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Singles & Dating - 22 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AnSWnvH.FZbsn9Y9GAaBnU3sy6IX?qid=20061221064818AAgpelZ - My previous question. I think ya ppl misunderstd. She conducted 2nd test & result was quite predictable. She wasnt preg. I think she was just tryin to act smart. I stopped talkin to her ever since she said she was preg after 1st test & came to know thru sum common frnds that she wasnt preg. I doubt whether she even conducted any tests or not. She probably tried to call up home in August but my Mom said wrong number. The prob is that my Unk lives in the same city where she does & I think thrs a huge possibility that I may bang into her. I have been kinda avoidin goin to Unk's place since then then but I cant keep avoidin. I know its usually the other way round that girls feel low but I couldnt remian strong & she took full advantage of me by lyin abt her pregnancy & stuff. How do I react if I ever come face to face wid her again? Shud I ignore her? should I just walk away? What do I do

2006-12-22 00:39:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tighty whiteys here!!!

2006-12-22 00:34:04 · 30 answers · asked by Mark C 3

Me and My Ex went out for a year and we were each others first loves. I was 17 and he was 22. We were the best of friends, excellent lovers, but we were in diff places in our lives and broke it off bc we needed to live our lives, experience things/grow up/mature/finish school. We've been broken up for 3yrs and I myspaced him a week ago just saying Hello. He emailed me back immediately and was so happy to talk to me. He's moving to where I live over Summer (he lives 2hrs away currently) and we've been talking on the fone/txt msgs. We ended on good terms and I really do love/care about him and miss him. I just don't know if it will be weird ..? How do I know if he likes me likes me? My gut instinct tells me he does. I'm 21 now and he's 26 and I think were ready to get back together. I've NEVER got back with an ex. Help Please!

2006-12-22 00:32:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-22 00:31:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got very drunk last night at a works night out. I was supposed to meet my bf but ended up going home and falling asleep. He waited for hours at his flat for me to call. I feel really awful about it and saw him this morning and apologised loads. He was really nice about it but I still feel bad. Have sent him a couple of texts saying I'm sorry again etc but he hasn't text me back. He might just be busy at work but I want to send him something that will make him smile. My head is sore and I'm not thinking straight any ideas what will make him smile and let him know how much I love him too?

2006-12-22 00:30:32 · 27 answers · asked by flyingconfused 5

my crush keeps on talking to me going near me always red when im looking at him and when he's talks he looks at me

2006-12-22 00:29:09 · 8 answers · asked by sora_gf 1

Ok first I am dating John a guy I have been with for 3 months. His graduation and prom is coming up I am vervious. What to do? Also answer the other question about my boyfrined please I need female advice.

2006-12-22 00:28:02 · 3 answers · asked by Crystal 2

when there are almost 8 billion people around us. Is this ***** eccentric small minded craziness or what? And we suffer and wail and hang on and cry and act out all kinds of 4 year old "mommy daddy don't leave me" drama ....wtf?


2006-12-22 00:27:08 · 10 answers · asked by On It 1

Realistically what would you do if you didn't know if you wanted to leave this person or not?

2006-12-22 00:24:49 · 20 answers · asked by thrgmyeyz@att.net 1

When? Why? How?

2006-12-22 00:22:52 · 4 answers · asked by Lesley and Matt together forever 1

i probably wont see him as a friend till new years eve and i cant wait that long, any ideas

2006-12-22 00:22:25 · 19 answers · asked by jo 2

Me, Rich Lather!

2006-12-22 00:21:20 · 20 answers · asked by Mark C 3

ive been with my boyfriend for a year now and how do i tell him i want to be with him forever?

2006-12-22 00:19:08 · 9 answers · asked by Lay-Lay 1

I found one sign that is used more common among gls in europe. They touch their hair around their neck & ear area . What else do u know ?

2006-12-22 00:17:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

well heres the thing,my friends say i have a sassy attitude and i am too much into my self., they said because im cute and i show it tooooo much,in my dress,the way i walk,always watchin what i eat ,never gainig weight,e.t.c
i mean i have a high prospective of my self
does it sound like i have a sassy attitude or r they jealous?

2006-12-22 00:15:41 · 10 answers · asked by Video Phone 4

2006-12-22 00:14:06 · 20 answers · asked by virgotreasures 1

I like to help out the elderly people who live in the senior citizens home in my town and I also wear a Jar Jar Binks costume all the time. However, the people who run the home are horrible monsters who torture the old people by not letting me entertain them with Jar Jar Binks related behavior. I used to volunteer there, but even on my first day, I could see I was not welcome. The nurse said that my Jar Jar costume is unsettling for the elderly! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? Then they said I had to stop screaming in their faces as they have weak hearts? Then things got really bad. I saw an old man trying to walk with a cane,, so I pulled out my toy light saber and challenged him to a duel. I kept poking him in his face until he fell!! He said I was an idiot, but I kicked his butt! They said not to come around anymore but I came back that night and throw a Jar Jar Statue threw a window!!! Today I ran in, started screaming and swinging my lightsabre around! Some orderlys tackled me! Can I sue?

2006-12-22 00:12:57 · 13 answers · asked by Be Intimate with Jar Jar Binks!! 1

I recently wrote a genius screenplay and went to a small firm that specializes in 'financial backing for individual filmographers' to get backing to make my movie. My movie told the tale of two aliens, both Jar Jar Binks, that get a seasonal job as sheep herders on a mountain, and while there, become lovers. And the hardships they face in 1970's america. The men at the firm were nonresponsive and had the nerve to say, in a rejection letter, the following things: "This movie plot is absurd..."; "..the character of Jar Jar Binks is copywrited and makes absolutley no sense in this plot' ; "Why are people in 1970's america not phased by the presence of two aliens?"; "the plot itself is a thinly veiled rip-off of the film "Brokeback Mountain"'. As you can imagine I am absolutley furious and believe they didn't even read my script, or were simply not intelligent enough to understand it. Is there any way I can sue them for the mental anguish I have suffered?

2006-12-22 00:09:30 · 11 answers · asked by Be Intimate with Jar Jar Binks!! 1

Other than through friends or going out meeting someone unexpectedly. What are other options than the ones i just mentioned. I know age can be a factor so i will tell u that i am 22. Please give me some insight, thank you.

2006-12-22 00:08:39 · 15 answers · asked by J Z 1

Ok we have been together for almost 3 months I realy love him. I am feeling realy strong feelings towards him. Like there are times that I want to go all the way with him but I am afraid of the pain of doing it. I need help, and I know I love him. I don't want him to go to collage becauseI will miss him. Need some help.

2006-12-22 00:08:26 · 6 answers · asked by Crystal 2

Like most of you, I wish there was a TV channel that showed Jar Jar Binks stuff all day, every day. After numerous attempts to get my own TV channel, the fascists who run television channels have still not given me my own channel. So I started a grass roots effort, I made my own Jar Jar Show. Its about Jar Jar Binks in the old west. Its call Cowboy Jar Jar. I rigged up a huge TV to my old ford truck and got huge speakers. I drive around my neighborhood all night BLASTING the dialog of the show. People get mad because it wakes them up at 4 AM, but i figure they will get over it once they see how awesome it is. Also, I sometime bust into peoples houses and toss a handful of DVDs of my show into their houses. Earlier today, I punched my hand through a neighbors window and dropped in some DVDs. I cut my hand on the window do you think I should sue those negligent monsters?

2006-12-22 00:06:45 · 10 answers · asked by Be Intimate with Jar Jar Binks!! 1

i just wanna know?!


2006-12-22 00:05:10 · 22 answers · asked by funkified_emo_guy 1

Do you have any success stories about having a long distance relationship with someone? I've met a couple people online from out of my state but each time hasn't been working well.

2006-12-22 00:03:10 · 9 answers · asked by stardust 2

I don't understand what I should do next?

2006-12-22 00:00:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My BF and I have been together for 4.5 yrs. We live together,no kids and 5 yr.age difference Im older and I've just recently went from 150mg of effexor to 75mg. hasnt even been 6 weeks yet. This arguement all started when for the 3rd yr. in a row I have not had anything to unwrap on Christmas Day. his sister says Doesnt he do enough for you throughout the yr?.Of Course he does! Never would I think or say otherwise.But C'mon would a gift at the dollar store kill him? I never ever asked for an expensive gift, Im not like that.But he has paid the bills throughout our time together including car ins. & my credit card bill with both of purchases on it.Give me an empty box but at least wrap it first..

2006-12-22 00:00:08 · 3 answers · asked by Fool me once..fool me twice, BAM 1

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