I like to help out the elderly people who live in the senior citizens home in my town and I also wear a Jar Jar Binks costume all the time. However, the people who run the home are horrible monsters who torture the old people by not letting me entertain them with Jar Jar Binks related behavior. I used to volunteer there, but even on my first day, I could see I was not welcome. The nurse said that my Jar Jar costume is unsettling for the elderly! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? Then they said I had to stop screaming in their faces as they have weak hearts? Then things got really bad. I saw an old man trying to walk with a cane,, so I pulled out my toy light saber and challenged him to a duel. I kept poking him in his face until he fell!! He said I was an idiot, but I kicked his butt! They said not to come around anymore but I came back that night and throw a Jar Jar Statue threw a window!!! Today I ran in, started screaming and swinging my lightsabre around! Some orderlys tackled me! Can I sue?
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Be Intimate with Jar Jar Binks!!