him she knows that they are just good friends..now. The girl doesn't know if he is afraid to be her friend or he doesn't want to let her get hurt again. He is in the military (in Asia he is not American but the girl is and it might be hard to get to a computer but before he did try and wait for her.

2007-01-03 22:29:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been with a guy for about 18 months now and we are currently happy. I am 20 and so is he, but I know he has no long term plans to be with me. He completely rules out marriage or children ever, and I want both of those things (eventually, I'm talking 10 years in the future or so). I would like to know whether I should stay with him for now and have fun, knowing there is no future, or quit whilst I am ahead. I really don't want 2 more years to go by and be in exactly the same position. I know there are things he wont tell me about his past, and he doesn't like me borrowing his phone or laptop. This means that I cannot trust him completely. I just dont know what to do. Part of me says I am too young to be thinking like this and the other says why waste your life on something you know has no future. Please let me know whether you are male or female when answering so I know what perspective you are coming from.

2007-01-03 22:29:35 · 22 answers · asked by spaced_out_sprout 1

Side story: For the most part in the beginning in 2006 I has longer hair, about 5 or 6 inches long. (i'm a college freshman, just so you know...lol)

Anyways, i had it short too for a while. not shaved but enough to BARELY grasp any hair with two fingers.

im asking the ladies here what you would consider better?

there's this girl i'm gonna see soon whom i havent seen in over a year. if i keep the long hair ill look the same to her. if my hair is shorter its different...

hmmm.., obviously i cant show you 2 different types of pictures so consider my current yahoo avatar as the short hair type and imagine for the longer hair pic with hair just longer. that the lenght can reach the eyes if anything.

*Keep in mind, I do not really look like a cartoon!*


2007-01-03 22:27:07 · 16 answers · asked by Legionnaire 1

2007-01-03 22:26:48 · 16 answers · asked by you are my angel 2

My b/f and I were having some problems and he said we should take a break. I was at a very close guy friend's house and we were watching TV. I fell asleep in is arms(I had just taken home third in our conference/state finals and was exhausted) He is friends with my friend too. He called me the next day apologizing and I forgave him since he truly meant it and had changed.
Do I tell him?? It was innocent but a friend of mine had this happen and her b/f left her.
Do I tell or ask my guy friend to keep it quiet?? If I tell will he expect me to not do it again??
What do I do?
Do I hold it in forever or tell him.
Is a few bases nothing or someting?? If it is something, then it was not just nothing.

2007-01-03 22:25:51 · 20 answers · asked by Sakura 1

And how?

2007-01-03 22:18:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

they were toghether for almost 3 years.. and with no warning he broke it of... she said that there were no signs of something going wrong, or that he was unhappy. Then he called and said that he didnt love her anymore, and that he was feeling this for some time... but he didnt want to feel this way... i think it's a bunch of crap. She is really feeling down right now.. and i dunno what to say... maybe u can help me a little with some advice

2007-01-03 22:15:52 · 11 answers · asked by i_need_to_know911 1

If your lover chose someone else over you how would you deal with this? What kinds of things would you tell yourself to feel better? I'm a bloke by the way

2007-01-03 22:11:08 · 12 answers · asked by dsfsdd d 1


2007-01-03 22:06:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-03 22:04:03 · 18 answers · asked by yup 1

make out with a guy..what would you do? i want my bf to but i don't know if i should even mention it to him cause i really don't know how he'll take it.

2007-01-03 22:02:03 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

well, i'm going to the states soon for a semester and there's this guy i like (might be "the one" lol u never know). anyway, he's in NY, and i will be in MA, so when he comes to visit me, of course he'll stay in my dorm room ( i would never let him sleep at a hotel since he won't let me do that when i go to NY). the thing is, if my room is single, there going to be one bed, and if it's double, there's still going to be one bed and the other one will be my roommate's who most probably will be in the room. i completely trust him, and i am sure he will never do anything to hurt me, but i am muslim (pretty liberal, but STILL muslim), and i am sure i would feel pretty bad if i slept in the same bed. i mean, it would be great to have him next to me, and cuddle, but i'm not sure if falling asleep with him is a the brightest idea. what do you reckon?

2007-01-03 21:59:03 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

she never called once and made the relationship onesided and hung out with guys too much, I called her and told her about how I feel but in a horrrrrible way, it sounded like I was giving her new policies it was our first fight and now its over. I never told her how I rreally feel, should I tell her I love her or will I scare her away? I told I agree we should just be friends and I understand why she broke up. but I don't want to be friends..

2007-01-03 21:56:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know most guys stay away from a girl that has kids with her but I find that every time I take my little girl to the store with me (she is only 6 months and I am in love with her...usually carry her on my shoulders to show her off) it seems like every female approaches us and makes some sort of conversation usually asking about her age or name...are they flirting or really interested in my little princess?

2007-01-03 21:54:49 · 3 answers · asked by El Tigre 3

My boyfriend of two years is lovely, but it's clearly not going to work out. A year ago, I developed feelings for a friend (who I'd always thought was hot but didn't really get to know until then); we flirted a lot but it was obvious nothing was going to happen while I was still with my boyf. He backed off - unsurprisingly! - and we're still friends but a bit wary of each other. After this I decided to make a real effort with my boyfriend. I was very stressed (difficult time with other friends, work etc) and I felt pressure to make the relationship work. My boyf and I moved in together 6 months ago but he's now moving out so we can "see how it goes". I think it's doomed - he's a lovely person but doesn't want sex and he's not a great communicator - we're just very different... And I can't stop thinking about the friend I like. I feel terrible for leading this guy on by flirting when I had a boyf - if and when boyf and I split up, how can I convince my friend I'm serious about him?

2007-01-03 21:52:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 24 and got involved with a woman of 35 years old, divorced three kids who told me she was abused when she was younger. Me and her both got involved sexually and I became attached to her, she also had another bloke who was seeing another woman at the same time.

After a year of sleeping with her I really cared for her and we went out and things I explained to her that I loved her which I did I really cared for her but she said she felt more for the other guy.

Emotionally I have been a wreck ever since and I don't normally feel like this what makes it harder is we used to work together and people who work around her say that she used me. Would it be too harsh to suggest that I was abused? A cased of the abused becoming the abuser in her case? It's been 4 months since contact because I told other man she was sleeping around because I thought he was using her!! So confused, abuse or not?

2007-01-03 21:50:31 · 15 answers · asked by dsfsdd d 1

How long will you stay single after a relationship ended before you start dating again? Do you think two months is a great time span to find someone or do I need time to be by myself I head in a different relationship?

2007-01-03 21:49:47 · 8 answers · asked by race1983 1

Is love and beauty more important than lust ?

2007-01-03 21:48:20 · 15 answers · asked by gorglin 5

I know much more about him & he too bout me. He knows bout me through my bro & I know bout him through him. I'm 23 he's 27.

I really like him. I have posted my previous question regarding help.

Please suggesst

2007-01-03 21:47:28 · 5 answers · asked by Meagan 2

my ex ilike him and i don't like i feel bad about breaking up with him
but somethings about him i hate he acts like a little boy to buy him this and that. was i right to move on with my life?

2007-01-03 21:46:13 · 4 answers · asked by iris b 2

Just trying to get a concesus, NO ONE DESERVES or "ASKS" to be RAPED!!!

2007-01-03 21:36:26 · 11 answers · asked by Rachel Green 3

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