First, I just want to say that he is very loving, caring, and I am so happy to be with him..but there is a problem that comes up sometimes. He is also 6 years older than me. He thinks he has the right to tell me what to do. He knows I dont and wont listen to him all the time but its really getting on my nerves. Like he will tell me that I need to find a better job, that I am on my computer too much, that I check my email too much, that I need to fill my schedule with more things, that I need to save more money, that I need to move out of my parents house (Im still in college trying to save $!)..basically he just gets so bossy sometimes, it drives me crazy! Everything I do, he has to have a say that usually comes off controlling. A while ago we got into an argument about him talking to an ex of his (that he has sinced stopped) but at the time he told me "I am going to do what I want, not what you want, youre not the boss of me"...but apparently that doesnt work for me? What do I do??
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