This autumn I've fallen in love for the guy from abroad on-line very hard. For about a month he
told me he liked me very very much but then he has disappeared (well, I saw he has disappeared
only for me and to others he continued to do the same as before...) and stopped replying my
numberous e-mails and stopped going on msn at all. And this was for 2 monthes. Before that I
jogged every morning but then when he has cut any contacts I found out that I couldn't run any
more, it has become so hard and all the body hurted! I really couldn't run but only walked slowly.
So I quite jogging. And then I got really ill for 2 weeks lieing in bed and then one more time in
this period! Then once I've written such an e-mail to him which I thought would make him reply me!
It was written from the very hard. So when I've seen he has read it and hasn't replied again I've
become so bad that had even my periouds started in the middle of the cicle... So for a monthe I
didn't write him anything but on the Christmas I've written him a big and bright Christmas
wishagain from the whole heart. Ad the next day he has gone on the messenger... I've written him
Hi! and he has replied only in an hour telling he wasn't there, I don't believe this but no
matter. So we talked for an hour, he appologized for being bad to me in the end, told me he didn't
want to become closer as we are so far. So after that I feel I've become bad again! I wasn't
already so bad that last month, I've almost forgotten him! And now all the body hurts again! What
is it? It never happend about any other guys! I like a lot of guys, I can cry about them but never
my body hurts that much or I become ill! And even more he told me yesterday he's never been in
love while I know he had been in long relationships so this also feels very bad.
Tell me please what do you think of this and what can I do not to feel so bad?
Thank you very much,
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