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Ok these girls at school think it's cool 2 cut themselves. my best friend is starting to cut herself and I have tried everything 2 get her 2 stop. How do u convince somebody 2 stop?

2007-12-30 13:17:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok so I have this friend we have been friends for like 8 years and its so weird see I luv staying all night at her house but I dont know why cause every time I go over there we have nothing to do any suggestions on what I could do when I go over to her house for fun? (im 13 if that helps)

2007-12-30 13:13:43 · 4 answers · asked by Em 2

My friend did not have postage stamps to mail something to me. So I mailed HER a few postage stamps to do so.
I am STILL waiting for the CD, she promised! LOL!~

2007-12-30 13:03:13 · 5 answers · asked by ♣Social Butterflygirl 4

to someone who doesn't speak your language can you be friends without communications even if you like the person as your friend if so how.

2007-12-30 12:32:29 · 13 answers · asked by @NGEL B@BY 7

When my friend and I were about 11 or 12 we like to play church at my friend's grandma's house. (My friend is a guy.) We also like to play dress up/house type of game. We decided to play the dress up game. I dressed up my friend in a black dress, boa, jewelry...etc. We came out of the room, and his great grandma saw him. She said, "Shawn, are you the pastor this morning?" My friend said, "No grandma, I'm a snobby rich girl." She just about keeled over!!! HAHAHA!

2007-12-30 11:58:47 · 4 answers · asked by Bionacca Waters 3

people can be so rude and coldhearted and mean.....why are so many people full of hate?

2007-12-30 11:40:06 · 11 answers · asked by k c 1

I guess in my life there is no such thing as a true friend ok heres my story i have different (so called friends) in my life and something always has to go down I feel wierd because I give my attention to when my friend(s) need me but when something happens to me its like they dont care after I have helped them My current best friend came out of the closet and after he did that he changed sooo much we hardly talk and when I do call him he either tells me that he is busy or he is heading out somewhere and when I log on a couple minutes later he's on msypace ignoring my christmas comments and telling people that he is not my friend I talked to my mom about and she told me that im better off by myself. at my school there is different clicks and all my friends fall into a catagory and im just me i dont label myself people at school call me names like art freak or a nerd or bad things i ignore but deep down inside im sad what should i do?

2007-12-30 10:39:54 · 4 answers · asked by ♥ A pirates life for me ♥ 2

I posted a questions earlier today and I got 2 responses 1 from someone incredibly young. This is a mature issue and I need some good advice! My friendship of 20+ years with my BFF from High School has really hit the skids over the last couple of years. My friend is completely wrapped up in her lil mid western life and I honestly don't recognize her anymore! She is completely enveloped in her 3rd marriage and I only hear from her when she sends me yet... another mass email with her newest baby pics in it. The last one I got yesterday had 53 pics of her new baby. Her mass xmas letter went immediatly in to the relived details of her birthing the latest edition.

Last year I got married and didn't get a call, card nothing. I sent her a cd with pics on it showing the event.. nothing.

Do you formally email and say ciao? I don't want to maintain this? Or just let it die off???

2007-12-30 10:36:34 · 9 answers · asked by BeeBee 3

OMFG i know i am wrong and i know i blame it on me..but me and my girlfriend had unprotected sex and i am scared she might get pregnant! And her mom told her she will disown her if she get pregnant and I KNOW my parents will hate me to death.
I am really scared..i know i am wrong but i am hella scared. What should i do?????????????

I know my parents will never forgive me. and the bad thing is i am only 17.

please reply only if you can help not with insults and BS..thanks!!


2007-12-30 10:32:49 · 35 answers · asked by angel312 1


Me and my bro fight all the time (it's not normally physical just shouting etc), it's more than just a little sibling rivalry, my friends don't fight half as much as he fights with me. Is this normal. One time he yelled at me cause I was ''breathing to loud''.

2007-12-30 10:28:18 · 33 answers · asked by Ciara 6

okay so i have about 10 friends at my school but there are like 3 or 4 that i hang out with all the time. everytime they talk i listen but when i try to say something they just ignore me like i seriously have to scream to get their attention. on day like 2 or 3 weeks ago, 2 of my friends were talking and they said to me " come on Ariel, you need to talk more. talk to us!" and i said "why should i talk you're just going to ignore me again?" was that wrong of me?and they always like say u " oh she won't talk bcuz we "ignore" her" it's really annoying and i want them to stop ignoring me. i don't know what to do. what should i do to get them to stop ignoring me?

2007-12-30 09:43:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

this is something i wondered quite a bit lately. i am in my third year of high school, and from the time i was in grade 10-12, each year my school has lost a model student. i am from a small town in prince edward island, so death is not something we see often with our class mates. It first happened in grade 12 a model student named chelsey died, later on that year, chelseys (the girl who died) best friend also had lost her little sister that year, then in my grade 12 year, we have lost a girl named martha. all of these girls which were 16-17 years old. chelsey died 3 days after her 17th birthday. then two days after my best friends birthday, she had lost one of her good friends. her name was bonnie. what happens to us after we die, it really cant end, as the song "believe by brooks n dunn" says, "it cant end with a slow ride in a herse" can it, then we get burried, and after a hundred years forgotten about. what is the sense of living if we live to die?

2007-12-30 09:33:17 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

nothing strange in that .but the strange thing was ;he was a women .and lives in notting hill .all she did was moan ;about everthing .then again ;i guess that.s her job .she asked me if i wanted too seel my soul .i was tempted ;but said no .did i do right .

2007-12-30 08:29:57 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

Shes been my best friend for a long time. Shes way to greedy, and makes me do what she tells me, or she wont talk to me for the rest of the day. Im sick of it, and i told her many times i didnt want to be her friend, but she sends me down to guidence, so we can talk it over! ah HELPPP?

2007-12-30 08:09:30 · 6 answers · asked by Alexaa 2

he just wont leave me alone..and plus when hes around his ears block the sun, which has caused me to become very pale

2007-12-30 07:55:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

when i was in the younger years of school(eg-year 4,5,6, etc) i made a terrible mistake. i had a best friend and i began to get moody with her and i didnt know why. we fell out and now that we are in high school, she hangs out with a few more people in my class who are her best friends. the problem is i am not sure if we are best friends still, but she is one of my best friends but i dont know if i am one of hers. i 100000% regret doing what i did and if i mentioned it to her then it could remind her and it would all be embarassing and awkward. please help asap!

2007-12-30 07:48:07 · 37 answers · asked by RitaRx 4

I have a friend, and we've known eachother for.. ehh. 3 years, off and on, and we don't really "know" eachother that much, and we're not uber close. How can we get closer and be able to talk for hours, and how can I try to keep the conversation going without annoying him?

I admit, we don't have a lot in common, just quirky way of thinking, luff for lame jokes, and one game that we used to play together.

2007-12-30 07:25:24 · 12 answers · asked by Juju 2

I don't have many details.... she is having back pain and fading in and out. I pray that she will go to the Doctor ASAP.
She has a Boyfriend that is trying to help her she is in her 40's,a hard worker and seems to take care of herself...That is all I can tell ya....thats all I know....and she is such a good neighbor/friend I don't like to see her this way.....
Thanks in advance for postive feedback and prayers.

2007-12-30 07:06:58 · 18 answers · asked by Bobbie 5

Please, I only want serious answers and also if you are/were in the same situation then let me know.

I feel that whatever I do I can't live up to my big bro. He's 18 (I'm 16) and he's captain of the football team and is a straight A student. I play on the football team aswell and he makes me call him captain just to annoy him.

What can I do to become my own person.

2007-12-30 06:01:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My best friend and I have been inseperable since we started primary school, have never fallen out, have loads of memories together, see each other everyday and love each other to peices. However, I have been accepted to uni two hours away from where we live and last night she text me to tell me she has been crying her eyes out because she won't be able to cope without me by her side everyday :( What do I do??

2007-12-30 05:00:56 · 21 answers · asked by Rhona D 1

It was kind of weird. In the summer my friend and I went to this camp in Standish. We went to this teen dance with our new friends and this 13 year old guy named Josh took her to the dance. After like 30 mins. of dancing she was already going behind the building and french kissing him and she was only 10! Is that ok?

2007-12-30 04:29:10 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-30 04:23:52 · 7 answers · asked by Sweet Pea 3

How would it make your rappore with them easier?

2007-12-30 04:14:11 · 5 answers · asked by Soundproof 6

she is very nice

2007-12-30 03:58:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well today is my birthday and everyone keeps wishing me a happy birthday despite the fact that today is NOT A HAPPY DAY. Every time my birthday rolls around all I can think about is the fact that some man out there raped my mother. Thats right, I am a rape baby and I dont see how thats anything to celebrate. Niether my mother, nor myself wanted me to be on this earth but here I am. IT PISSES ME OFF WHEN PEOPLE WISH ME A F*CKING HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and they all know that today takes me to a bad place inside my head. I live a good life, a decent life. ALL I WANT IS FOR THEM TO STOP! its my birthday and yet I cant get what I want! To be left! I've told everyone not to and asked them to stop giving me cards and acting like today is a celebration. Because its not. To me its a lament of pain and misery drowned in the memories of a struggling childhood. I want them to just stop. I want today to be like any other day. To me its a marker. Its marked on my calendar as the day I turn insert age here

2007-12-30 03:20:43 · 4 answers · asked by Icy Hot 1

i take the time to invite a friend over at least twice a week, my brother always comes and plays with me and that friend, i sometimes let him but other times say please leave i want to be with my friend (im not lesbian) but whenever he has a friend over, he NEVER lets me play with them, he always makes me leave, this time, my friends over right now and i just left because he wouldnt leave and my sister and her friend are also down there and they come up to invite me to play like 30 min ago and they've been down for about and 1 hour and a half WHAT SHOULD I DO ?!?

2007-12-30 03:13:05 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have always find difficulty in expressing myself to the people I care for, which really irritates me...I find myself so helpless..My words are in my thoughts but I am unable to express...PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME!

2007-12-30 03:06:58 · 5 answers · asked by Ananya 1