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Singles & Dating - 3 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

my dad hates my bf and my bf preposed to me on new yrs.
how the hell am i supposed to tell my dad ?
my dad thinks hes a spoild selfish guy whos a bully.
but hes really sweet once you get to know him and hes not the most understanding guy but he always try to help . even though he messes stuff up alot.
hes just a tad emotionly blind, stuck up and doesnt know how to say things in a kind way but hes a good guy once you get past his many faults.

but how do i tell my dad ???

2007-01-03 15:35:14 · 6 answers · asked by me 1

I mean not completely for money. You have a lot in common with him and enjoy his company. And the sex is "Oh so good". I suppose the question would be. Would you marry a man for money and sex. And would a man marry a woman for the same?

2007-01-03 15:33:43 · 21 answers · asked by classy lady 1

what is love i mean real love ?

2007-01-03 15:32:33 · 12 answers · asked by it's HG !! 2


has talked about wanting to make out with, and then he got drunk and kept mentioning it again and saying for a week straight he really wanted to make out, do you think he really wanted to?

he never ended up doing it, and i dont know if its because i didnt give him a sign to go for it.

but he ended up licking my face instead.
and i just joke about it saying he was too drunk to find my mouth.

but do you think he really wanted to make out, or just because he was drunk he wanted to get some?

2007-01-03 15:31:53 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is love

2007-01-03 15:30:23 · 16 answers · asked by it's HG !! 2

Why is it that everytime i start to have feelings for a man, i pick him apart until i dont like him anymore? I need help!!

2007-01-03 15:29:32 · 10 answers · asked by abercrombie_qt07 1

2007-01-03 15:29:13 · 11 answers · asked by gr8tkapper 1

My girlfriend and i have been together for 6 months now, and things are great, However, i am a bit confused because she tells me she sees us together in the future and me as the father of her kids, however, she says she doesnt feel the love.... What can i / should i do to prove to her that she is the one for me, and that i would do anything in the world for her, and i am sincere when i say anything Any Advice Please

2007-01-03 15:28:41 · 3 answers · asked by nsguy_2 1

I've read in a lot of articles that the 'good' guys want to do the asking. So here's the question. How do you feel when a woman asks you out? What is the best way of doing it so that a) he knows you ARE interested (in possible romance), and b) he also knows it's okay to say no if it isn't reciprocated?
Would you feel uncomfortable around a woman you had to say no to? If you thought she was nice, but didn't want to get romantically involved with her. Or would you say yes regardless, just to spare her feelings or maybe get some booty?

How do you go about this dating thing as equals, without subterfuge and games etc? Can it be done?

2007-01-03 15:27:50 · 4 answers · asked by gobbolino_the_witches_cat 1

2007-01-03 15:27:09 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-03 15:27:02 · 11 answers · asked by atx_love1 1

I want to get more involved and be as receptive as I can with her about it. She is very shy about it and I think she feels she has to be ashamed about it or atleast make it a taboo subjet between us. I just want to show her that it is not a big deal and that I want to do whatever I can to help.

2007-01-03 15:26:15 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous


I was at the movies at the second date with a girl and I hold her hands for 15 minutes but mine they were cold.
I was excited though. After a while she told me your hands are freezing and I dont know how to consider that.
Oh my.
Thank you

2007-01-03 15:25:04 · 3 answers · asked by ianquestions 1

I have a daughter who is my only child. She is 12 going on 13 in one month. She is really crushing on this Russian kid who is 17. Is that too big of an age difference? I think it is, but maybe I'm too old fashioned. When should she start dating and if so, what age of boy is appropriate?

2007-01-03 15:23:57 · 53 answers · asked by kwightman69 3

There's this girl I've had a crush on for 3 years, but until recently I was too shy to even admit my own feelings to myself. Now me and her are pretty good friends, but not in a way that I think will lead to dating. She has dated several other guys over the years, and flirted with plenty of others. I know that she has alot more dating experience than me, and I am afraid that I'll make a fool of myself and wind up destroying our friendship, as if me asking her out wouldn't do enough damage already. I know that you only live once, but is that risk worth destroying a valuable friendship? And if it is, what's the best way I can tell her the feelings I have for her?

2007-01-03 15:22:43 · 4 answers · asked by Djchick3n 1

My friends and I need a buddy system for clubbing when we go out together because we don't really have one and we need one. We're not stupid or anything but it will be a heck of a lot safer incase one of us is introuble.

2007-01-03 15:22:12 · 5 answers · asked by saphire_angel_2004 2

i really like this boy and we flirt and wat ever but he is still kinda hooked up on his ex girlfriend n trin 2 get her bak. plus, 1 of my ex-boyfriend is trying to get bak with me 2. i want to wait for my crush but should i?

2007-01-03 15:21:17 · 15 answers · asked by angeleyezemily 1

Do you think you should talk to an ex if you still love them and they are doing there own thing now days. They still call you and want to hang out but at the same time they doing there own thing should i just ignore or hang out experiences and i do want her back but i dont know if that ever even works

2007-01-03 15:21:14 · 8 answers · asked by Confused 1

First, I just want to say that he is very loving, caring, and I am so happy to be with him..but there is a problem that comes up sometimes. He is also 6 years older than me. He thinks he has the right to tell me what to do. He knows I dont and wont listen to him all the time but its really getting on my nerves. Like he will tell me that I need to find a better job, that I am on my computer too much, that I check my email too much, that I need to fill my schedule with more things, that I need to save more money, that I need to move out of my parents house (Im still in college trying to save $!)..basically he just gets so bossy sometimes, it drives me crazy! Everything I do, he has to have a say that usually comes off controlling. A while ago we got into an argument about him talking to an ex of his (that he has sinced stopped) but at the time he told me "I am going to do what I want, not what you want, youre not the boss of me"...but apparently that doesnt work for me? What do I do??

2007-01-03 15:21:00 · 20 answers · asked by swtgrlm 1

How do you deal with this. Should I write him back. Should I not answer him. This really makes one feel worthless. How can you tell someone you love them and they mean the world to you and then they send you an email breaking up with you. It hurts so much! I just don't know what to do. He's in his 30's.

2007-01-03 15:20:59 · 10 answers · asked by k b 2


how do you know when you are in love ?

2007-01-03 15:20:32 · 7 answers · asked by whtmt501 1

What do guys like about girls?

2007-01-03 15:19:13 · 20 answers · asked by Regina (hot blonde) 1

I need alot of help with this one. Could someone help me?
My abusive boyfriend left me after he got offended when I
got mad that he hit me & called me stupid. I withdrew from
him and told him things that suggested i wanted to get away
from him,so he left me.
He's been gone now for 3 months. He hasn't called me or had
anymore contact with me since he left me.
Can I be sure he won't come back now?

2007-01-03 15:18:49 · 2 answers · asked by Diana A 1

my girlfriend said that she did't have sex with anyone eles but her vagaina does fill the same when we have sex it feels loser.

2007-01-03 15:18:28 · 12 answers · asked by baby 2

I don't want a " get over him answer" I want to know ... i don't know advice. Because i've tryed to get over him and it just isn't working... I really really really like him. And there is a posibilitly that he likes me, i'm just not bold enough to ask
Many thanks

2007-01-03 15:18:19 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-03 15:18:15 · 23 answers · asked by atx_love1 1

So iam in this dilema... I love this guy alot! He is the most caring and sweet guy ever... And he would do anything for me..I've been with him for a few years now, and things are getting serious now. BUT he has no money to support me and i dont really think hes capable of holding on to a job. HELPPP

2007-01-03 15:17:20 · 13 answers · asked by FairyTale94 1

I met this girl at the club and we hit it off so well. But she lives in San Francs. and I am in LA.
She's gone but I am ust CRAZY about her and missing her so much...
My logic tells me it is not possible for two just-met persons 2 have a long relationship..
but I reeeaally like her.. I know guys are supposed to decide those things, so do you guys think I should just forget about everything standing in the way and go for it?
Thanks, I am pretty confussed now

2007-01-03 15:14:33 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-03 15:13:04 · 14 answers · asked by oneway151 1

a skateboarder who might wear tight pants whos okay at sports


a sports fanatic who sucks at skateboarding and would never wear tight pants

2007-01-03 15:09:33 · 37 answers · asked by kaimoe h 2

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