Last night I had 3 werid and kinda scary dreams.
1.we were having sex I was on top of him, we were in my nephews (3 years old) room on top of a pile of stuff animals, no one else was in the dream. That went on for like a minute, then I woke up. 5:24 AM
2.we were having sex again, except he was on top of me, same place same room, no one else. Same exact thing happen beides the position. Then I woke up again. 9:14 AM
3. we were still in my nephews room but we weren't having sex, I was standing in the room, with him accross the room, then he looks at me and holds his hand out then he tried to chock me to death then I woke up again. 10:38 AM
The thing is that I am to young to have sex, and I have been thinking of it for the last to days, and he gave me a locket of him for christmas, with his pic in it and I hung it up so that would be the last thing I see before I go to sleep.
What should I do? And should I tell my bf, cause he has had dreams about us having sex to.
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