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Other - Family & Relationships - 6 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

I have just been given some ani-depressant drugs and am worried about the long term effect. These are mild doses but I want to try and work this naturally. I have read many books, have an active social circle and am surrounded by people that love me...I am also seeing a wonderful therapist...nothing seems to work though. Any other methods I should try? I am very strong and its making me nervous not to be able to handle this without medication...

I have a high profile job, great personality, friends & family and I live in Paris! I want to enjoy all of this...please help! =(

2006-12-06 23:29:03 · 9 answers · asked by Curious George 2

I asked the question on here a while back as I was having problems with my sister stalking me and trying to make my life hell. Well she came round last night and after a heated row she hit me across the face and has bust my lip. I really do not know what to do as it has now made it difficult for my mum and dad. She did try to apologise for what she had done but I don't want an apology of someone who thinks it's okay to hit someone and make them bleed - after all she is my sister. Can anyone suggest what I do - what the family do as there is no talking to her, all she was doing was talking down at me, pointing her finger and saying that I'm pathetic, need to grow up and that i've made all the stuff up. I don't want her to be my sister!

2006-12-06 23:01:05 · 8 answers · asked by Laracroft81 1

Hey friends, why is that a girl has to feel all the pain. Starting from the time of pubery, then sex, and then pregnancy, why should the girl only feel the pain. I am still 21 and i love my gf a lot. Even when a boy leaves a girl the girl's heart and mind is hurt but it leaves no effect on the boy what so ever?
Is there anything in which the boy feels the pain and the girl doesn't?
Why should girls face all the trouble?
What are the ways in which we can help them out?
Support, love, care, affection, security, how??
How can we make them feel comfortable?
How can we leesen their pain?

2006-12-06 22:58:51 · 10 answers · asked by AB 2


am 20 an still a virgin do u think its normall to be, am ok with it but i have pepole who keep tellin me its not right. what do u think?

2006-12-06 22:40:53 · 21 answers · asked by miss shy 1

It's ridiculous. Time doesn't help! It was 25 years ago. I said something stupid to him and I lost him that way. Couldn't forget him though. Then 20 years ago I really decided to forget about him because I realized that our views about life were so different. I thought I had succeded. 15 years ago when I saw him last, I was happy to realize that he seemed so unattractive to me and that we were just extremely different. 6 months ago I saw him again. Can't stop thinking about him since then. It's crazy. I have everything in life to be happy without him. I'm not looking for a romantic relationship with him. I'm married, have two lovely kids. I'd like to be friends with him. But it just doesn't seem to be possible at the moment and I need some peace of mind! I've been to Rome, been to England, been trying to mix with a lot of other people, trying to busy my mind with yahoo.aswers...

2006-12-06 22:39:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

for the girls out there does it really matter? For the boys what size lady do u like or does it not bother u?

2006-12-06 22:34:12 · 7 answers · asked by loopy_loo 2

2006-12-06 22:30:26 · 15 answers · asked by AnswerGeek 4

My girlfriend told me a couple of years back she'd been intimate with some guy who had chatted her up a couple of weeks before she was due to fly over to England to see me (she cancelled) I had a lot of faith in her and I begged her for hours to say it wasnt true. She swore on her mom's life. A few months later her mom died - over the past 3 years she's done the same thing telling me about other guys making me jealous and telling me why they're all better than me and still never shown her face once. Is she a good person?

2006-12-06 22:29:54 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just a poll - if you could choose to love the one you're with or be with the one you love, which would you choose? Just wondering how many people on Yahoo Answers believe they are with the right person. There are some of you who seem very happy, and others who seem to wonder, so ...Represent!

(As for me, I'd choose to be with the one I love... therefore I would not be with anyone else... )

2006-12-06 22:24:32 · 10 answers · asked by Sugar 4

Was in long distance for 3.5 yrs and I kissed another guy because I was confused. It was just one kiss and months later I broke up with my BF and had a 5 month relationship. Got back with him and went through same confusion again. I love him but he's been so angry lately and we were on a break and I made out with another guy but its not cheating in my mind as we were broken up! He found out and got so angry that he threatned to kill me, I know he said all that cuz he was angry but should he be that angry? I didnt cheat it was just a kiss! I have now known him for 6 years now on and off...we are broken up this time for sure but just want to know if his reaction was valid at all! Comments?

2006-12-06 22:14:34 · 26 answers · asked by Curious George 2

i am pregnant and i cant get my head around sex i feel really uptight and uncomfortable about doing it i love my partner and we still cuddle and kiss but i just cant have sex i am really scared it will hurt and i cant relax into it help.

2006-12-06 22:13:29 · 4 answers · asked by rachrara 2

As my screen name defines me, I thought I would ask a question based upon my observations of other questions on here like; "Where are all the real men?" etc.... So.
My perceptions of a gentleman are as follows:
A man who considers the thoughts and others before those of himself and treats people and especially those closest to him in a manner that they would wish to be treated.

What are your perceptions of a 'Gentleman'

2006-12-06 22:08:33 · 22 answers · asked by Boring Old Fart 3

i have a 15 year old cousin and i have not long known him because of family problems. I have found out that he fancys me even tho he knows hes my cousin

2006-12-06 22:02:20 · 10 answers · asked by Laura lvz david 1

I have had people saying I'm a crap person on here because I'm complaining about my partner working too much. What is more important money or family time? If our life was perfect before, why should I just put up with him spoiling it? I have enough money to pay the mortgage and food shopping working part time, so why does he want to work nearly 50 hours a week in a factory working nights? He's miserable becasue he's too proud for me to work full time. I have better qualifications. Am I a bad person for actually wanting to go out once in a while instead of being alone and never even seeing my partner? When he has days off he goes out for hours. I used to be the type who wanted to spend all my time with my partner but he doesn't like that. People are saying I'm ungrateful, but my dad worked so much he had to retire at 40 and his dad worked so much then died when he was 49. I would rather work to live than live to work. My children come first and they had everything before.

2006-12-06 21:49:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

if a girl says one thing..does it mean she is thinking somthing else? is she really saying how she feels? i dont know.....a girl i was seeing says things to me now and again (phone calls/texts) which makes me think she wants to be with me..then she says shes got a BF and that its over..i do wanna be with her but how do i get her back?

2006-12-06 21:29:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-06 21:29:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you were made to give the decision to be a virgin or celebent for the rest of your life, or have meaningless sex with multpile partners?

2006-12-06 21:00:44 · 11 answers · asked by ? 2

I had a fight with my boyfriend and the next morning he called me to say that he was no longer in love with me. Is it possible that he fell out of love ? Or is it that he never ever loved me..???

2006-12-06 20:48:13 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-06 20:43:55 · 10 answers · asked by ABOOD 2

They had an on again, off again relationship for 14 years. For 2 years, it was completely long distance from Washington to Wyoming. Then she went back to him. Her and I have been together for over 6 months and she was talking to him secretly when ever I wasn't around. Sometimes, she would hang up with me and call him. I suspected something, she said there was no one. Eventually, I saw the phone bills and she said they were only friends now. She had 30 min conversations with him at times and yet in several months, he did not know I even existed and we were living together. She still tells me that they are only friends, even though she swears she stops communicating and I keep learning that it is just one lie after another. I have known that they spoke and asked her if they did and she would say "no". Then when she realized I knew, she would make up some excuse. She says that that he is her very best friend (her only friend). Should I be concerned?

2006-12-06 20:11:09 · 13 answers · asked by manthisaddressislong 1

I have been with my borfriend for 10 months and were about to move in together (some people might think thats too early but thats not my question so please dont comment on that) our relationship is cool I really love him but I've been havig feelings about an ex boyfriend. Im thinking maybe its because I didnt give myself anytime to heal, I was with my current boyfriend before I really broke it off completely with my ex and it was a really bad break up with no closure. The other night my feelings were so out of control I actually call my ex, we talked for a while and wound up having phone sex, (Is that consider as cheating?) and at the moment when I climaxed I told him I loved him, then I hung up. Of course he called back and of course I answered we talked some more and I told him I thought the feelings were real but at this pont I'm very confused so I needed some time. I know I dont want to be with my ex again because the relationship was bad. I feel happy with my boyfriend -SO WHY???

2006-12-06 19:30:57 · 14 answers · asked by Damn_Im_Fine 2

My boyfriend and I have been dating about a year and a1/2 and we have been living together for 7 months, everything is really good and most of the time we get a long great and even frequently talk about getting married.He totally caters to me most of the time but sometimes when he gets mad it feels like a switch just turns off and hes a totally different person. He gets really mad, and he seriously acts really immuture, and he starts blaming me for things, name calling, yelling and screaming, and at the extreme throwing things. I think he needs anger management, however we dont have the funding for it. Im pretty sure there is free counciling and help lines, but i cant seem to find any ligit ones, so if anyone has any good ones please let me know. I know everyones first response to this would be to leave him, but i dont want to leave him, I want to work through it and see if he can be helped first, I dont want to just run away, hes worth trying for. Any advice?? Id appreciate it.

2006-12-06 19:29:49 · 18 answers · asked by oOoCIRYSTAILoOo 2


I really hate eating this fruit. I'm not really scared of it... it just makes me uneasy. Maybe because it's so WEIRD!

It's just that the seeds being all clumped together like that is kind of weird/scary.

Does anyone else feel uneasy about eating these??

2006-12-06 19:23:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please help. If I rent it under my name, its a big liability...he cannot do it coz he does not have a credit card to do it...he said he will pay me cash..which is k...but in case something happens to the car it is my responsibilty! Right! But he is a good friend...any suggestions! Please help..thanx in advance.

2006-12-06 19:12:21 · 19 answers · asked by Msfunloving 1

This guy I am dating (for about a year) keep asking me how many guys I have slept with. I am so annoyed. Why does he need to know? Is it because he is insecure? I don't get it! I have probably slept with more people than he has and I know he won't be happy, but I also can't lie to him. I've been just avoiding to answer it but now he is asking almost everyday and I am so sick and tired of it. What should I do?

2006-12-06 19:10:09 · 25 answers · asked by takooo80 1

everyday is the same routine.
go to bed

and repeats.

Life sure is meaningless if you really think about it.

2006-12-06 18:55:47 · 14 answers · asked by Piano_is_what_I_do 1

I have some ok alot i gained weight and lost alot gained weight and lost weight now i have stretch marks my boyfriend doesnt mind them but i cant really tell sometimes what do guys think of them ugly natural or what???

2006-12-06 18:53:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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